^^ It's the weekend MELTERS! ^^

Oh, {{{HUGS}}}, Tneah! Thanks for all the great words of advice and wisdom! You are so right about all these things, and I really do need to be more patient. Mike was telling me the same thing, but it's good to hear it from someone like you who is so knowledgeable and smart. I've been trying to eat clean, but still have bad cheat meals like pizza every week. I'm going to experiment a bit more with eating more protein and more veggies as carbs and see what happens. And thanks for the advice about lifting heavy. I think I'm going to ditch this last week of my full-body rotation and go back to weeks of GS, S&H, and PS for awhile. Thanks sooooo much for the wonderful words of advice! I can't tell you how much your support means to me!:*

It's so awesome that you're supporting your dad, despite his decision to put up with that woman. I know what you mean about our dads and the icky women in their lives. My dad's wife is such a piece of work. My mom was this totally amazing, loving, generous, and compassionate person with a million friends . . . and my dad's wife Grace is a cold fish! She's warmed up a bit over the past few years (or maybe we've just gotten more used to her! ;-) ) and I like her better than I used to. Oh, here's an example of how she's Ms. Tactless. The day my niece Clementine was born, my brother and SIL surprised us with what her name was going to be. They wouldn't tell us until the day she was born (they knew it was a girl), but they did tell us that her middle name would be Joanne, after my mom. (My mom's real name was Giovanna, but she went by Joanne since Giovanna was too ethnic!;-) ) Anywho, so we all knew Clementine's middle name beforehand, but the day she was born, when my brother came out to the waiting room to tell us Clementine's name, Grace says (SEVERAL times, mind you!), "What an awful name! Clementine JOANNE?! Can you imagine the poor little girl having two such awful names?!" HEL-LO! My whole family was sitting there, and Grace knew my mom's name was Joanne. UG! This is just one of MANY instances where she has insulted us in some way. Ah, well, it's good to be supportive, right?!

And by the way, you are SOOO not a dork! :)

ETA: And I'm going to look into those supplements, too! :) Thanks so much!!!!!
There is nothing wrong at all with cheat meals, especially when you are working on building muscle! So do not feel guilty about those, please, I sure don't anymore. And I have more like "cheat days" sometimes.:p

Your dad's wife sounds like a total hag, I am so sorry for your dad too! What a horrific thing to say about little Clementine's middle name...the nerve,plus it shows what a mean and nasty woman she is. Sorry, I don't mean to slam your family! But if you are like me, she isn't your mom, never will be, and it sounds like you feel about her like I feel about my own "step-mom".Blech.

I have to share!:7 So I did Hip Bliss!:p Ok, but get this, so I started to do the mantra chant thing right? Georgie who plants himself in my workout space of course, sits in front of me and cocks his head, you know the way dogs do when they hear something unusual, in that inquisitive way?:7 Then he started barking at me!:7 :7 I started laughing so hard I was crying!
Then the next thing was the breath, so here I was trying to deep breath through my laughter and snot is flying out of my nose and boy, it was so dang funny! Georgie is a mess he is! Anyway, I did the workout up through the hip opening exercises. I actually liked it but thought I might hyperventilate doing the breathing exercises and that cat bendy thing.And sitting on my ankles? Wow, I hadn't realized how bad my right knee really is, it really hurt, I need to work on that.

Alright, time to shower, shave and shine!:7
Tneah, I'm cracking up at the picture of Georgie barking and you laughing. That sounds like the kind of thing everyone would be watching on YouTube. Your daddy is a very handsome man. Now I know where you get your looks from.

Allie-poo. You poor thing. I feel so bad for you. I can't believe someone as attractive and funny as you doesn't have people falling over themselves to spend time with you. Have you gotten chummy with anyone at school? That seems to be the perfect place to make friends and meet new people. {{{HUGS}}}

Leanne, you DO NOT need to lose any weight. Just try to concentrate on changing some of the weight to muscle. Tneah gives advice much better than I, but you don't need to be an skinnier - just harder. Maybe we should call ourselves the Hardeners! And I love your niece's name. Your dad's wife doesn't sound like anyone I'd care to spend any time with.

Kristi, I can't wait to hear how you challenge goes. You and your DH are so inspiring. Good luck! And many prayers, for your challenge and the girl's time away.

