keep it clean !saturday!

just wanted to get something started before i get interrupted a million times. i am so so glad i slept last night. i am so much better with rest.

katie, how is the snow??

wendy, sorry for the eats yday, but get right back on the wagon today. cookie exchange sounds fun and dangerous.

kate, your day does not sound too bad. is it a crazy busy eweekend?

becky, thanks for the recipe. those sound easy to make.

i slept in today and will take the kids to the fitness center in a bit since we did not get there yday. i made pork chops last night AFTER dinner (cause my kids could not wait), so i have dinner for them already made:cool: plans today are mainly to run and clean house. and i got my shipping notice too. i cannot wait to try some of these new workouts. holy impact is all i can say! also have decided to play family stuff by ear, stop letting it freak me out and just go with the flow a bit. i need another clean eating day today. bbiab
Good Morning Everyone!

We have a nice covering of snow on the ground this morning and it is going to continue until tomorrow morning. I got my shipping notice yesterday and my DVD's are in the area so hopefully the snow won't prevent me from getting them on Monday. Today will be a long workout, wrapping and maybe finally picking up a book to read. I have a feeling they won't plow my street until late Sun so I will be in all weekend.

Nina, I am glad you are not going to freak out about the family stuff. It's hard not to do that but you can't control your family so it is good to try to go with the flow.
Becky, thanks for the recipe. I would make them today but I refused to go to the grocery store yesterday. All the stores were crowded because of the snow coming.
Kate, hope you have a little time to yourself today.
Wendy, sorry about the eats yesterday. This time of the year is really hard. Have fun at the cookie exchange.
Robin, I hope you are not working too hard.
Katie, will you take Collin out to play in the snow?
morning! so glad i baked enough for the exchange yesterday because i am DRAGGING this morning, not sure why. JJ is saying "chugga-chugga-choo-choo" (sounds a little different but thats what he means =) and wants me to put the train on over and over but it is soooooo loud... after the exchange its back here to wrap gifts and do more baking. for gifts this its triple choc cherry cookies (also for today), frosted cran-orange-pear bars, PB kisses, and gingerbread men. for the party tomorrow i was asked to make pumpkin cheesecake and lemon squares (dh said make those lemon things you put the crack in, lol)

colleen, enjoy the forced relaxation this weekend! whats your wo today?

nina, got my shipping notice, too!! cant wait to see the new step and MMA ones and travel fit... hiit is most def not in the cards for me right now but i will hold on to them anyway.

kate, whatcha been bakin?? lets get back on the wagon with our eats...for me itll have to AFTER the exchange...

katie, weve got that same storm coming, i think. youll have to tell we how it is. glas you are feeling better!!

becky, all your baking sounds FAB! i try to make a mix of things so its not all choc, looks like you, too! i may try snickerdoodles or sugar and spice cookies from the OD thread. that thread was awesome =) when else do we get to bake / talk about this much!!!!! yippee!

step class yesterday was great but im missing KB today for this shindig and hope to get my cookie-filled butt to pull out a DVD later on. SJP/SB has been on my to-do list for a while, or maybe a christie taylor...

hope i havent missed anyone, bbl!

oops, caps!

clean eats thus far ..... was drooling over the fam's pancakes tho. WAH!!!!

I'm here, at least a foot of snow if not more, and it is still falling - another 6-10 inches coming today! We have already been out in the Jeep a bit, and we will suit up to play in the snow shortly.

SO glad I did not go out of town in this!

Back from my 3 hour hair appointment! Gonna have some lunch then head out to Target for stocking stuffers:) Kids are at my mom's decorating cookies, Darrin is going to nap( he went to bed at midnight and got up at 3 am to salt) then head back to my grandma's to paint. I'm going to do GS Shoulders and a short cardio. Probably something steady state so I don't get too sweaty-I had my hair blown out;)

Nina, I should get my dvds on Tuesday-can't wait either. I need to workoff this jiggle before New Year's! Good plan re:family drama.

Wendy, all those treats sound awesome! I'm going to be baking Nina's cinnamon bread tomorow or Monday to give as gifts for the neighbors:) Good thing I got only enough to give out!

Colleen, stay safe! I just heard there's a blizzard warning in eastern MD! Good reason to snuggle up with some cocoa and a book!

Hi Kate!

Katie, Have fun in the snow! I have a love/hate relationship with it. Maybe this year, I'll take the girls sledding-Nevena's finally old enough:)
Quick hello! Returning ds' football equipment this morning then baking some cookies to GIVE AWAY!! DS started up basketball this week so we've been out and about doing that and finishing up last minute Xmas things which I'm almost done with. Eats have been as good as it can be. I did get comments from my coworkers that I look even thinner and more muscular/toned. That made my day because you know how hard I have with sweets! Anyway, sorry for the lack of personals. I have to catch up on the last couple of days. Workouts have been on track. Today is KenpoX which I'll do instead of subbing it out with a Cathe kickbox workout. Be back later!

just popping in to say im back from the cookie exchange and it wasnt as terrible as i thought... a lot of the cookies were not my cup of tea so easy to avoid. need to get to baking now and try to get a wo in...

Still haven't gotten that book yet but I am caught up on email. We are under a blizzard warning until 6 tonight then winter storm warning until 6 tomorrow am but that will probably be cancelled earlier. I am not looking forward to all the shoveling but we are going to start this afternoon and finish tomorrow am. Then we will have to wait for the plow to come through and shovel again. I guess it will be good exercise. I ended up doing the Viper for my workout.

