{ { It's a Moody Monday MELTERS! } }

Oh, Shelley, you know we're going to be sending our collective Love and Healing Vibes your sister's way next Wednesday for sure! What is her name? That surgery sounds awful, but hopefully she'll heal quickly and will be back on her feet in no time. I had no idea that your own belly and body were so sensitive to protein. Do you do alright with fiber?

Yes, I think it's a pescatarian or something like that if you eat fish.;-)

Tneah -- Hooray for the HIIT workout! Did it bother your hip at all? OK, so I've been snooping around on-line, and I found out that San Diego State Univ. does the DXA scan -- but it's $100 for just the body fat part! The hydrostatic place is $50, but I hate the idea of having to be dunked underwater a few times while wearing a swimsuit. I need some enabling, Tneah! Tell me how much better the DXA scan would be!}(

Alright, I'm off to shower. I ST-I-I-I-NK after working out for 97 minutes today. Pee-ew! Sorry -- is that TMI?!;-)
Thanks, Leanne. It's Karen. She's my big sister - 8 years older than me:) I seem to be okay with fibre. Lord knows I eat enough of the stuff:p
Leanne - you worked out for 97 minutes??? Whew. You are an Iron Woman! My calf is much better, thanks. I think I'll do low impact today, and then Wednesday is usually an elliptical day anyhow, so I should be fine by the weekend and ready for regular impact.

Tneah - bummer about the Imax 2 premix! High impact is so fun, but once you start having problems, they don't really let you enjoy it, huh? I hope your nerve and back recover quickly. I really don't like fish or any other meat. Eggs are okay once in a while.... I can do without milk, but I do like other dairy. Cheese is my downfall. I don't care if it's pure fat. :7

Shelley - wow, that surgery sounds rather awful. But it will definitely be worth it. We all want Karen to be around for a long, long time to come.
No it is NOT too much to spend Leanne! Then you know for sure. The problem with the underwater test is this: it depends on how much air you can blow out of your lungs...the more you can, the more accurate the test is..no one can blow all the air out right? Thus the margin of error. With the DEX scan, you lay there fully clothed, and in less than three minutes, you have your results. Pay the extra 50 bucks for the "fully clothed" part alone!;)

I was thinking about having mine done, now that I am basically at my "normal" range now, yep I have gained some bodyfat back of course, for obvious reasons. But am curious to see what my bodyfat is when I am in my normal state, exercising hard, but not over exercising, and eating different, sorta. Anyway, it all seems terribly shallow after Shelley' news, and I apologize if I sound that way, really. :(

Off to run errands and stuff....the HIIT did not bother the hip, it did however bother the back...that hip is rock solid, except when it comes to running, that just kills...but now its the back, but nothing my chiro cannot deal with.
Hey all,

Shelley -- We'll be thinking of you and Karen in the coming weeks! Glad that your belly lets you eat fiber!:) What movie did you and Chris end up seeing yesterday? Was it a good stress relief for you? Hope so!

Shannon -- Mmmm . . . cheese! (Said in Homer Simpson voice.) The workout wasn't too bad today since it was just weights. I was scheduled to do Power Hour (I'm still doing the full-body thing), but decided to try that B&G premix after reading someone's post about it the other day. Of course, that B&G premix did have me cursing a bit. I actually had a big, goofy grin on my face a lot of the time, though -- I kept thinking, "She wants us to do *what*?" So it was definitely in keeping with our Fun June Workouts theme!:)

Tneah -- Thanks for the enabling! }( I keep thinking that the fully clothed part would more than make up for the price difference! I don't like to be in a bathing suit unless I have to! That sounds like a great idea to get yours done, too, so you can monitor your progress. If you can't find a place in Vegas that does it, here's the link to San Diego SU: http://www.cohp.sdsu.edu/index.php?page=service_price. I know, I feel shallow, too, even talking about this stuff with Shelley's sister being so sick!:-( Sorry your back is acting up!

So I decided to be naughty and put off my errands until tomorrow or the next day. Tomorrow I'm actually going to drive out to my dad and his wife's and have lunch with them. They live out in the "country" about an hour away from us. I figured that I'd hit the grocery store on my way home. :)
Hello Melters.

Please pray that the phone call on Friday was a success. I won't know till the end of the week.

Please don't anyone feel shallow for talking about life stuff! If y'all are going to be sombre and boring, I'll have to find another check-in! Seriously, I would just love it if we could carry on as normal and talk about stuff like full body scans, not having to get undressed (well, in certain situations, anyway) and how much we like cheese! Really!

And now I have a massive headache, so I'm off to the Advil bottle and bed!
Sure thing Jennifer, but you need to give us a little hint as to what this phone call involves?:)

I just got back from the chiropractors office. She is a miracle worker that woman, totally into the Bikram yoga thing-where you do the yoga in a hot and humid room? So she looks at me and asks when are you going to stop beating up your body and actually do something good for yourself?:p
God bless her. She wants me to try the hot yoga..soooo, I hate the dang heat, but may make a trip to the class on Wednesday afternoon and check it out. I have done it once before, hated it...but its worth a second chance, she has been really bugging me about doing it. She also tells me half of my problems lie in the front of my body in the form of two very large breasts. Yep. There ya have it.Good grief.