Shannon, my job's hours really aren't that bad. Lots of people who work in the medical field have crappy schedules than I. I really don't mind working weekends, since it's nice to get days off during the week. And I usually only have to work 2 holidays a year, which you get used to. I'm very lucky to have a day shift job and no mandatory overtime, which most of our nurses have. I can't imagine working the hours those poor folks do. Sounds like you had a great weekend. And I agree with all of your mush. Mush back at ya!

Hey, Shelley, have fun today.

Kara, yes, I also hope that pesky renovative work gets done soon so you have more time to play.

Lainie, any solids yet?

Work has been quiet again today. I'm not sure what workout I'll do this afternoon, but it will be something cardio. I'm leaning toward something with Amy. Then it's off to the nursing home for pizza night.
Hey Tneah -- OMG! That is so hysterical about Georgie joining in on your yoga session! He's probably used to your regular workouts, and was thinking, "WHAT is she doing?!" I had the total image of you laughing and crying and everything! Yes, the breathing exercises are actually really HARD! I just go much more slowly than Ana does, and don't try to keep up so I don't get light-headed. Also, did your knee hurt when you were sitting back on your ankle/kneeling? I'll sometimes put a folded towel between my calves and tush if my knees or hips are bothering me or will sit on two yoga blocks. Did you like it, though?! It took me a few times of doing the Kundalini Yoga to get into it, but when I do it and the breathing exercises, I feel so much better! :) Yes, aren't we lucky with our dads' wives (ha ha)?! I refuse to even think about her being my stepmother, and never call her that. I always just refer to her as "my dad's wife." Is that wrong of me?!

Hey Robin! Looks like we were posting at the same time! Thanks for your encouraging words. I love the name The Hardeners! That makes perfect sense! :) How did those pies turn out for today? Did you end up getting Amy's new Hi/Lo? That or In the Ring might be fun to do as today's workout. Hope you have fun tonight at pizza night!:)

Hey Lainie -- I'm re-editing b/c you were just posting, too! Glad you're feeling a bit better today, but just take it easy, OK? :)

OK, so I posted something the other day on the Open forum about that xanthan gum I bought, and it's awesome. I can now make a protein shake with just water, and it's so thick and creamy! Love it!

I ended up doing Drill Max today -- totally off-schedule, but I don't care! I'm starting fresh, I decided, and wanted to do something fun!

Hope you're all having fabulous days!:)

Allie, in case you peek in but don't feel like posting, sending you big {{{HUGS}}}!
Hello everyone--bit busy today with a church picnic after church and stuff. I've been doing laundry and cleaning up also, but the house is still a wreck. Ugh. I've also been doing some work on my blog--trying to get a new template ready--more details on that on the blog--and thinking about a rotation for this week. So now I just want to lie down for a bit and watch the Yankees before I have to get up and clean up a bit more.

Hope to BBL for personals!

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
Hello Melters.

How are you all? Sorry, I don't have pics of my Dad here but he is very handsome. You can go to www.caringbridge.org go to the home page and link to the "our services" and type in "doctrimper" on the first search line.

Getting ready to fly out to NY this coming Sat.. Taking care of things like Father's Day cards, birthday stuff for my nephew Sam and then Morgan next week. Yesterday, I bought organic cow manure and put it on my lawn as fertilizer, smells great (not really). Watched Tiger Woods did his 3 eagles last night. And, I ask for prayer for my trip. I haven't flown since Morgan's last birthday. This time, I'm flying NWA out of Lansing instead of Continental out of Grand Rapids.

Have a Great Day Everyone!!
Hi guys,
Just popping my head in. I've been reading all the posts but not posting. I did get a workout in---S&H Legs, 4DS Lower Body and 4DS Kickbox abs. I am debating whether or not to go to my sister's in-laws for dinner tonight (my sister invited me) or just stay home and wallow in my own self-pity. :p I absolutely adore my sister's in-laws. They're the best. Plus, my Dad will be there so I'd get to see him.

