Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

This morning I did Kelly's Cardio Pump workout # 1, 30 minutes, heart rate average 139, max 172, 2,775 steps. I then did workout #2 pump weights, 30 minutes, (no warm up) heart rate average 112, max 143, 364 steps, 159 calories. Total time was 60 minutes, 367 total calories burned.
weights each set is 1 minute long
alternating press 2 20# dbs
upright rows 2 15# dbs
alternating lateral raise 2 12# dbs
alternating supination curls 17.5 # dbs
hammer curls 17.5# dbs
alternating front curls 12# dbs
deadlifts 25# dbs
squats out 15# dbs
reverse lunges 15# dbs
lawnmower rows 15# db 30 secconds right 30 seconds left
reverse fly 15# dbs
run rows 12# dbs
squats 25# dbs (should have used 30's)
lunges 17.5# dbs
plie pulses 25# dbs
wide bench press 17.5# dbs
flies 15# dbs
2 alternating bench press with runs 12# dbs

Belinda, I seem to have a lot of busy stuff lately and tend to forget or get here really late. Good you got your workout in and already posted.
Hi everyone! We got back from our vacation last night. I had time to purchase the JessicaSmith set downloads and do the Metabolic Conditioning and the Step workout. Good way to get back into the groove after a week of no workouts. We did some hiking but that was it!!

I like the purple player - I haven't figured out how to Chromecast but it works great on Roku... just up and down through the menu and click to select.

I also signed up for the free 7 days of OnDemand and downloaded the app. This morning I did Strong & Sweaty Cycle Sweat. It was a good workout. I really like the OnDemand app. I kinda wish I hadn't bought all the DVDs so I could just do OnDemand but it seems like a waste to sign up when I already have almost all I want.
Hi everyone,

I did another SBF Stretch today, that's it.

Doreen - glad you like OnDemand. I feel the same way, wished I had bought all those DVD's.

Diane Sue - I agree! hope you had a wonderful and relaxing weekend.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.
No workout again today. My daughter and I took the grandchildren to a nature center that has a playground yesterday. Our neighborhood playground was closed down and fenced in for what I hope is remodeling. My husband is making part of our loft room into a bedroom and had my son and grandson here helping yesterday and it was better taking the 3 and 9 year old somewhere for awhile. Hopefully I can get a workout in tomorrow. I have so many extra things I need to get done. I bought my first Christmas gift yesterday for my youngest grandchild. That would be the easy one. Teenagers are much harder.

Doreen, I have all of Cathe's except the Abs Hits so on Demand would be a total waste for me, other than being able to use the workout blender. I like the premixes on the dvds. I don't recall if you get that with on demand without making your own mix. My favorite Spin of Cathe's is Pedal Power. I have all of them.
Good morning,

Today I did a 3 mile walk, STS D13.

Diane Sue - I have all the Cathe workouts too. I think it's a great idea for people that starting out with Cathe. You do get the premixes with OnDemand. I will not buy anymore Cathe dvd's in the future, will try them for a month at a time. This way I get to try them for a month without spending lots of money in case I don't like them. I am following the new workouts, don't see anything new. Looks like the same as here other workouts? I am ready to see some clips soon.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Belinda- Are you going to cancel your pre-order for Fit Splits then and just do On Demand?

I did STS total body with no bonus burns this morning. Its a good workout - lots of deadlifts which I like. I was considering buying it for Black Friday downloads deal at 40% off but then I just got overwhelmed thinking about how much I have and how much I have already ordered that is still coming later this year and I'm going to resist!!
Doreen - I am waiting for clips on the Fit Splits. I am really thinking about canceling my pre order and just do On Demand. The Fit Splits pic that Cathe posted looks the same as her other workouts. I should use what I already have instead of buying more. So, what did you buy? LOL!
Today I did Ripped With Hiit Legs, 49 minutes, 292 calories, heart rate 119 average, 150 max. Maybe some cardio tomorrow, I have no definite plan this week. I sort of wanted to do Strength and Stamina , but I had grandchildren and the dog and thought the kettlebell swings might not be a good idea.
Weights today
squats 20# dbs 24 reps
plie squats 45# db 16 reps
static lunge right side 25# dbs 16 reps
squats 25# dbs
plie squats 45# db 16 reps
wood chop side lunge chops 10# db 24/24 reps
explosive side lunge 12# db
cross back lunges 15# dbs
low pulse lunges 20# dbs
Dead lift 30# dbs 16 reps
dead lift wide stance 30# dbs 16 reps
walking lunges 15# dbs 6 passes

Belinda, I think it would be hard to come up with something a lot different. Maybe adding new equipment or something. Some different music. I don't know. It seems most instructors have a certain style of their own. I do not get excited about workouts that require me to add to my gym too much. To be honest I have not looked at the workout clips to many times. I just know if I did not get them I would be wanting them later and I would rather pay for them at the pre-sale prices. I usually find something that I love on a workout that I will use when mixing things up.

