Kelly Coffey Meyer


Does anyone own 30 Min to Fitness? I LOVE Kelly's workouts and own them all except this one. Was wondering if anybody thought it was worth buying. Thanks

I have kelly's workouts - all of them. And I love pretty much all of them especially her last two - step boxig 2 and cardio sculpt. So fun!
I have her new one and I think its worth buying. I really felt it in my core the next day and I rarely get DOMS. I've only done it once a few weeks ago so its not very fresh in my mind. But i did them both together for a longer workout and I thought it was pretty good :) hopefully others can chime in. You can also go to and search the boards and reviews there!

It is so worth buying.

I love 30 Minutes because it lets you go heavier and is so versatile with the various active rest options. There are so many ways to do the DVD. The fun factor is very high and yet you work hard.

~* Vrinda *~

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