Low Carbers & Friends - October 2010

Rhea - As long as it's a view you like, that's what counts! Shoot - once you get done at that jail, you'll probably NEED a game of Scrabble :p! Are you going to be able to have your menagerie at your new house?
do you all have a chiro that wants you to come in 10 times when you have a problem or can you just go a couple times? That is what I don't like, here anyways. Anytime DH or I have gone, they want us to come in 10 times. BTW, my leg is still messed up, just doesn't hurt like it did a few days ago.

Rhea, the golf setting will be great. I can't wait to see pictures!
Melinda - The first chiro I had here forced things and was really rough - so nothing ever stayed in place long and I had to see him monthly for several years :rolleyes:. (The initial problem actually took several trips to "fix" or at least get me on a monthly schedule....) My new chiro doesn't believe in forcing things and it is SOOOO much better :cool:. I only go see him when I feel it's time for a "tune up" or when something new comes up. I usually only wait 6 - 8 weeks between appts but I have bone deterioration and my spine gets cranky pretty darned easy. IMHO, any chiros that take 10 trips to get things where they need to be is one not worth going to ;).

I sure hope you leg gets better soon :(!!!! Wish I could suggest a magic cure, but the best I can do is send cyber thoughts your way for speedy healing (or speedIER healing, I guess I should say).
Of course! It will be an adjustment for the cats....well, actually Chase too, because they have never lived anywhere else. Chevy the older dog has moved before, but she was only about a year old. It will be different since there is not a big yard for them to run. DH says that they can run the golf course. I'm not sure that the golfers will appreciate that! Chevy won't care, Chase is still hyper even at the age of 7? 8? I can't remember what year we got him.

It will also be interesting to have all three cats indoors for a few weeks. Two of them like to go outside, but when we move they won't be able to for a few weeks to get acclimated. Of course, if we move them in the middle of the snow season, they won't want to go outside anyway. They don't really like the snow. In the new place, there will be a lot more of it too....oh boy.
Rhea - Is it going to be safe for them at this new location to be outdoors? For some reason, I think you now live in a "country" type setting. Is this new place more populated? Is it still in the same town or are you switching towns, too? Sounds like at least your elevation is going to be higher. Lots of questions, huh :p? (PS - I'm with the cats on not liking snow ;) )
I do live in a "country" type setting right now, but right next to a very busy road. Still have deer/other wildlife around. I've heard that the coyotes come in closer at the new area, but all the cats are very "sensitive" to the wildlife. We have coyotes and hawks here. Yes the new house is a slightly different elevation, but in the snow belt area, plus on the other west side of the mountain; so more snow. The animals are usually in the house more in the winter. They just love the hunt in the summer. They will have places to hide when they go outside. It is always nice for them to have a place to run to when something is chasing. Hopefully they won't get chased as much in the new place, there is actually more houses closer together. Since it will be a strange place, I bet they don't go very far.
Ah - sounds like they're going to be living the good life :cool:! Sorry about all the questions - but I'm sure you know I'm an animal nut just like you :). Being animals, I'm sure they'll soon scope out places to hide. You're lucky yours are hunters. The only time I ever had a mouse in my house, one cat ran away and one just sat there and watched it :rolleyes:. I had one that hunted years ago but he died young. But I must say, I could have done without some of the "gifts" he brought me :p.

Are you going to be able to ski on the west side of the mountain or are you still going to have to travel for that? Say - maybe you can do some cross country walking in that snow :D! I've always wanted to try that - or snow shoeing. Don't know why as klutzy as I am. I'd probably break my neck before I ever got off my property ;).
Just finished week 2 of meso 2

Tracy, where do you live again? Was it Olympia, WA? I may be heading out to Seattle the first week of Nov for work
Hi babes! Thanks for the photos Melinda! It was good to see you and your family having a nice time. :)

I saw my massage therapist today and boy, she worked on me hard. I'm a hurtin'! When I first saw her, she had me come in once a week, then we we went longer in between appts. I see her monthly now. I hope your leg is better!

I am in Olympia, WA which is about an hour south of Seattle. I would love to come up there and meet you for dinner or something so let me know if you make it out here!!

Rhea, how big is your new house going to be? I think mine will be about 2200 sf. I'm not looking forward to cleaning that either! :p I moved my kitty 4 times I think and was only able to keep him in the house for 1 week before he was climbing the walls to get out. Then he'd run away for 24 hours to punish me. :rolleyes: But he didn't like snow either so it would be good to move during snow time!

Thanks for the good wishes on my house Lita! DH did a lot of burning these last 2 weekends (which saved us a lot of money by not renting a chipper) and we were lucky the weather cooperated! Next step: talking to prospective companies to construct our outbuilding. We want one with 2 garage doors so we can drive through it if we feel like it. :D

I let Sharon Twombly kick my booty this a.m. (my Monday off), and yes, she is married to the workout dvd producer Greg. Then the massage therapist beat me up! Tommorow is Bootcamp for some more beating. :p It's supposed to be the last week but it looks like they are going to extend it for a lower price and for all fitness levels. I'll probably do it because I LOVE working out outside and whining with others!