Thanks for all the hugs. I appreciate it. Robin--you mentioned me making friends at school. That's the tough part. It's an adult program and there's no one there my age. Not that there's anything wrong with having friends older than I am--my ex SO was 15 years older than me and ALL my/his friends were much older than me (his age). All the other students in my classes though have husbands/wives/children/etc. and just aren't in the same place I am. We've all gotten really close and I love them all but they're not really the "friends" I'm looking for--nor am I the "friend" they're looking for, I guess. They all treat me like I'm their daughter. Which is fine, but not fine at the same time because I'm desperate to make friends. I need a hobby, damn it.

My favorite thing to do is workout to Cathe--which involves being home. Alone. Not meeting people. Maybe I should just join a gym again. I just don't want to spend the money. x(

Ok, off to go sit on the couch and be miserable. Sorry for the self-pity today. I'm the feeling-sorry-for-herself queen. Oh and Leanne and Tneah--I have no experience with an evil stepmother but my Grandma is the same way you describe your Stepmothers. I refer to her as "My Mom's Mom". Not "my Grandma". She's now very old and in the throws of dementia and in a nursing home, but I still refer to her that way. She's not a nice person. Unfortunately, my Mom is following in her footsteps...*sigh* It never ends, does it.

Love you all.


Hey Allie -- Just popping in to give you a kick in the pants to go join your sister at her in-laws' house. Kick, kick! You'd get to see your dad, and it would be good to have some company! Sending you {{{HUGS}}}, babe! I know how hard it is to meet other folks. All of my work friends are seriously about 15+ years older than me, but I still love hanging out with them, shopping, etc. In fact, my two best girl shopping buddies from work are 63 and 55'ish (she has never revealed her age ;-)). I'm thinking of ways for you to meet more people . . . and will keep my thinking cap on. Are there any other hobbies you like or interests? Or could you maybe take a class of some sort at the local community college that would be fun -- like art, or a weight-training class, or something where you'd meet more people your age???? Sending you love and more {{{HUGS}}}!

Jennifer-- It's good to hear from you! Glad you're doing well and getting ready for your trip.

We may have to re-schedule our dinner and play tonight. DH has a bad stomach, and it's acting up again this afternoon. :-(

Love and hugs to all!
Allison, I am giving you another swift kick in the arse,,,go see your dad and your like these relatives right? Then go! :) He will be so happy that you did.
I have two friends who I email from high school, my sisters do not talk to me (long story, they are very miserable girls) and I had one very good friend but she stopped communicating so that's it. I do not have friends to shop with here in Vegas or hang with either. What is funny, is I think alot women feel like we do, which is probably why I loved Sex and the City so much, the friendships were so awesome to me. I often wish I had friends like that...but doesn't everyone? And how many really do? Sigh. ((hugs))boy, that did not make you feel any better, me commiserating with you did it?:p
If I were you, I would think about looking around your community and maybe joining something. For instance, we have this bootcamp class that meets all over town, I thought about signing up so I could meet fitness type people here in Las Vegas. I used to bellydance, so I have thought about finding a class here and starting that again. It is hard motivating myself to do these things though.:) Hang in there girl, you are so young...enjoy your time alone, pretty soon you might be married with a whole list of other things to worry about right?

Jennifer, good to see ya, its been awhile.

Hi Leanne!:)

So we went to lunch, I was soooo good. I had the steamed veggie basket and three steamed veggie dim sum's. Did you know those delicious little balls of fluff only have like 165 calories for three of them? I looked it up when I got home.:7 DH had the chicken chow mein....of course, the boys can eat that stuff and not worry right? Darn them and their faster metabolisms anyway.

Think its time for me to put on my comfy clothes now and watch bad TV for awhile, Sunday TV sucks.:p
Hi, all,
I'm back, and my babies are off to Colorado. I'll miss them, but it'll be nice to have a couple of quiet days at the end of this week.

So after we dropped the girls off, we went and shared a hot fudge sundae at Ben & Jerry's. I had a coupon to get it free, and what other day could I possibly get away with eating that. I even had the girl make it with real ice cream -- not light ice cream or sorbet or frozen yogurt!!! I figure I'll have that burned off by 8:00 in the morning.;-)

I guess I'll just chillax and continue fueling and hydrating the rest of the evening, and watch the same bad TV that Tneah is watching.

