Low Carbers and Friends - November


Well, since we were buried on the fourth page and we were still saying it was September, I thought I would start a new month for us!!

Okay, today I did Step, Jump and Pump. Actually made it all the way through without too many pauses. I did Step Blast again on Saturday and did a bit better. Still had to stop and pant and then modify a lot. :eek: I think I need new shoes too since my feet were killing me.

Well, I hope everyone is doing great!
Hello Ladies!
Friday night I set up my workout room in one of the vacant rooms. The sun room was just way too cold to workout in. The space heater didn't do much in there.
Saturday was CTX Power Circuit. The back work was ok. I think I'll need to heavy up next time but man those planks were rough. Just as I'd want to give up from all the shaking she'd say "relax down". Oh thank GOD!
Sunday we cleaned the house top to bottom since we had two room mates move out. YAY!!!
Tonight (mon.) I did CTX Step/Intervals. The 1st set I noticed my collar bone moving around so I stopped. That was it for me! I do not want to go down that road of pain again. I had BF come in and feel what it was doing. He thought it was a good idea to call it a night.

Have a good night all!
Happy November, everyone!

Thanks for getting us up and going, Rhea :D! I would think by now that you would know the importance of decent workout shes ;) :p!
Hi babes! Good to see you all! Glad to be back, I missed you too! (I also caught up from the last thread.)

Reece, what is the matter with your collar bone? Did you injure it in the past? Sounds like you've got a peaceful house now with no more roommates! Yippee! :D

Rhea, I pause during cardio pretty often. I don't know if I do it more now than in the past but if I'm huffing and puffing too much to move onto the next move, I stop. I don't worry about it because I'm grateful I can do it as well as I can the older I git! :p And your evenings sound like mine--I just have to visit here in the evenings because I can't get away with visiting during the day. :( So right now, I'm tired and hitting the sack very soon!

Lita, I'm fine with whatever date you want to start STS, I'm still planning for the week after T-Day. I'm building up to it and doing workouts I've put off due to zee ol' dread factor. HSTA today, I'll likely suffer tomorrow. :rolleyes:

Melinda, I prefer dvds as well. I'm not really liking how much everything is moving to computer dependence--our big pooter at home crashed its hard drive on Saturday. Gimme dvds any day. Everything on the pooter has to be backed up so you don't lose it. Doesn't seem too efficient to me. But I'm sure I'll download STS cardio since it will be free and all!

Later babes!
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Tracy - I do think I'm going to start early but I still hope we can discuss it when you guys get to it, too. I'm pretty sure my memory will still remember some of it by then, lol! But I am going to take a rest week before starting it. I'm just too tired to get fired up about it (or anything, for that matter), so... :rolleyes:
Sounds like you need a rest Lita - you know how we are supposed to take those rests! ;)

Okay, I'm not shy about rest days lately....Tues I was in Reno, so no workout. Today was a massage, no workout. Tomorrow, back at it, not sure with what yet. Will depend on how long a hearing goes tomorrow afternoon.

Talk to you later.

Oh, BTW, Presiding judge retiring at end of January, governor will be appointing new judge...do I apply or not?
Rhea - I think you should go for it :D :D :D!!!!!!!!! I just know you would rock as a judge :cool: :cool: :cool:!!!!

Okay - you convinced me ;). Next week will be a rest week :).
Well, it looks like things are settled! Rhea is running for judge and Lita is taking a rest week!

Rhea, you would be an awesome judge!!! Is it something you've thought about doing for awhile? How exciting! (Of course I am assuming you're definitely throwing your hat in and winning. Whatever you decide, you have my support!)

Lita, I had a 1/2 rest week last week. Rest weeks motivate me to pick up the workouts again so rest, rest, rest GF!

Cathe's Cardio and Weights today. I didn't get sore from HSTA so I dunno what's going on! And I left the house this a.m. looking pale for some reason. I'm not sick, I just got my @%&*#! period! Maybe that is making me sick! (It's not going too well this time around.) Hope that wasn't TMI!

Never TMI Tracy, we're all sistas here remember? Just wait for those hot flashes to start in...oh yeah and those night sweats, they are lovely!

I will apply, just don't know what it will be like. I am the correct political party for the governor to appointment if that counts.

Darn it no workout today. Ran out of time. Hearing took too long and since I had sorority tonight I opted to eat dinner. Plus I was starving with a slight headache by the time I got home tonight. So tomorrow, look out! I might even do Step, Jump and Pump again.:eek:
(((Tracy)))!!!! I think you need to rest all weekend long :D!