Wendy, good job with the cookie exchange. I am very picky about my cookies too so it is easy to avoid certain types.
Lisa, ^5 on the comments.
Klaudia, yes blizzard warning and there are still idiots trying to drive in this mess. How do you like the haircut?
Katie, has it stopped snowing for you yet? Or at least slowed down?

Off to wrap gifts!
hi everyone - bed is calling my name. we had a great day - i got my run in, got my house cleaned, and the boys were awesome. we saw a friend and her kids in the late afternoon, and it was just what i needed. i even made them a good dinner - fish, sauted kale, and swt potato. i am feeling a bit weepy and lonely right now, but i am just going to go to bed and ignore it. eats were really clean except for a few dark choc bits.

colleen, enjoy the snow. great wo'!!

lisa, yea on the compliments. sounds like sweets agree with you;)

klaudia, post a pic of your hair blowed out.

wendy, i am usually picky with cokies until i get monster cravings, like now. now i'd try a bite of each and every one.

sleep well everyone. oh, and my mom is coming tomorrow afternoon - i think it will go well. we see my dad tuesday at the zoo. again, i think that will go well too. no more stress for me i hope.
There are no words - I just feel AWESOME!!! I FREAKING ROCKED my wo tonight!!! Sweated so good on the ellip & versaclimber and did abs too. LOVE IT!!!!!

Nina, I'm glad you had a good day....sosorry you're feeling blue tho.... keep that smile on your pretty face!
Hope all goes well w/ your upcoming visits w/ your parents.
((((( hugs)))))

Colleen, WTG on an awesome WO!! Shovelmax sounds worse to me!:p

Wendy, I WISH I was baking but I can't stand the temptation right now.:( Better to just do without. I'll do frosted sugar cookies Wednesday w/ the girls and try REAL HARD to hold myself back!
GREAT JOB picking your cheats today ... or rather, non-cheats I should say! WTG!!!
LOL @ the lemon crack!!

Katie, Glad you're having a good day!

Klaudia, PICTURE PLEASE!!!! Wanna see the new 'do!
Hope you're having a good day!

Lisa, Sounds like you're doing awesome!!!
You ready for the kids' Cmas break?
good morning! feeling oh so much better today:D nice long run this am, healthy breakfast of sc oats. boys and i are playing and have a good day planned.

kate, great wo last night.

how are all the snowed in folks doing?

another clean day for me. this nut thing is really going well, i am happy to say.

Leaving in a bit to go have Breakfast with Santa at a beautiful auto baron's mansion-Meadowbrook Hall.:) Yesterday turned out crummy-had a major hypo attack in the afternoon after shopping for 4 1/2 hours, didn't workout or eat dinner. Darrin had to go out last night and salt-he got home at 5 am. Ugh. Let's hope today is better! I'm going to try and get my workout done this afternoon and maybe do Christmas cards-I think they're a waste but feel guilty not doing them. And the girls have more cookies to frost-they brought them home frmo my mom's. Oh, have I mentioned how much I hate snow? It looks like Darrin will probably be working Christmas Eve/Day:( I'll try for a picture-Darrin has to upload the new software for the camera-that I've been asking him to do for weeks!

Nina, glad you're better this morning. I always feel much better in the am. Good luck with the visit this afternoon.

Kate, awesome workout last night!

Hi Lisa! Crazy busy in HI!

Wendy, good for you turning away the treats!
Hey ladies 'member me?:eek:

sorry I've been MIA all week but you know where I've been:rolleyes:

Did the last of my shopping yday we had another doorbuster/clearance sale. Now I need to start wrapping gifts.

I haven't worked out at all last week and this week maybe one body part per early morning or just classical stretch.

It's seems like everyone is doing great.:) No snow here but icy/rain

good morning! holy snow storm outside my window, batman.

hi robin!! i figured it was super busy for you right now... but thankfully its almost over =)

so the storm hit us last night and its still going strong, tons of beautiful flakes. dh bundled JJ up and tried to take him sledding already but it didnt work so well. now hes snowblowing and were just gonna let JJ roll around in the piles once the outside is cleaned up.

were supposed to be getting together with my family for latkes and hanukkah gifts but based on the road conditions outside my window...well, we shall see in a few hours! big question, should i go make those lemon squares or not, now would be the time. and wtheck to do with a HUUUUGE pumpkin cheesecake if we dont go????????
Good Morning Everyone!

We did round 1 of shoveling yesterday before dark. We got a couple inches after that so we will go out again this morning and clear off DH's car and finish shoveling. Then we wait for the plow to come through so and then the hard shoveling starts. Last time we got this much snow it took us over an hour to shovel from the plow. Workout will be yoga since my back is tight. Shoveling will be my cardio.

Kate, glad you are feeing wonderful! Wtg on the workout and avoiding baking. I didn't bake either because I knew I would eat everything.
Robin, glad you survived your intense week. I hope you get all your gifts wrapped!
Nina, I am glad the nut thing is working out for you. Good job coordinating the family stuff and not being stressed!
Klaudia, sorry about the hypo attack yesterday! Is the medication helping? Have fun at breakfast with Santa!
Wendy you snuck in on me. I hope you can make it out today. Can you send the cheesecake into work with DH?
Colleen where I used to live I hated those plows because we lived on a 2 way street and they will plow room for only 1 way traffic.

Hey Wendy I said make them and it sounds so good.

We had a JCP Christmas party on Friday and the food was almost clean. Grilled chicken and pork chops, mac and cheese and string beans. On Monday the replenishment team is having a party but it won't be clean:). We going to have old fashion high fat and cals...comfort food plus cookies and brownies and cakes.

I only work until 1 pm on Christmas eve so that's good. I can come home and make cookies. We are planning to go to Raleigh for a Christmas show that day too.

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