Kickboxing Video


Active Member
I have Cardio Kicks and am thinking about ordering the CTX Kickboxing Video. Is it the same workout as CK. Is it longer, shorter? If I invest, I'd like a little variety. Thanks.
CTX Kickboxing is half the length of CardioKicks and much easier in my opinion. I use it on wimpy days since I think it's about the easiest cardio of Cathe's. It's like StepHeat, only shorter as far as intensity if that helps. I like to own it because it's sometimes needed (a short easy workout) but also I do the biceps workout pretty often.
Hi Skinny,
No, CTX Kickbox is different from CK. CK is very cardio-routine oriented for most of the workout, but uses kickboxing moves within the cardio. It is a highly intense cardio workout, IMO. There is a drill section, but it is separate from the cardio workout. The cardio workout including warm up is about 40 minutes; the drills section after the cardio os about 15 mins.

Kickbox is more drill-oriented, all the way around. It is still intense, IMO, but definitely not as intense as CK. There IS a section that I'd describe as a jumprope-into-plyos interval, about 15 mins into the workout. So it is still intense as a workout, even though it is short.
Thanks alot for the clarification. Is the music motivating. That's always a prerequisite for home videos. Thanks again.
The music is motivating. The plyo-interval phase is "just" 32 plyo-scissors, once for each side. A total of 64. Pretty intense. One day I did them all and I have done them all ever since. This is a worthwhile workout and the abs section is top-notch, my favorite of all abs sections.
I have got yo jump in here. Kickbox is my favorite between the two workouts. I just like the cardio section alot better than I do in CK. However, what I am about to do this morning is, do the warmup and workout of kickbox minus the drills, and the cardio part of CK minus the drills. I have it set up and ready to go!! I like the drills, I just thought I'd switch things up a bit:)!
Anyway, CTX is definately worth getting in my opinion. At first I didn't like CK, CM, or CTX very much. Now I think they're all an awesome series! But when I first di all of the CTX's, I evn made the comment then that kickbox was my favorite.
Ok, there's my 2cents. Time to go kickbox myself:)!

Good Luck!!

Ha, ha! Thanks so much for the input. Happy holidays to you!! Another question, when you have a minute. I'm currently using dumbells for weight training and plan to use one of Cathe's weight videos using barbells. In your opinon, which one should I start out with? I'm only up to about 15 pounds with dumbells - range from 8 - 15 pounds. I should mention I'm also 49 and about Cathe's size - minus the great muscle she's got working. Thanks

Mary Ann
Do you have MIS?? I was using that one before I got my barbell. She does flies with 20's. YEAH RIGHT!! I still only do them with 15's at the most!! All the exercises can be substitiuted with dumbells, when she does barbell rows, be sure to change up you hands with the dumbells(palms facing your thighs, and palms away from your thighs) you'll hit different parts of your lats that way. Also I think 8-15lbs are the perfect range to start with this video.
Alrighty then, there's my 2cents again:)! Hope I helped ya'!


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