Have a great week babes!
Tracy - I am beyond excited that things are finally on your dream home after all this time :D!!!!!!!!! Such a glutton for punishment you are :p! Seriously, I'm sure the Boot Camp class is a great change and I'm so happy you get a chance to do it :cool:!
Tracy believe it or not my house is only going to be 3066 sq feet. I know, lots of cleaning. I'm sitting at the high school doing the juvenile justice panel........oh time for lunch. Talk to you later!
Only :p???? Gosh - puts my 1352 to shame :D! But that's okay - the more room, the more junk, the more cleaning (at least in my world ;) ) so I'm more than okay with that, lol!
Lita , I know it is HUGE to clean. But about 650 of it is game room. DH's special room I told him I was going to have a lock put on the outside of the door so I can lock him in! Oh well still a lot to clean.

Let's see if I can attach through my iPad. Hmm it wouldn't let me so I guess I have to export the pictures and make them smaller first. I'll attack that later.
Hi babes! Rhea, I think a housekeeper may be a good idea to get for your new house! Either that, or ignore the game room. :D I ignore DH's office for the most part! It's his responsibility, and it's a mess! :p

The townhouse DH and I are in is 1200 sf so you all have more to clean than I do! :cool: However, I cleaned our empty house in Vancouver today. At least I only have to pay attention to that rarely!

How did the juvinile justice panel go Rhea? Do you do this yearly?

Thank you for all of your support Lita! I AM a glutton for punishment! :eek: And a glutton for shopping, and wine, and fun, and the solitaire games I downloaded to my IPod! :D I am lucky too. :)

Hey Melinda! Are you still heading my way in a week or 2? Hope things haven't been too crazy for you!

Let's see. Boot camp Tues, golfing and wine on Weds. :D, Boot camp again on Thursday. A break until Monday.

Have an awesome Sunday babes!
Hi all,

I'm on week 3 of meso 3. We had 3 days that were good for bike riding, so did that Fri, Sat and Sun. Had to get out while the gettin' good! Rain the next 2 days, so I can do stuff inside on Monday.

Tracy, the trip is not going to happen, but maybe another time.

Rhea, I think Tracy had a good idea about getting a house cleaner. At least to tackle dusting and that kind of stuff! I wish I had one. At least DH is now doing the dishes and lots of grocery shopping, so I don't really do much of that any more.

Lita, our cats are indoor/outdoor until winter comes, then they don't want to touch the snow. We do try to let them out as much as possible to let them get out their kitty energy. Oh, did I tell you I have a kitten, it is part of the 3 we picked up as strays. I'll attach a picture of her. I named her Mary. I know, weird name. I'm awful at naming pets


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Rhea - I think the lock on the door (on the outside, that is :p ) is a great idea :D! Wow - his room is going to be bigger than my whole upstairs! But that's okay - I'm so very happy for you, dear Rhea, and even happier *I* don't have to clean it, lol!!!!!!!! (Sorry - I can't help but get in some chuckles this morning ;)....)

Tracy - You are too funny :p! Bet ya Rhea would love to join you on Weds workout :D!

Melinda - How pretty she is!!!! I must tell you, the one time my cats (the original two) broke out of the house, they both went under the nearest bush and sat there and cried until I found them :rolleyes:. When they were kittens, I lived in the country and they went outside as they wanted to. But when I moved to town, they became indoor cats only - and obviously forgot about the "good old days" of freedom :eek:.
Hi babes! Beautiful cat Melinda! I hope you will be able to head out this way someday!

My cat didn't like the snow but we didn't get much of it. He still went outside but stayed in on the really cold nights. He really didn't like the wind! Probably because he couldn't see it. :D

We've had a couple of big rain storms lately--we went from sunny days to Nov. weather overnight! Didn't rain today so I got a little golf swinging in with DH. Now I'm having wine and DH said I have to take a sip every time I type a vowel! :eek: I'm ignoring his command or I wouldn't be able to type!

Drill Max on Monday, Bootcamp on Tuesday was cancelled so I did a 30 minute lower body workout with Tracie Long and band work with Amy Bento. No workout tomorrow--doing Halloween prep at work. Hoping I won't be there long so I can do a short workout when I get home. This year's theme: heros and villans. My area is the Daily Planet in Metropolis. I'll post some pics afterwards if I can figure out how to do it!

Lita, what are you doing for your workouts this week?
Tracy - Sounds like DH had some devious thinking going on :p! Sounds like there's going to be some Halloween fun at your office :). As for workouts, let's see.... Last week I did B&G breaking it into two workouts (standing & abs one day, floor and bonus abs another) along w/ ME upper body and CTX UB split. This week I've done my own M&M version of B&G along with BM2 upper work (tripled) and MIS upper. Not sure what I'll do for my last day tomorrow. I'm thinking maybe hitting the Pyramids the next couple of weeks but I may very well change my mind before then ;).

Melinda - How ya doing back there :)? Is that storm that's to hit Michigan coming your way, too?

Rhea - Are you too busy sitting there eating Halloween candy to come play :eek:?????
Wow Tracy, your office sure gets into Halloween. All we do is decorate, no themes!

I've been dipping into our wine stock lately. I'm going to have to stop though. I want to see if the more alcohol consumption is tied to the lovely hot flashes I've been receiving lately.

I'm still doing that Turbo Fire rotation. It is a nice long one. I've been adding a little extra stuff in, but not this week. I was a bit pooped yesterday, so I actually took a rest day like the rotation said to do. (I really don't consider a core workout and a stretch a workout day which I did on Sunday...but with that said, I had worked out 10 days in a row)

Well, back to work. Have a great rest of the day.

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