It looks like y'all have been very chatty today, so I'll see if I can get caught up. I do think we may be the chattiest check-in of all. :7

Shannon -- We will start the challenge at 5:30 in the morning. Thank you for the perspective about fun -- you are absolutely right, and I needed to hear that!!! I'm actually getting a little excited about it now. Did you get the watercolor fixed? How was the walk? I hope the calf is doing better.

Shelley -- I hope your day was semi-pleasant.

Leanne -- Are you going to get to go out for your wonderful evening? I hope so! We are definitely carb-loading tonight -- we'll have that same white pasta/white french bread meal tonight that I posted about last weekend. I have the whole day's plan set for tomorrow with all the fuel we'll need. We've both been really glad that we've done a marathon before so we have a pretty good idea about proper fuel and hydration. The girls won't be back until Saturday, so we will probably go out to dinner and a movie on Friday night at least -- maybe on Wed., too. }( Your dad's wife sounds like a challenge. You are probably lucky that you didn't spend the day on the boat with them. I saw your OD post about xanthan gum -- I need to get my hands on some. Also, let me know what you find out about the supplements Tneah mentioned.

Kara -- Any romantic anniversary plans?

Allison -- I'm so sorry you are in a funk -- sending you lots of big {{{HUGS}}}. You've had a lot to deal with lately, so give yourself room to feel bad and sort things out. Are you going to DS's IL's for dinner -- I agree with Leanne & Tneah that you should go. I totally understand your problem with making friends at school -- it can be difficult to develop a relationship with people who are at different life stages. I agree with Tneah and Leanne, too, about taking a class or bootcamp or something. That is a good way to meet people who share your interests.

Tneah -- your dad is darling! and you are beautiful! I showed the girls your picture and told them about the lip plumper. I told you they'd think you're the coolest!! My mental picture of you and Georgie during Bliss Hips was hilarious. You make it sound so appealing, I may just have to order it. :D :D :D

Robin -- I love the idea of Hardening -- I think that is what I really need!

Lainie -- You've had a busy day! Your blog and the resources you have on it are amazing! Were you able to eat anything yummy at the picnic -- was it a good old fashioned church pot luck? I miss those from my youth!

Jennifer -- it's so good to "see" you. My DH got a big kick out of watching Tiger last night -- he kept calling my DDs in to see it; being almost 15, they really had little interest, but they indulged him.:) Don & Marcia are your parents? I didn't read all of the journal, but is your dad doing okay?

Deb -- I hope you are having a nice Sunday.

Okay, I think I'm all caught up.
If you go here, you can see my daddy --http://www.victoriacollege.edu/presidentsoffice. In fact, that's my mom and dad in the banner across the top.

For my future reference, can anyone tell me how to include an actual picture????
I went to dinner!! I played with my 5 year old niece Corrin all night. It was so fun! I actually forgot about my problems and self-pity for a while. And dinner was so good. Not to mention the huge ice cream sundae I ate with her. It was so incredibly dee-lish! Now I'm back home and in my jammies already. (Once again, it's 8:50pm and I'm ready for bed...x().

Kristi--good luck tomorrow, darlin'! I'll be thinking of you and your DH at 5:30 when I'm halfway through Hardcore Extreme. :p You're going to kick butt! I'm so happy and excited for you! Go go go!!!

Leanne and Tneah--thank you for the kick in the pants and the kind words. I had a great time tonight.

Ok, off to watch some bad tv like Tneah and Kristi and then to bed. I love, love, love you all. Thank you so much for letting me join your check-in. It means so much to me. And it's done wonders for my self-esteem....:p ;)



OK, I still totally intend to come back for personals (or catch up tomorrow) but I've been working hard on my blog. I did it--new crazy probably too busy template. You can see it at http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ What do you think? Too much? Well, even if it is, I won't change it right away because that was a lot of work. Whew.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
Hello Kristi and Melters.

Just got back from my second walk tonight and ran into my cat sitter.

Yes, my Dad is doing well. Yes, that's my parents-Don and Marcia.
Thanks for checking out the website. I read it when my Mom posts.
Yes, Tiger is doing a showdown tomorrow with Rocco. It'll be good.

See you all on Mon or later this week.
Lainie, just checked out your web site, its fabulous! I will spend more time there later on...lots of fun, you are so talented!

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