Jillian Micaels workouts


I ordered 2 of them from Collage Video, one is being shipped other one on back order till the end of November. Anyone else ordered any
of these?

I was wondering about these and I wanted to wait until someone posted what they thought of them.I like her but I think we would have a hard time getting use to anything but Cathe:eek: or maybe thats just me.I have all sorts of workouts home but I always reach for a Cathe workout.
Which workout was ordered that you didn't like? I'm curious because I was thinking of ordering from her too?
I got her kickbox workout. I thought that it was awful. In the beginning, she gave a lot of inspirational talk. The workout was only 25 minutes. She giggled a lot (a nervous giggle). The workout consisted of multiple kicks and a LOT of repetition. She acted like it was a hard workout, but it was beginner, at best. The crew did not seem to be motivated at all. Then, there were PDF files for an article for the 6 week bikini challenge, a food log and an exercise log. I ran the entire CD on my computer. I was really disappointed in the quality of the set (really poor gym set - like it was in a "ghetto" area - lack of creativity and NO true instruction. I was bored just watching it. I think that she is only trying to capitalize off of the success of the "Biggest Loser" but without a truly good workout. Also, I think that it was more of a showcase for her. I don't know about her other workouts, but I believe that this one (after doing Cathe, the Firm, Gin Miller, Mindy Mylrea, and others) should get a big fat F. Of course, my opinion.
I can see how you would think that b/c we have set some pretty high standards! Im so glad I waited before ordering them b/c I would have thought that they would have been better and although I like her...I think she may be capable of getting on my nerves.:eek:
Maybe she was just trying to make more money b/c people are going to buy them just b/c of her reputation.
But you know, like I said...some people may enjoy these workouts b/c they don't know the difference.I don't think I would.But we know so much about this feild and we know what the best buys are.I pity the people who have never heard of Cathe;)

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