It's Hump Day MELTERS!

Hey all!

Allie -- Well, look at it this way: you'll probably be able to find more great deals on ellipticals when the timing is better for you financially. I'm sorry that it won't work out, though, since I know you really wanted it! {{{HUGS}}}!! Now take a deeeeeeeep breath!! Doesn't that feel better? Can your sister from Boston help with the babysitting this weekend? Maybe the two of you can talk about your school project while you both bond with your niece . . . and you can have Jim make you both dinner while you two work! Also have him give you a nice massage to work out those kinks in your shoulders! ;)

Shannon -- Yes, ASC3 looks like fun, and it looks like the choreography is nicely broken down. I never bought ASC2 since I had such a hard time with the first one, but I decided to take the gamble and pre-order this one. Do you have ASC2? I had to buy several new outfits for the RT since all my current stuff is grungy and stinky -- and was in need of replacing anyways. Fortunately, I got everything on sale at really good prices! I 'm worried about one pair of shoes getting really stinky and gross . . . .
Allison, why not invite her over to dinner with you and Jim..I know, not the best scenario, but if you are serious about him, he needs to get along and meet your family, plus you can "show him off" to sis. So, while he is cooking for you both (he will love to impress you and sis, trust me, boys love to impress!) get your work done with her. Then send her home, and you and Jim can have the rest of the evening together.:cool:Ha! She will totally understand!
And has Jim met your little niece yet? I bet he would love to, then all three of you can have fun together--"playing house".:D See? if this guy is worth keeping, he will go along with your commitments and love and admire that you are so helpful and loving with your family. So no stress at all actually, you can fit it all in and still have fun! Sounds like Jim is a keeper, so trust me, you will have lots of alone time with him in the future, I think you are super lucky to be so close to your sisters, I sometimes wish I was with mine, I have three half sisters all younger than me but rarely if ever see them.

Then next time someone asks you for something, just say no for once, its okay, really it is! :p I know how hard "no" can be, but you have to set your boundaries with folks, even family. Sorry bout the elliptical, but think of it this way, what if it was one of those ones that really sucked, you know, cheap and hard to use??You never know right?

Shoot, I still have not worked out yet...I have this 9AM deal, its like I get this total energy rush at 9AM prepping me for my workout...
Thanks for the advice, guys. My sister's a vegan and Jim was going to make a meat dish so she could come over but I know she wouldn't eat. Also, Jim and I were supposed to go camping with some friends this weekend and had already agreed and I completely forgot about watching my niece! So now he's going camping and I'm watching my niece at home which is a bit of a bummer. He's met my whole family already :eek: so that's good, though. I've met his too. Cute, huh?

I'm mainly stressing about school right now. I hate, hate, hate it and just don't want to write this paper. I really hate school. ARGH!!!

ETA: Oh, I forgot to mention that Aunt Flo arrived this morning with a vengeance so I'm totally pissy and irritable. And I CAN'T STOP EATING!!!!!!! I'm starving every five minutes!!
Hi ladies. I am in a cruddy mood, but wanted to tell y'all how great you are in case my plane goes down in the morning. You are awesome! A couple quick notes...

Shannon--Good luck with the job interview!

Peggie--I can't receive text messages! Call me!!!!

Leanne--Please don't ask about the hair, K? My stomach is bad too! Good luck with that &*(^(*&^ quart-size baggie. ;-)

Love y'all!
Allie - well, sometimes life doesn't really cooperate with what we want, huh? I guess at this point, we just have to suck it up and deal with it. :( How much longer will you be in school? I know that makes everything a lot harder, because it takes so much dang time! Oh, and as for Aunt Flo and the eating... just go ahead and eat. You're suffering from THE HUNGER, and there's not a dang thing you can do about it. Trust me on this one. Just eat healthy and you'll be fine. It happens to me all the time, and I just eat nonstop. If I try to deny myself, I get so hungry I want to pass out. Carbs are wonderful. Eat some yummy bread.

