Low Carbers and Friends - March 2012


Here's the March thread!

Rhea, those are great cholesterol numbers! Congratulations! I guess if it keeps snowing, you can enjoy the fireplace this weekend.

We have rain here and it's suppose to be around 60 degrees. We went for a walk on Wed, it was nice then.

DH has been working from home on Fridays, so they seem different now with him here. He is not happy with his work, I hope he finds something different. It's been 4 months now. Hey, at least he is working but he's miserable.

I'm finishing up meso 2 from STS then will take next week to do cardio and yoga. My son is at the Arnold Classic here in Columbus, just looking around. That's where Cathe was last year to get some award.

That's all the excitement for now :)
Thanks for starting the March thread, Melinda :D! It just now dawned on me I did my other forum, but not this one. Glad someone in this joint is thinking :p! I hope DH can soon find something better fitted to him!
Nice weather here again. Went for 4 mile walk yesterday. May bike if it doesn't get too windy, should be in the mid 60s today. Biking in the wind is no fun.

Next week will be meso 3, then when that month is off I don't think I'll do that series for awhile.
Hi Everyone,

Hope you're all doing good. I have been doing cardio and a little abs this week, being in between mesocycles. Nothing else really exciting going on.

Have a good weekend!
Hi babes! Thank you for starting the March thread Melinda!

We hit 66 degrees yesterday--first time this year above 60 and no rain to boot! Rain is back today and it's colder but everyone enjoyed the outdoors yesterday!

Lita, I did the Pyramid Up premix yesterday. So we're doing the same things this week! :)

Melinda, I'm sorry DH is miserable at his job! I'm never comfortable in a new job for the first year. I hope it gets better for him or he finds something better soon! I like my job just fine--just reached 6 years there--but a few of my co-workers can drive me bonkers! I really don't like 'em and that's unusual for me. :cool: I like just about everybody. Usually. :p

Have an awesome weekend fit babes!
Tracy - So glad you got a good day of weather - sounds much better than what the weather channel had going on up there! GMTA with those workouts :)!

Melinda - I'm with Tracy in hoping your DH soon likes his job better or can find another one. Life is too short to be miserable :(...

Rhea - Did you get snowed in this weekend? It sure looked like it was gonna get ya :eek:!

We had 66 degrees yesterday, too. It was sunny, so we went for a 10 mile bike ride. It's suppose to be 74 on Wed according to the news, so with the light later in the day, that should mean we can get out again.

I started meso 3 today. The STS isn't so bad this round. I am starting to do things in between sets. Today I shaved my legs! Ha! I have an electric razor and I'm thinking, 75 sec between sets is going to drive me crazy, so what can I do in between sets. So I got laundry started and shaved the legs. I have been able to sort clothes too.

DH is now working from home 1 day a week and that is helping him mentally with the job. He is a social person and he can go all day without anyone talking to him or saying hi. He approaches them, but if he doesn't no one comes to him. That is what is so hard. I have had jobs like that and the day is very LONG.

Have a great week.
Hi babes!

Melinda, you are definitely having better weather than I am! We turned cold again and had a heck of a wind and rain storm today. And it's going to rain all week. It's so much fun taking BB out in the rain, let me tell you! ;)

I'm supposed to start a 90 day Beach Body challenge with my workout partners in work. I think tomorrow. :D I'm fine with that, just don't know how well my partners will stick to it! :p Rhea, are you a Beach Body coach?

Turns out there's a whole world out there with Beach Body coaching! (I'm not a coach, one of my workout partners just became one.)

P90X Chest, shoulders and triceps today. WAY too many push-ups--yuck! I think we're switching things up tomorrow so I'm going to try to find out some info about it now.

Have a great week fit babes!
Hi babes! Hope you are feeling better Rhea! I hate being sick and I know you do too!

So because my group couldn't quite get it together for a 90 day challenge last week, we started over today. And what did I do? Travel to Portland and had 2 glasses of wine with my brats and potato pancakes! :D (I had actually been looking forward to this meal long before I joined the challenge.)

2 members of the group haven't checked in so I dunno how well we'll do this week either! :p

I did much better on my eating this past weekend than I have in months. Yippee! It feels good to make healthier choices and not grab junk due to convenience. So the challenge has helped already. :)

I hope everyone is feeling good this week!!
Rhea, I hope you are better now. Slow month on this board.

We have had very warm temps, been upper 70s and past 2 days around 84 degrees. Went for some great bike rides, just had to be outside. Great mood booster. Now today it looks like rain is coming in. I'm just doing yoga today for some stretching.

I'm in week 2 of meso 3. It's been going pretty good, not feeling too board with it.

Have a nice weekend.
Hi babes! I been hearin' 'bout that awesome weather back east! I want some of that! :D

We did get great days yesterday and today but our temps didn't hit 60 even. But I'll take it!

Going to CA on Thurs and hoping it's a little warmer there, or at least sunny! It hasn't been warm on the west coast much this spring.

Doing pretty well on my challenge. I've lost 1-2 pounds (can't remember exactly what I weighed at the Dr. in Feb. when I last got weighed before I got on the MM last week) so I am pretty happy! Haven't eaten junk or been to my beloved Taco Bell either. As long as things taste good and I'm not restricting things too much, I can do it!

Still doing Chalean Extreme at work and running with BB after work or doing another type of short workout. I miss my longer workouts sometimes but I'm not feeling dread factors right now and I am grateful for that! Let's hear it for premixes!
I'm finally better. Ended up being off of work for an entire week; then last week, worked, but no exercise. Today, back at P90X and just started off the second training phase. (I decided to count the two weeks off from exercise as my recovery week even though none of the yoga or core work got done. I'll be ready for it next time.

I hope the only thing you get here in CA is the rain Tracy. There is a cold storm front moving in this evening. But Thurs should be only a chance of showers/snow here. Hopefully you won't get it in the mountain passes through Oregon.

How do you like Chalene? I really do like the workouts, I might have to do that round after P90X2. (geez, I think that would put me around Sept doing a round of Chalene.)

Talk to ya'll later.

BTW, it is great having a full staff, I feel a little lazy sometimes!
Hi babes! Good to see you back here and feeling better Rhea! And I am THRILLED to hear you have a full staff now!!! You deserve to be lazy even though I know you aren't. :)

I like Chalene, but I've only done the Burn Circuit workouts so far. We are limited by the weight amounts at work (Our highest weight is 15 lbs for dumbbells) so I don't always get to go as heavy as I would like, but she is effective! And one of my workout buddies wants to do the Brazilian Butt Lift series after that. So I think my next year may be planned for me! :p Are you doing the shakeology? I am but haven't noticed a difference in my weight. My clothes seem to be a tad bit looser though so I'll take it!

We are flying to CA so I don't have to worry about the drive. I've done the drive before and must say I prefer to fly. :D

Melinda and Lita: Hellloooo! Where are you sweet ladies? I've been letting Cathe kick my abs every morning at 10:00. She's so good at that!!
Tracy - Hope you're having a great trip!

Melinda - You hanging in there?

Rhea - Glad you're feeling better!

The April thread is here :).

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