Jogglers September 2016

Alisha ~ I will be thinking of you all day tomorrow. Sending lots of healing and positive energy. {{{Hugs}}}
I am ok! Surgery was success, I am at home. I had three dermoid cysts and one was as big as a football. I wasn't just fat! I am able to eat toast and jello. I can urinate. (Tmi sorry)

I'm so happy the surgery was a success and that you are at home. I thought about you all day!! OMG! How much did those cysts weigh? No problem about the tmi stuff. I am very comfortable talking about bodily functions.

Take care, rest and relax.

I am running 2 races tomorrow. The first one is a 10.16K and the second is a 5K right after each other. It's a good training run for my upcoming 1/2 marathon next month.

The CUBS won the WORLD SERIES!!!

Alisha ~ I am thinking about you. I hope you are feeling better.

The race was great. It was in a small Alabama town. We did the longer race first. It was very hilly. I got Grand Masters and my sister got first in her age group. was a small, small race but I was really happy with my time. The second race was harder because I was sore. I let my sister first before me so she got the Grand Masters award and I took first in my age group. The weather was gorgeous!!!
Hi ladies. It has been a while since I have checked in with you two and, looking at the last post, it seems you two haven't been by in a while either.

I"m so sorry!

Alisha - How are you doing? Have you had your surgery?

Jane - Has your sister found a job yet?

Looks like this year has not been the best for any of us.

I was all ready to move in 4 weeks. I booked the moving company yesterday. I had emailed Stephen to let him know I was getting ready to move. Last night he called and told me not to come. He's going through some stuff and doesn't want me there. I am totally devastated and shocked. I wish he had told me sooner. I've been training my replacement for about 2 months, the office gave me a going away golf outing already and I put in my notice. I have no idea what I'm going to do.

I am not staying here. I can't. I've been ready for this move since he got the job. I have no idea if he's going to want to get back together once he works through whatever it is he's dealing with or what.

I feel so alone and brokenhearted.

I have to tell someone and you are it. I don't have anyone here I can really call friends.

I fly out to Atlanta on Wednesday to meet up with my brother, sister and step-siblings to inter my mom's and stepdad's ashes in Pensacola. I am in no emotional state to deal with any of this right now.
I've had to lower the price on the house twice now. It's $20,000 lower than when I put it on the market. I'm going to have to come to closing with at least $15,000 at this point, maybe more.

Well, I thought telling someone would make me feel better, but not so much.

Thanks for "listening."

Love you two! I really do hope things are improving on your fronts!
I'm so sorry about that Tricia. That sucks

I had my surgery on Nov 2, I am doing pretty good. I can walk, I can use the bathroom by myself, I can even shower on my own. I can eat normal food. I lost one ovary and the other one burst. I kept my uterus. I'm not in hardly any pain. My bladder does not hurt. But, I still think that I had a mild uti caused by the tumor and kidney stone crushing my bladder, preventing it from properly emptying. All at once Taking Alka seltzer really helped but my gynecologist said that my tumors would only get worse so I was referred to a surgeon and my left ovary burst during the surgery. That's the one I have left.It cries sometimes. But only a little. My incisions are ok.
Wow, Alisha! What a tough time you've had! I'm glad you are getting better. I'm sorry I've hardly checked in. I hope this starts you on a path to some steady good health! You've wrestled with a lot over the last few years!
I will get better.

Tricia you can always talk to us about anything that is going on. I hope that you can have everything that you have been working towards soon. hugs
{{{{{Group Hug}}}}}

Alisha ~ I'm glad you are doing better. Take care and rest and get better.

Tricia ~ What the heck? That just sucks! I don't know what to say. I'm speechless! How is your relationship with your brother and sister? Could you stay with them for a while and maybe pick up some temporary work? Why didn't he tell you sooner? Sorry. I just floored. {{Hugs}}.

My sister is still without a job but we've had issues with mom so it's good that she isn't working. Nothing serious just stuff around her house. Her water heater went out, her car died (not too much of an issue since she is driving anymore) and a couple of doctor appointments that turned out to be non-issues. We are doing ok financially. I don't really go anywhere so it isn't too much of a problem and since we are starting to become minimalists it's ok. I don't think she will find anything until after the holidays. I really want her to find the right job because the last 3 jobs have been so crappy. At least she is keeping up with house. I call her French (like in Mr. French from Family Affair). I keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason. I truly believe that but it's hard when you are going through stuff. We have to believe though because this will lead us to something better.
Now that I am starting to feel a little better, I am starting to think about exercise. Probably not until next month, and definitely no strength training until next year. But, hey, I am bored.
My incisions are a little irritated so I took some turmeric and I will try to see my doctor tomorrow to get them redressed. No exercise yet.
Alisha ~ I'm glad you are starting to feel better. Rest and relax. There will be time for exercise later.

I did a 5K race yesterday in a small Georgia town. It was really pretty. The leaves are changing here and it was cool and breezy. A great morning for a run. I finished 1st in my age group and my sister came in 2nd. My friend fell before the race, did the race and then found out her arm was broken. She is amazing.
I had a chiropractic appointment yesterday and I felt awful last night. Some pain had been hidden and my adjustments exposed it. I was so tired, finally I took a milk thistle and I felt better.
I have been dealing with mild kidney stone pain, they seem to have passed. It's not as hard as it was because my tumors are not in the way. Taking uricare, milk thistle, and Alka seltzer helps a lot. The tenderness of my back is improving.
I had a good Thanksgiving. It was quiet but nice. I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. Boo!

I didn't eat really bad over the holidays and I got some good exercise in. I ran 11 miles this morning. I have a 1/2 marathon trail race on December 10.

Alisha ~ I hope you feel better soon.
Jane I didn't eat badly over the holiday either. Great job on your run.

I'm feeling a little better. I have lost a few pounds.

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