Leanne - no, I don't have ASC II. I ordered it along with ASC III - Amy was really great and let me do it as part of the preorder, so I just have to wait a bit longer! I think your shoes will be okay. Just let them air out as much as possible between workouts. I've been tempted to buy some new workout clothes lately, but I really don't need them. I only work out at home, and nobody ever sees me!

Kara - my goodness! You are in a cruddy mood if you're anticipating THAT! I'm glad you stopped by and hope you feel better soon.
Kara - I will call you, I just hope I have coverage there. I have Verizon, so it should be okay. I don't know what I will be wearing yet. Probably jeans shorts and a tank top and Keen shoes . . . if that helps at all. Oh, and my hair is ultra blonde. I got highlights Saturday and holy sh$* it's light. I am pretty tan too. I will call though.

Leanne - I am only taking one pair of shoes. Because I have only one pair of cross trainers and about 50 pairs of running shoes. The running shoes always seem to stick, which makes it hard to turn without twisting knees and ankles. So just one for me. I guess I should remember to put socks in my little workout baggies.

Allie - feed your sister a salad.

Shannon - Okay, I took the deep breath. There.

Hey everyone else. I will BBL. I need to load everyone's cell phone numbers in my phone and go pick cucumbers and tomatoes out of the garden, unless of course, I get hauled away by those fu%*ing mosquitos. ICKY
Hey ladies!

Lainie -- Are you gearing up for our dual workout?? :p I'm so excited about it! I'll be thinking, "Right now, Lainie is doing the hip-hop repeater, too!" Whee!

Tneah -- Come do 4DS step with me and Lainie at 10:00! I know you're not a mad steppin' fiend, but it'll be fun!!!

Kara -- You will be just fine on your flight! Since you can't do yoga, can you do anything else to de-stress? How about kicking Colin and Emma out of the house tonight so W. can help you relax?;)

Allie -- Can you maybe make some side dishes or cook up some pasta for your sister so can she have dinner with you and Jim? What a bummer about having to miss the camping trip! We all need to learn to say "no" more, huh? Like Shannon said, just go with The Hunger. We can never resist it. It. Always. Wins. (hangs head in defeat)

Shannon -- I hate spending money on workout clothes, too, since we just work out at home, but it's fun to have new things, right? Sounds like you need to treat yourself to some new things to wear for your dates with Coach Sean! ;) (Oh, I don't want Kara and Peggie to get jealous when they hear me say that.) Yeah, I think I'll just take one pair of shoes.

Peggie -- Thanks for the shoe info! I'll just bring one pair, too. Don't let those fu%*ing mosquitos get you, babe! Take a swing at them with your KB if they try to! ;)

KB Lauren was on the local San Diego news yesterday, and she put up the clip on her blog. Thought some of you would enjoy it:

I'll be around all day (can't sit still with all this nervous energy!), but wanted to tell y'all that I love you, too! Big, smooshy kissies!:p
Y'all have been very chatty since I left you earlier. I am the LAMEST, LAZIEST BUM ever! After I dropped the girls at driver's ed, I came home and crawled BACK IN BED for nearly an hour and a half!!!!! During that nap, I dreamed that Leanne & her DH dropped in; I had a different (really cool) house, and Leanne started rearranging MY furniture. :D:D:D I guess I'm having sympathy anxiety dreams for you, Leanne, or I'm jealous of your new workout space. ;)

Leanne -- that is awesome that you may get more workout space; how thoughtful of your DH & how cool that he wants to do KBs. I took 2 pair of shoes, but I really only needed one; they take up so much space. As I said in my email of tips, if you get under a fan, you can probably stay in the same outfit Sat. a.m.

Allie -- I'm sorry you're spread so thin right now! One of the joys of getting older (& more assertive & less concerned about what people think) is the ability to say "no." I'm not always good at it, but I'm getting better and better. So, to chime in with Tneah, "just say no."

