Long and lean vs. bulky

It looks to me like more muscle and lower body fat (though Cathe has never been "fat").

I know Cathe worked with a personal trainer before doing the HC series, so definitely some heavy lifting was in the mix (I doubt that bands and stability ball gave her that look, but I might be wrong, especially since bands at the end of a set could give cuts).
I keep reading the description "long and lean" as the ideal female body appearance, but have no idea what this is supposed to mean. As far as I'm concerned, Cathe does not look that much different now than she did in her MIC & MIS days. She CERTAINLY was not "bulky" back then! Another description that I'd like to have clarified is "toned." So much of how you look depends not on how you work out, but rather what you eat. If you eat too much, you will indeed get "bulky!"
Just Do It! :)
Hi I know you posted this a way long time ago.
I was wondering if Cathe's body changes were due to being pregnant at different times?
I noticed alot of the girls from the Firm also transformed their bodies drastically, I kept asking what they had done to achieve this look. I was told it was do to clean eating.
Have you learned anything since you last posted this message?
Well - I was doing Cardio Hits the other day - and this was back in the 90's for Cathe. She was more bulky with muscle, but of course still looks fabulous (even in the clothing that is now outdated - ha ha!)

I feel like Cathe may say something about her diet - and "eating clean" now. This may help contribute to the long and lean effect.

Not sure though!

Would love to hear from Cathe! :)

"Life is short so be the best you can be every day of your life!"

"Running feels great for my soul!"

>I don't think her body looks that different--she just wears
>much better clothes now (fashion can be a harsh mistress).

I agree with this - the clothes of today are much more flattering than the clothes of 15 years ago!

Not a dumb question because it took me a while to figure out. By posting a reply to a string you "bump" it up to the top of the list. It's a way to get more folks to see a message. HTH


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