Jogglers Feb. 2012

Alisha - Glad you had a nice trip to HPC! Any workout without cuing would drive me up a wall! I'm glad you had fun with it! I hope your new job works out well! Sounds like a garden center?

Maca powder is great for energy! It really works! Just 1 tsp. a day in your smoothie or juice, tea, oatmeal, etc. and that's all you need!

Jane - Hope you had a nice run tonight! Have a great Friday!

Something is wrong with my right wrist. I have some tendonitis in that wrist occasionally and I usually wear my wrist guard and after a day or two it's fine. This is getting worse rather than better. The pain is all on the right side of my wrist and it hurst like a real bugger! I have no idea what I did. I haven't been lifting or doing pushups. I have no idea! I really don't want to have to go to the doctor, so I'm going to try and just take Advil and see if it gets better. I think I've been sleeping on it funny - maybe.

Sigh, why does everything have to go wrong all at once?

Have a terrific Friday!
Evening ladies!

Alisha- hope you had a better day at work today! My wrist seems to be a bit better today, last night it was so bad I thought I was going to have to call my doctor. Glad it's getting better.

Hope you two have had a good day!

Jane - I know you were going to be offline today, so see you tomorrow!
Tricia- I had a good day at work. Yes, 'Green Acres' is a nursery for plants (not people!). It is a dog friendly atmosphere, with free biscuits for all! Sometimes we experience irritation in the body (carpal tunnel) if we are out of alignment. If your neck is out of alignment, your elbow, or shoulder, you can experience that kind of pain. Try sleeping flat on your back, that often realigns my body without having to visit the chiropractor.

Jane- How was your 10k?

Yesterday I went for a short run and did some yoga in the AM. This morning I did the short premix from CW (cardio only). I'm leaning towards an early jog/walk and Stretch max in the morning. I'm too tired for yoga right now.

Happy Sunday!

The race went well on Saturday. I did my second best time for a 10K so I'm happy. It was at St. Simons Island, GA. They did have a couple of problems. At the package pick up the night before a couple of the people did not know the exact starting location. I did know the general area but wasn't sure of the start. The brochure they had in the packet had the wrong location (seriously?), there were no cups at the 1st water stop so they thought we should crouch under the nozzle (seriously?), after I came through the finish I guess most of the volunteers left the course so my sister and some others came through a different way to the finish. I couldn't even see the finish line and had to ask my mom and sister where the finish line was. This was the 34th running. Seriously? So while the course was beautiful, I'm not sure if I will go back again. I'm so happy my times are getting better though.

Today was suppose to be a 10 or 11 mile run but I only managed 7 miles. I was too tired. My half is in 3 weeks. Next week I'll do 11 miles and the week after that 12 miles. The half is in Florida and it's flat...flat...flat so I think I'll be fine. Then I have a bunch of 5K and 10Ks to do until July went it is too hot.

Tricia ~ I'm glad your wrist feels better. I have weird stuff happen to me all the time. For while the top of my foot was hurting me. I had no idea why and then it just went away.

Alisha ~ How are you enjoying your job? I would love working in a nursery! Hope you have a wonderful workout today and a great Sunday!
Morning ladies!

Had a couple of very needy pups this weekend! lol Was not allowed to spend a lot of time on the computer to read and type. Short "likes" and mini-comments I could sneak in!

Alisha - Love that it's called Green Acres! Makes me think of the tv show!

Jane - I do remember the incident with your foot. What weird stuff happens to us, right? Well, the wrist is back to 100% better. No pain at all! Go figure. I managed to do Kick Max yesterday and have my running bag packed for tonight to start C25K again. Sigh. My own fault. Of course, as nice as the weather has been, the week I decide to start running again (beginning of March - sort of), it's going to get colder and snow/rain towards the middle of the week. Well. I'm determined, so we shall see how it goes.

Happy Monday!
I did 35 min. of hiking this morning then about 10 minutes of yoga. It looks like I might get Wednesday off. Yippee!! I have to call in, we might not work today because its raining :D I hope we start getting lots of water, even though it forces me inside, thats ok, more time with Cathe! Tomorrow will be one of the Kick Max premixes. I haven't done that in a while.