Kara -- I'm sending you lots of positive vibes ~~~~~~~~~~ and prayers for a safe trip. You will have a wonderful time! You and Peggie just remember what I said about the Philadelphia airport -- it is VERY large and VERY poorly laid out. I got so frustrated trying to connect with the person I was meeting that I started crying at one point. I don't want to scare y'all, but I want you to be a little more prepared than I was.

Peggie -- see what I said to Kara ^^^ -- you should have coverage b/c I did & I have Verizon.

Tneah -- Thank you for your sweet words! You are such a dear!

Where's Breckie?

Hi to everyone else!!!
Part ONE:

Hi ladies! Missed you all yesterday. Busy day on the van and after work. Going to split this into 2 posts because it’s painfully long (sheesh, what else is new?)

Well, so far so good. Mr. Trainerman has me eating all the freaking time, so I messed up one of the meal timings and missed 2 completely. I’ll get better at it. It SHORE is a lotta meat. Not complaining, because I’m actually hungry. I slept through meals 6 and 7. DH said I was gone to the world, and he tried to wake me up and ask me about dinner or what I was supposed to eat, and he said I politely said (still with my eyes closed), “I’m going to need you to stop talking now.” That just cracks me up. I was TARD yesterday – big time. So I’m going to do better today.

So ladies – can you throw out some ideas for 40 min (roughly) of cardio?

SEMEN!! (I have to catch up)

I’m so far behind, so very very far behind… forgive the choppiness and if things have already been said… I’m struggling to stay afloat these days, but I miss you all! I hope you know how important this group is to me, even if I can’t be here as much as I would like to!

Deb – congrats on your little prodigy! I can’t wait to see pics. Think you made the right decision to forego the workout if you had such a dread factor. I’m glad you got to enjoy your quiet time with coffee!

Shelley – did you guys bake bread? That sounds fun. Hope the weather wasn’t too terrible. Today here it was like 103 or something obnoxious like that.


Leanne – Big huge giant happy dances for BIL moving his arse out of your space, and for new workout space! I’m doing a BIG happy dance, the kind that would totally embarrass myself if anyone was looking and wasn’t sure how happy I was. THAT kinda dance. I’m glad you got the clasp situation fixed – would love to see a picture of this bracelet! I bet it’s simply gorgeous!

Kristi – I’m with Tneah about the stink eye and the diet soda. Puhleez. I drink what I want, and I expect you to drink what you want. That is the kinda stuff that makes me cranky. Glad it worked out in the end. And Heavens, no – you don’t sound braggy! And you’re right – we all serve in our own way. I just really like hearing about your way too! It’s such an inspiration. J We’re getting a little rain here and there up in DFW, too.


Shelley – mmmmmm cinnamon rolls! And your run? WOW. I’m impressed. I wanna run like that. I hope you have great weather and can enjoy some time at the beach!!!! I’m loving your vacay.

Kara – Oooh – good luck giving up the diet sodas! That was hard for me awhile back, but I managed okay. Seemed like the first few days were kinda obnoxious, but it got easier. Now I can’t drink much of one – it actually tastes kinda icky. But I’m glad I’ve already kicked that habit long ago, because Mr. Trainerman says NO aspartame whatsoever. NONE. Oh, and no soy either. Can’t wait to hear about the haircut! I just got mine cut by a Shear Genius guy, and I have to say, it was pretty genius. Then I came home and washed it. Now it’s just regular hair again. L Whoops, just read the part about not asking about the hair. Just forget I typed that. It’s a lot easier than me actually deleting it. ;) Sorry you’re not having the best of moods today.

Tneah – how’s the hip feeling today? Sorry about the seasickness! How often do you take the boat out? Where do you go? Those dolphins sound positively dreamy!!! And maybe KB on the boat while moving isn’t such a great plan – especially if you get seasick! Then the B would be for “barf”.


Peggie – what a long day. If I lived near you, I’d come knock on your back door, and steal you away for a drinky poo. But you’d have to promise not to tell Mr. Trainerman…

stay tuned for part 2, coming next...
Lainie – I hope your Dr is right, that simply sleeping more would be what you needed. I hate to think of you going through life exhausted!