Leanne, thanks for the link! I have that scanner here in Vegas at my doc office, but now I am scared to go and have it tell me I am like over 20 percent bodyfat...I would commit hairy cairy...what does that mean exactly? :p Ugh. I know I have not gained that much back, but still. All of his nurses are super lean too, (but they have deep voices which kinda concerns me,,,interesting since this doctor specializes in human growth hormone)..uh, no thanks!x( I like being a girl.

Shelley, gonna be home tomorrow?

Off to do a weight workout...
Hello everyone. Long day and just now getting here. Ewan didn't nap today so that made it especially long. Tomorrow I have a babysitter coming so I can get those teeth out, so I hope he's not cranky after missing today's nap. I might just put him down before the sitter gets here and he might sleep right through until I get home anyway.

I did Glute Camp today (like Shelley) for the start of my FUN JUNE. What I'm thinking of doing this week:

M-lower body
T-cardio and maybe upper body
W-yoga (hopefully go to yoga class) and maybe upper body if don't do it Tuesday
F-total body

So I have it sort of informally planned but I'll pick the workout as I go.

Shelley, so sorry to hear about your sister. I can only imagine if my big sister was going through that. I worry about my sister's health but only because she's rather obese, she's never faced anything like cancer. I'm glad they caught this early and I hope they get rid of it fast. (((HUGS))) I'll be sure to send out prayers and good vibes next Wednesday!

Deb, yeah, we saw a lot of Uniblock at the nursery when we were looking at our pavers as well. The guy described the layers that would go in before the pavers, but I couldn't remember it properly to tell you; it sounded good at the time, though. He did seem pretty professional, at least. Now the issue is getting the permit from the village hall.

Jennifer, darn, wish you lived over here so you could babysit for me. ;)

Shannon, we had a big thunderstorm this weekend, but it was probably not as big as yours. It was impressive for here, but still slightly wimpy compared to what I was used to in Texas. It was the kind of weather where in Texas I'd be worried about possible tornadoes, but not here.

Leanne, I've never even attempted that Leg Blast premix from B&G, but then I'm pretty wimpy with lower body work. Ouch. Yeah, I've bugged Brian a bit more about the stationary bike, but no action yet. Ugh. Such a cheap man. Oh, and I loved those necklaces--not too gaudy unless you pair them with massive earrings and an armful of bangles, too. :) Then you might look like a gypsy. Ooh, and you could tie stuff on your head, too. Now I'm picturing you as a beautiful gypsy.

Tneah, my DH leaves tomorrow but he's only gone until Wed. night. Then he goes somewhere again next week. Glad I'm not the only one with the travelin' man.

Kara, I am sure that I Am Legend movie would give me even weirder nightmares. Yikes.

Thank you all for being such a great group of friends. I appreciate you all so much.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
Good luck with the teeth Lainie! Hope they give you good drugs.:7

I know, I hate being hot too, but I am gonna try it, need to make some friends here in Vegas anyway since I am such a hermit/nonsocial type of gal, you would not think so, but I really kinda am. Your workouts look great actually.

I need to go do mine, but have been reading the OD and stalling, ok, here I go, hi, ho, hi, ho...
Hey all,

Shelley -- We promise to be our silly and vacuous selves so don't you even think about switching to another group on us! We'd have to track you down and drag you back over here to listen to us go on and on about nakedness . . . and body scanners . . . and CHEESE!! :) Hope that Advil kicks in and you get a good night's sleep! And know that we're still sending Karen and you both our healing thoughts!

Jennifer -- Glad that the call went well!

Lainie -- I missed you around here today! Glad that you found someone to babysit tomorrow. Are you nervous at all about the dentist? Just stock up on ice cream and popsicles!;-) Maybe we could work on Brian, too, about the bike . . . like send him emails saying how good it would be for you to have one!}( Oh, I love the gypsy idea! When I was in elementary school one year, I dressed up as a gypsy and it was so much fun. Maybe we could all dress as gypsies for the RT (but then we'd run the risk of getting tossed out for being nutty)! Your workouts for the week look nice, but don't overdo it if you don't feel well after the dentist tomorrow! Try to check in with us if you can since we'll be worrying about you!

Tneah -- Oh, a friend of mine from work does Bikram and it sounds so INTENSE! I can't believe that your chiropractor said that about the girls. What nerve! Did you end up ordering that Bliss Hips DVD? You might like that a lot better! It's hard not to do it and not have fun. And I am sure that you are not over 20% BF at all. That's actually my worry -- that I'm going to go in and they're going to tell me that I'm a HUGE number. I'm trying to psych myself up for it so that if it's 20% or lower, I'll be pleasantly surprised. But we have to remember that we're not obsessing about weight and body fat, right? If the scary, manly nurses bother you, then maybe try to find somewhere new to do it.

Speaking of body fat testing, I decided to do the cheaper hydrostatic testing -- and made an appointment for this Saturday! Scary! I spoke with the woman who owns the place when I called, and it sounds like she'll be doing the testing, so it won't be *quite* as bad to be in a swimsuit, will it (she said, anxiously biting her nails)?!

Hearing about Lainie's and Tneah's hubbies being out of town makes me think again of how much fun it would be if we all lived close to get together and have a girls' night in! I appreciate you all so much, too, and am so thankful to have you Melty ladies as friends!:)

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