Low Max vs. Imax 1,2, or 3


Hi Cathe, hope all is well with you, I just wanted to know, which tape do you think burns the most calories, fat etc, I love all of your Imax's, but I have been doing the Low Max and really am loving that tape now, I am 5'4" and around 120lbs. Just wanted to know which tape do you think burns the most. Thanks, Pam:7
Hi Pam! There is no way to answer that exactly since each person's energy output varies as well as their genetic package. But if you give your all out effort to any one of these tapes, you can't go wrong when it comes to burning serious calories :7
Hi Cathe, just a quick note, I have noticed since doing the Low Max, which I thought would be too easy, but I was wrong, my leg definition is great! Hopefully you will, in the future, make a Low Max 2, it's a great tape. Thanks and hope your healing well. - Pam

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