Rhea - I am soooo proud of you for taking time to eat instead of jumping into a workout and then having a low blood sugar!!!!!!!!!! By golly, girl, you done good :cool:!
Wait a minute!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tracy, what did you say about downloading Cardio STS for free? Please do tell. Aparently I'm not reading messages being sent.

I've been working on STS Meso 2 and just finished week 2. Tomorrow is cardio, so after seening Step, jump and pump I may try one of the premixes, don't want to do the whole thing.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Yesterday I got very demanding and made the time to do Totally Hot Cardio before all the company came over. I really needed it, it felt great. Not sure what today has in store. I'm thinking Step, Jump and Pump again or Cardio and Weights.

Hope you have a great weekend!
Melinda - Good to see you :D! I believe that anyone who preordered STS Cardio is eligible for the free download. The coupon code is to be included with the orders when they ship :).

Rhea - Glad that workout felt great :cool:! So which workout won out - SJP or C&W :)?
Hi babes! Thanks for saying I didn't give TMI Rhea, I appreciate that! And you're right, we are all sistas here! There are times when
I feel like the big M is never going to get here. :p No hot flashes to speak of and I do sweat at night but I think that's due to the horrible humidity problem we have in our bedroom! :confused: That's so exciting that you are going to apply for the judicial position Rhea! Fingers crossed for you all over the place!

Melinda, Lita is right about the STS Cardio download. :cool: I read all of Cathe's messages and more sometimes. :rolleyes: Why I wanna know where Cathe got her clothes for filming is beyond me but I always wanna know!

Lita, I'm sure you'll remember the challenges of STS! I'm pretty sure my comments will run like this: "I hurt today!" Or "That one was really hard!" No matter which one I do. :p I promise to try to be more descriptive than that though!

Body Max 2 today. Won't be working out for the next couple of days (going to Vancouver for Veteran's Day) so I got my butt kicked today. Felt good actually!

Rhea, SJP is one of my all-time favorites. Did you do that one or C&W?

Later babes! Hope you have great weeks!
Actually, Sunday, neither one. I ran out of time between going over to our property, etc.

So Monday I did it extra well with Cardio Collectibles (1.5 hours of step and hi/lo and then today I hit myself with Dance Fit (another interval type but about 70 minutes worth.) I'm pooped but feeling pretty good.

I'm going over to Reno tomorrow with DH, so have a great day!
Lita, I had to work Wed and it was a long day!

I'm almost finished with week 3 of meso 2. I am happy to get a free download for STS cardio, I may just use that when I travel and want to exercise in the hotel room. I'll have to see. My puter doesn't have a cd drive, so this would work out perfectly.

Well, I wonder about when the big M will come along and I'm ready! I used to have night sweats, but wonder if that wasn't because of my thyroid, because ever since I had to have 1/2 of it removed and now take syntheroid, I don't get those any more. and I am currently feeling like crap for certain reasons!!!! I'm not going to exercise today, just not up to it.

Have a good day all!
Hope you feel better soon, Melinda!!! Sounds like that thyroid was doing the damage, for sure. But who knows - I hit menopause and didn't even know for a couple years :eek:. I was still waiting for it to hit when my test results said I was in the middle of it, lol! As for yesterday, I'm sorry we both had to work, but then again, I'm thankful we have jobs, ya know :p?
I just want the big M to be over. I'm tired of all the suspense. LOL Plus I think the weight will get better under control when it is finally done. At least I hope it does.

Only did 1/2 a workout today. I was in the middle of the workout and my mood just got spoiled with DH talking to me while I was at it, him not waiting until I was done to go watch the game at the Casino (he left me at home, but I guess I was feeling left out darn hormones.:p) and the darn dogs wanting out every 30 seconds. So I gave up and went to the Casino and drank wine. (only one glass) I did a pretty decent cardio, so it was not all lost.

I'll make up for it tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone! TGIF!!!!! (and closer to Mexico!)
Hi babes! I'm sorry you had to work on Wednesday Lita and Melinda! I almost wish I did since I spent the day running around like a chicken with me head cut off! Then we had to drive an hour an a half home after that! :p

I hope we all experience the big M the way Lita did!!! I bet you anything that exercising eases the symptoms. A woman I work with who doesn't workout gets hot flashes quite often. Melinda, I think it's very interesting that you don't get night sweats anymore since you had your thyroid issues addressed. My medication for my thyroid was just increased again and I may be safe from any flashes. Rhea, maybe you should get your thyroid checked, just in case!

Rhea, have you had additional property for awhile? I don't recall you talking about it before.

Missed workouts on Tues. and Weds so I did Drill Max today. And now I'm pooped!

Have a great Friday and weekend everyone!

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