Tricia- Hug your pups for me!!

Jane-Congrats on your race time!!!

Here is tonight's workout. I'm sticking to upper body because my legs are very sore today.

1 minute work/30 seconds rest for 4 rounds non stop.
Kettlebell hand to hand swings
Double Kettlebell Press
Double Kettlebell Floor Press
Double Kettlebell Rows
Standing Halos

Finisher - 15 seconds work/15 seconds rest for 5 rounds of Swings (or cardio of choice).

Alisha ~ We are having a rainy Monday. We have had lots of rain lately. Hope you get some rain and Wednesday off.

Tricia ~ Let us know how the running goes. I'm trying to convince the girl that I run with on Thursdays not to give up during the summer. She is up to 7 or 8 miles and it would be stupid to build up the base only to lose it over the summer. She doesn't like running or working out in the heat but I would not like to start over again. After the half in March, my weekly long run will be 8 miles until the middle of summer when I start training for the next half in the fall. It works out well that way.
Alisha - Getting excited about days off already? ;)

I will hug my puppies for you tonight! Thanks! Glad you had a nice hike and yoga. Rain is good! We need it! My hams, glutes, back and triceps are still sore from Kick Max!

Jane - Nice upper body workout! I'm running tonight for certain. Yesterday, I had everything packed, but forgot my ponytail holders! Can't run, especially in the wind, with this mess flying all over! Yes, she should certainly keep running. I won't go slack again - ever! Restarting is going to be a you-know-what, but I'm determined!

Have a great day you two!
I forgot to post yesterday. :eek:

I did a leg workout - 200 squats total - 5 rounds of 10 reps with a 40# barbell of: back squats, Zercher Squats, Thrusters and Sumo Squats. Then I did 30 deadlifts and 30 calf raises.

I am taking a rest today.

Tricia ~ I hate my hair flopping around and my hair is shorter than yours. I have a fetish about it. I can't have one piece of hair touching my neck it drives me nuts. It also drives me crazy when I see girls running with their long hair and it's 1000% humidity. It makes me hot just looking at it.

Hi Alisha! I hope you are enjoying your time off today.
Tricia- I haven't had a day off for nearly 2 weeks!:eek:

Jane-I hate that I have to build my base again, I would not do that voluntarily. I so wish I hadn't fallen down the stairs last year, it completely messed up my year. But, I'm back at it now. I have heard that other people will train for a race and then slack off, but that seems like a waste of time. If I didn't like running, I wouldn't do it, but since I do like it, why not?:confused: Does she know that she can build up to running in the heat by sitting in a sauna for an hour or two once a week, to build up to it? Thats a technique I heard about on Running Stupid (podcast).

I didn't do KM yesterday, I felt bleh after work and went to bed early. I felt much better this morning. I plan to get that workout this afternoon. I plan to spend some time in the kitchen cooking some healthy grub for the next couple of work days.

I'm starting the C25k program and pairing it up with Tracy Anderson's Omni and Cathe as my cross training. I'm using it to help me power up these hills. I'm planning on Folsom's The Run with Nature 5k in May. Then in August there is a 10k close to my house, just up the road in Cameron Park, CA. I want to use that as a training run for the Urban Cow Half in Sacramento in October. Its supposed to be 'a flat and fast course'.

Jane - No sweat! I forget all the time! lol After all that leg work, you deserve a rest! Ouch! So, yeah, now we have crappy weather. Icy, not just snow, so no runs until next week. It's supposed to be nicer and in the mid-40s to low-50s, so that'll be perfect! I'm already all packed too! lol

Alisha - Yeah, I shouldn't have let my running slip! I don't even have a good excuse like an injury! We'll get back up there together! Whew! I didn't know you were working 7 days a week! Yikes! Hope you have/had a great day off!

Nothing new here really for me. A friend I used to work with up here who moved to Florida had a stroke 2 days ago. She's in her mid-40s! Yesterday, they had to put a shunt in to relieve pressure. I couldn't believe it! She'll be in intensive care for a long time. I still don't have any idea how much damage or if she'll have any permanent disability, but the info we all got was that her doctor said they'll take it "One hour at a time." That doesn't sound that good to me. Keep her in your prayers please!

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