Shannon – coming from another curly girl – curls is as curls does. I think if your stylist gives you a good cut, then that’s the majority of it. I can try to make my hair do this or that, and in the end, it just does whatever it wishes. I have come to terms with it. I figure, since I have curly hair, nobody can really ever tell if I tried or not, so I try not to try too hard. ;) OOOOOhhhhhh good luck on the job interview. But they’re going to LOVE you! Of course, if it’s meant to be, it will be. Will this be closer to home??? (crosses fingers) Sorry about your thumb. No hitchhiking for you!!


Allie - Congrats on the epiphany! You’re so young, and with your whole life ahead of you – you can make some wonderful changes! Passion is a big deal in one’s chosen career – I mean, you spend most of your life working, so you might as well love it! I’m very proud of you!! Sorry you’re so sleepy this morning! I’d love to hear about your life change, on top of all the other exciting things you’ve posted! I like all Leanne’s suggestions for your babysitting adventure. She’s a smart lady! And Tneah’s right too! As I’m getting older, saying “no” is a lot easier. Sometimes I even shout it. “NO!” (just kidding, I’m not much of a shouter) I do like Peggie’s comment about making your sister a salad. I mean, this can’t be the first time she’s been around meat eaters at a meal time. (((HUGS)))) Hope you feel better!

Here’s to hoping Robin is having fun! I’m sure she is!

OK, that’s it for now – this took me all freaking morning and I feel like I didn’t even say what I wanted. Can you IMAGINE if I had said as much as I wanted??? Good grief.

Ta ta for now my melties!!!
Shelley - see how ridiculous I am? I posted to you twice, but it's obvious how long it took me... I asked if you baked bread, but already knew the answer by the time I got back to post more. Sorry, told you I was messed up.

Another RT'er tip -- I think I may have emailed this to Leanne, and I should have shared it with all of you before now, but if you can, do a little test run in your outfits. I had two pairs of the same shorts -- loved the fit at home standing still, but when I actually worked out in them, they stretched out and I kept having to tug on them to keep them up during Cathe's classes. I also had an extremely darling top (it was hot pink), but I was so worried about one of my boobs popping out of it, that I couldn't fully focus on the kickbox workout.:eek::confused::eek: I had tested this one at home, but not vigorously enough.
BG -- which Shear Genius guy did you go to? Was he from this season? The one who is sooooooo into his wife or the one who got all dressed up for the wedding on "The Real Housewives of Orange County" (he clearly doesn't have a wife)????
Okay picked about 15 cucumbers and a bunch of tomatoes before I had to go running away from the mosquitos. I hate mosquitos.

Breckie - Glad you are doing okay with your Trainer Man. Yesterday, I did not get my workout in, which pissed me off. This is what I ate. Keep in mind my frickin' wonderful day. 5:30 a.m. - protein shake. 11:30 a.m., Power Bar (those things are so bad for you, but I figured it was better than a candy bar). 3 p.m. pumpkin seeds. 6 p.m. - Beef Jerky (good, but could really taste the sugar), rice cake - 9:30- Kombucha Synergy - strawberry flavor and coach's oats. Could have been a lot worse. Did pretty well in honor of Breckie--no Cheez-Its or fu*$in pita chips.

Today so far- coach's oats, some chicken, some macadamia nuts and now off for my Newport workout. Leanne and Kara, I will let you know how I like it.

Oh Leanne - I got an e-mail from Lauren about her NBC thing. She looked good. She is just soooooo cute.

BBL Kittens
Lainie Bug -- I'm about to head upstairs! Are you ready? :D

Breckie -- Oh, what a pleasure reading your semen-filled post! We missed you yesterday! I bet your hair looks adorable! Can you post some photos? I'll try to post a photo of the bracelet today, too. It sounds like you're doing so well on the new program! I can't believe that it's too much food! That's awesome!!

