~~~~~~Kettlebell Weekend Report~~~~~~


Just getting us started.

Yesterday and today are rest days for me. I am in Florida for a wedding but I will be back tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!

Good MOrning

Today was Empire State. I haven't done this workout in forever! I forgot how much I like Beth and Anthony's instructions, good reminders on form and how many options there are to do this one workout:) I think I may do this again on Monday with the out of order rounds option! I am happy to say my squats looked more like Beth's than Anthonys and that must be okay since she does them not as low like me. funny how I can get low with squats with Diva but not the dvds. I am guessing my body must be really warmed up with Diva!!**ha ha**I am also thinking Providence wears me out and would be better to do on a Saturday when I can have the next day as a rest.

Here's my workout:
Empire State

Round 1: warm up: mountain climbers/ Russian twist/ chest presses - 30#

Round 2: swings/ half get-up/ suitcase row - 30#

Round 3: lunge cocktail/ side plank/ super Plank - 30#

Round 4: squats/ bottom windmill/ crush curls - 25# squats/ 30# others

Round 5: one leg dead lift to a row/ Janda sit-up/ tricep extention - 30#

Round 6: overhead lunge/ figure 8 to a hold/ clean and press - 30#

Round 7: suitcase dead lift/ Punch Matrix/ Side snatches - 30#/ 25#deadlift (used 2 kb)/ 25# side snatches

Round 8: H2H sumo dead lift or plie to releve/ Pull Over to a Get-up Sit-up/ Hot Potatoe - h2h 35#/ 30# sit up/ 25# hot p

Round 9: super Burpee/ Banana Rolls/ Tricep push up

Snatch test: 4 minutes (high pull/ snatch) - 25#

Deadlifts:: 5X 85#

tababta:: jumprope

*** comments:::
*used 1 kb all rounds except round 7
* no rests between rounds
*considering next week, jumping rope between rounds instead of skipping rests

Rhonda::: Enjoy the wedding festivities!!

Missy::: I hope everyone had fun at your DDs party!

Andilynn::: Yea to heavy squats!!

Jane::: How brutal was the workout???

Gayle::: How was cc on the dreadmill!? I'm sure your first time was not a fluke!!

Marcy::: Looks like you are enjoying the squeeze workouts! good job on the pullups!

I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Our plans are just to hang around, DH is working this weekend
What is everyone else's plans?

eta: Jane, I was reading The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly. A really good book!! Highly recommend it!
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Hi Everyone!

The workout last night was fun, although I couldn't run because the rain had made my road too muddy (I live on a dirt road). So I subbed 150 jump rope for the run portion and added in slam balls with my new 25# med ball. I loved it but only got in 2 rounds before it started raining again. The 2 rounds took me about 30 minutes.

This morning I got in a 4 mile run and am going to do the all weight pre-mix of Cathe's 4DS. I haven't done that a long time.

Deanie ~ great workout this morning. Thanks for the book recommendation. I'm always on the lookout for good books!

Rhonda - Have fun in Florida. I live about 20 minutes from the Florida state line and actually work in Florida (live in Georgia). I hope the weather isn't too bad. The sun is trying to come out here.

Gayle ~ How was the "dreadmill" workout? I cannot run on those things. I have to run somewhere!

Marcy ~ You're doing great on those pull ups!!

Waves hello to Andilynn and Missy.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Hi everybody! I hope you are all enjoying this long weekend! Today was STS mesocycle 2 Back and Biceps for me, and then after a trip to town we got our garden put out ,washed the porched and washed both dogs! I'm toast! I was pleased that I did a little better with the pullups today although I'm worried I may never do them all unassisted:( I used my 20's for most of the bicel curls except the concentration curls, I had to back off a bit on those but I'm still getting stronger.

Jane- Isn't 4DS great it's one of my favorite series!

Deanie- Wow! great job on the hot potato! I'm still pretty weak (my wrists I guess)with that exercise.

Rhonda- Enjoy your rest weekend!

Waves to all!:)

Good Morning

Today I ended up working out, a crossfit workout.
I did the Sissy Test like Gayle did last week. It was NOT fun!;) It was hard, and the burpees were the worst for me. I think the fact I did the running on the treadmill makes a difference, I don't think I would have gone as fast running on my own....that being said..... this is a keeper and I tucked it away to do again. Check my blog if you want the gritty details:p

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

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