Doreen, STS Total Body is a great workout. I just have certain instructors like Kelly and Cathe that I will purchase most of the time, but many of them I tend to only want a few particular ones, but not everything that they make. I still am on the fence on some of the Beach Body Workouts. There are those that I think I would like to try before I purchase because there is not premixes etc., many give the feeling of repetitiveness if you buy the whole set, and they cost too much. I really do not want to sign up for their streaming either. I know there are some new Beast workouts that are streaming only from what I understand. No dvds.
Hi everyone,

I did JS D13 Step Cardio Jam + SBF Fit for Fall Challenge D2 UB Circuit + Caribbean workouts: BC #1.

Dianne Sue - I used to think like you about wanting every new workouts. I already feel very overwhelmed with the dvd's I already have, adding more of the same stuff just doesn't make any sense to me anymore. I been following the Minimalist on FB and SimpLESSity Decluttering Program ( I payed for that one) by Alejandra Costello. Both really opened my eyes on how much we consume. Do I really need more workout dvd's? The answer is no! I only can workout so much every day. I feel like I am already workout out too much every day. If I buy more dvd's I feel pressured, meaning I have to do double up in oder to get them all in. I see things with differently. The SimpLESSity Decluttering Program really helped me to let go of things, really don't need it. Less is more! Enjoy life with less stuff. We all have way to much and let consumer tell us we need more. I am not saying, I stop working out. I am just saying a little less. If I look at the unwrapped dvd's I still have, I get stressed out. I am asking myself "why did I buy so many workout dvd's?". Cathe's older workout dvd's probably one of her best, haven't done them in years. Why buy more, if nothing really changed? Both those programs really make me see things from a different respective. The SimpLESSity Decluttering program is helping me to let go of a lot of things that I haven't used/no longer need. Why hold on to those things? We all have stuff we think we use later, lol :)

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
I hear you Belinda! The more new workouts I have the more stressed I am to get through them and then feel bad if I skip a day or whatever.

I actually did NOT buy any Dvd or downloads on the Black Friday sale! Yeah me.

And Diane Sue- I've decided I will not buy anymore Beachbody workouts.... too much enterTRAINment in their production/marketing and an entire set feels all the same. At least with Cathe you get cardio and weights and kickbox and metabolic stuff all mixed around.

Last night I picked up Jessica Smith Walk On Dvd from the library and did 2 of the 15 min workouts to get my steps in.
This morning I did Pedal Power premix that was 40 minutes. Its a good cycle workout - not to much of the single count seated to standing which I have discovered I don't like! I need a few counts up and down.
Doreen - I am glad I am not the only one that gets stressed out. Too much pressure, lol. I didn't buy any dvd's or downloads on BF. I only bought a few workout clothes. That's it! How did you like the Walk On dvd?
Today I did Ice Boot camp Circuit 49 minutes, 283 calories, 2,196 steps.

I used to feel somewhat stressed when I would look at all of those workouts. It doesn't bother me that much anymore. I have done every one of them that I have. I have just learned that when I hear others talking about a workout and how great it is, I wait till the fervor dies down and see if they are continuing to do them or looking for something else. Everyone wants to love what they spend their money on. I want to know what kind of results and get more of a chance to look at video clips and think about it. I only have a couple of instructors that I trust enough to purchase their workouts and not worry that it is going to be something I won't use.

Belinda, I have an Urban Rebounder, not the Jump Sport. With Cathe's, I usually have it set in a corner of the room and get on it for things like flying jacks and angels and tuck jumps. It really does save the knees and you still get an excellent workout.

Doreen, youtube is a great place to get new workouts. I got a couple of other Tracey Long workouts from the library to play around with today.
A few years ago I signed up for the Pump One fitness app. You can stream all different instructors there too, including Cathe. I should check into it again now that my technology is more up-to date. I forgot about it until it I downloaded the OnDemand app for the 7 day free trial.

In other news I saw that KCM's RAW is still in the works - just has just put it on the back burner while she finished her set.... which I wished I had waited to buy the downloads of that set now that I know how purple player works.

This morning I did the Fit Tower Total body On Demand. This one I did feel like there were really some new moves. I really liked it.
Happy Hump Day, everyone,

STS M2 D14 legs + SBF Int/Adv Bare + 3 mile walk + JS D13 Barre Sculpt is done. I only will workout like this until Jan, than I will back off a bit.

Doreen - I need to check out Pump On Fitness app. Never heard of them before? I really like the purple player too. So easy to use. Good job on TB today.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day. Can't believe how warm it is outside. It's almost 64'.
Today's workout was Ripped with Hiit Circuit Upper with abs no blasts, 54 minutes, 119 average heart rate, 159 max heart rate, 303 calories, 1,561 steps. I then did Kelly Coffey Muscle Up Chest and Back premix skipping the warm up, 15 minutes, 65 calories, heart rate average 108, max 125. Total time 69 minutes, 371 calories.
weights for muscle up
Rows 25 , 30,30 dbs superset with bench press 15, 20,20 dbs
lawnmowers 30,30,30 db superset with flies 15, 20, 20 dbs
pull overs 30,30 db superset with push ups 2 sets of each

Doreen, I have not heard of that fitness app. I like those FIt Tower Total Body 1 leg squat type of things toward the end. That really is a good total body workout.

Belinda, good job on your workout today.

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