Kristi -- Oooh, your Nap Max sounds wonderful! Good for you, babe, to get the rest you needed! I'm worried about my boobage popping out, too! I tried on my tops yesterday and bounced around in them, but I think that one of them doesn't allow for a sports bra, and I'm worried that I'll be bouncing all over the place on Friday A.M.! Ah, the things we poor women have to worry about. Now would you like me to come over and help you re-arrange furniture? :p I've been spending time on-line looking at storage stuff at Ikea, instead of doing something more productive. At least it's helping ease the jitters! I have all these boxes of notes/papers in the closet from my dissertation/book, and don't know what to do with them. I found some cool shelves and boxes that may fit in my closet, which would help a lot.

Peggie -- Hey, kitten! We were posting at the same time! UG about your eating yesterday, but it sounds like it was a crazy day in general. You'll get back on track today! Yes, Lauren is so adorable! I can't wait to try her workout next Monday! Have fun with Anthony (I miss the devilish smile, 'cos I'd insert it here! so just imagine it!)!
Oh Leanne - I didn't mean to make it sound like there was SO MUCH food. It's just little bits a lotta times. :) It's okay though. But it's like what - day TWO? So if it's not okay, I'm in big trouble. I got 12 weeks of this stuff.

I'd love to see a picture of that bracelet! Cathe is simply going to love it!!! Take lots of pictures!

Peggie - well, at least you avoided the fu*#in pita chips. That in and of itself is a victory.

Kristi - Daniel did my do! He's a ball full of sunshine. He says he's getting his own show! His eyes sparkle, they really do. And no - no wife. ;) He's a freakin riot. I had so much fun. He's a delightful human being. I have no doubt he'll be even more successful than he already is - he just has that "certain something."

Wow - 3 er wait, 4 posts in less than an hour? I'm on FIRAH!
Hey guys!

Kristi--Thank you for the RT tips. They are so useful! I think Peggie and I will be alright because all she has to do is look for the no hair woman in a hot pink skirt. Not likely to be duplicates on that. Also, I have no boobage to bounce, so good on that front as well! Your suggestions actually ease my mind, so thank you!

BG--OK, so can you chew gun sweetened with aspartame? Did Mr. Trainerman say why he doesn't allow soy? Crappers, I couldn't give up soy! It sounds like you are doing well so far! Understandable about deleting, it is a pain in the arse. Good luck getting in the meals today!

Peggie--OK, so blonde and tan and beautiful. Check! Pasty white here. :) Your veggies sound so yummy! I can't wait to meet you. Did you enjoy Newport?

Tneah--Hey there chica! Boy, I wish you lived closer and could kick my pity pants off my arse today. I like how you tell it like it is. Thanks.

Shelley--Did you take the leap into KB land??? I hope so!

Phone ringing, be back!
Kara - I doubt the gum thing. I can ask. I can't chew gum right now anyway because of my braces... not that I am much of a gum-chewer. Yes, he said no soy, because it mimics estrogen in your body and guess what? Estrogen makes you hold fat. No holding fat. NO! I don't know anything about that, but all I know is I am doing what he says.

Glad to see you! I'm hanging around a little bit while the boys are having lunch. I'm on the van eating my M3.
Last edited:

Deb--Your description of the pre-dawn quiet, etc. sounded heavenly! Yes, Emma is fun, but hates shopping. WTH? Isn't that illegal or something? The driving thing is still scary and DH has had no part of it. The nerve!

Allie--I highly recommend an elliptical. I love mine! I use Craigslist ALL of the time. It is awesome! You know, you are such an emotionally-driven person that I think any career where you helped people would fulfill you. Have you ever done the Myers-Briggs test? I t can be eye-opening.

Lainie--Hi! How did the workout go? Was it fun??? Can't wait to meet you!

Alrighty, I need to eat lunch!
Breckie--Thanks for the info. Gosh, I consume a wad of soy. Boo. Is M3 yummy? I have the SAME lunch I am such a rebel!

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