Is anyone doing both sts and cardio on the same day?


Just curious.

I think in order to do 3 days of cardio + sts I am going to have to do cardio and sts on the same day at least once a week. I'm thinking an upper body day?

I just don't know if I can handle 2 days of cardio only.

Today was supposed to be disc 6 but I was so tired this morning it ended up being a rest day. I will aim for tomorrow morning but it is also my early day at work, so it may have to wait until Sunday.:(

On a positive I did squeak out 5 workout days. I usually only get 3-4 days in.

I also do an upper body sts (right now CSB) and cardio on Sundays. My Saturdays are so busy with my kids' sporting activities that I use it as my rest day. But I also squeeze in an extra full body workout each week such as PH or ME b/c I'm used to working my upper body 2x a week. I know some may think it is too much but I keep the weights a little lighter than usual on that day. So far it is working out OK.

I do cardio before I do a STS Disc workout. I'm in Meso1 wk2 just finished disc 6 Legs. I like to do Cardio Coach before I do STS- I try to do volumes 1,2,3 and switch them out mixing them out. I figure the TM CC workouts are shorter about 30-45 min and vary in intensity. They serve as a really nice super warmup before I do any weights. I love doing both and I feel great after I do them both. I aim for TM workouts 5 days a week and even if I do a Cathe Cardio DVD too. Except for tomorrow. I'm doing MIC and then STS Plate Abs. I know that MIC is very intense and know I wouldn't have anything left to do it if I did TM so I'll skip it tomorrow.

I think that the main thing is to listen to your body and if your too sore do what works for you, but be careful and caution as to avoid injury.


I do cardio everyday with STS. Some days it only for 30 minutes.

I am doing the 6 month routine but consildated the weeks by doing STS 3 days back-to-back along with cardio. I take a rest day whcih is 2 hours of cardio aong with abs and repeat the same discs = 7 days. I am finishing week 3 and have lost 5 pounds.
I am doing cardio also along with STS because I know that in order to lose this old body of mine needs cardio 5 days a week, so far so good!!!!!
I'm also adding cardio on STS days. I have the luxury of breaking them up. I do STS in the morning and cardio at night.
I'm also adding cardio on STS days. I have the luxury of breaking them up. I do STS in the morning and cardio at night.

I am doing the same thing, but in reverse - cardio at lunch and STS at night...
Fit44 - I definitely admire you - I am so lazy to do cardio at night these days...if I have to, I will, but definitely prefer it earlier in the day :) so long as it is not 5AM :)
I'm adding in extra cardio on STS weight days as well. I'm also doing "full cardio" and abs on the off days, and some days my cardio is doubled up. In other words, my schedule looks like this:
Sunday: STS
Monday: cardio in early AM (45-60 mins) and abs + cardio (20-40 minutes) in afternoon.
Tuesday: STS in early AM + cardio (20-40 mins) in afternoon
Wednesday: cardio in early AM (45-60 mins) and abs + cardio (20-40 minutes) in afternoon
Thursday: STS in early AM + cardio (20-40 mins) in afternoon
Friday: cardio in early AM (30-60 mins) and abs + cardio (20-40 mins) in afternoon
Saturday: REST, thank goodness!

I don't ALWAYS double up; I go according to how I feel and my schedule.


(sorry to be so wordy)
I have done both, its the only way I can fit in 3-4 days cardio, STS 3 days and my trainer 1 day.

On wednesday I did disc 9 (legs). My legs were so fatigued but I had scheduled body max 2 cardio after it. I was determined!! I was only able to do the cardio from the topper- I couldn't even use 1 riser! (body max2 uses 2 risers during cardio) I am still sore from wednesday:confused: I don't think I will ever pair up STS legs with cardio back to back again!!

Friday I did both and was able to do cardio in am and sts in the afternoon.

Gayle, can I ask what kind of cardio you're doing for both your STS and off days? I've been debating adding in some extra cardio to shock my system and am looking for some suggestions.

I'm also adding cardio on STS days. I have the luxury of breaking them up. I do STS in the morning and cardio at night.

This is exactly what I'm doing on the days I'm doubling up. Although I'm only adding cardio on upper body days. My legs are usually revolting on legs day!

I have done STS and cardio on the same day. Whenever I do this, I always do STS in the am and cardio in the pm. On the days that I do both on the same day, I use that day as a lighter cardio day. I do my more intensive cardio and interval work on days that I don't do STS.
This is exactly what I'm doing on the days I'm doubling up. Although I'm only adding cardio on upper body days. My legs are usually revolting on legs day!


That is what I was thinking only on upperbody days since leg days are a killer. I just thought for some reason it was recommended with this series not to do both cardio and weights on the same day.

I will definetly listen to my body and if I need I would hate to burn out and not want to do sts at all.

Thank you for all your responses.
Just curious.

I think in order to do 3 days of cardio + sts I am going to have to do cardio and sts on the same day at least once a week. I'm thinking an upper body day?

I just don't know if I can handle 2 days of cardio only.

Today was supposed to be disc 6 but I was so tired this morning it ended up being a rest day. I will aim for tomorrow morning but it is also my early day at work, so it may have to wait until Sunday.:(

On a positive I did squeak out 5 workout days. I usually only get 3-4 days in.


Yes and as long as Cathe prefersyou do them at different time of day. example a/m& p/m
I am also thinking about adding in some cardio in the evening of STS days. I was thinking something along the line of Leslie and her walking. Non STS days I am either kickboxing, spinning, or plyo.


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