Intensity Series Just Arrived!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Let's hear it for UPS!!!!I was so excited that I could barely sleep last night. The covers look fantastic and I'm going to do Upper Body Pyramid today!!!!Hooray!!!
You lucky dog!!! I'm still waiting for my confirmation e-mail. :(

Please post as soon as your done, it will help me get through the wait.
Now you gotta hand it to Cathe and her company--getting the vhs' in your hands a mere 2 days after Christmas is phenominal. {{{{{{clap, clap, clap}}}}}

I ordered the dvd's so I am very excited to hear from all you vhs'ers as to how great these are while I wait a bit longer!
Quack, quack

you lucky duck! Yes, by all means, post the minute you finish the workout. I'm also patiently (not) waiting (dying) for my email confirmation. I'm holding on by a thread.

Post a review pleeeeeeeeze.
RE: Quack, quack

That makes me wish I had ordered VHS, instead of DVD. (or as well as DVD!). You lucky thing! Can't wait to hear the reviews! Have fun!

Okay! I just finished Pyramid Upper Body and I have to say that it is a very refreshing change. This was my first time doing a pyramid-type workout. The exercises move quickly with little or no rests between sets. This is the perfect workout for the winter blahs! The only push-ups in this video are done on your knees in the warm-up. The stability ball work is very challenging. One move is bringing the ball forward from a lying position and kicking it two times quickly, then you go all the way back and come up in a half-crunch. The Pike is also included. That's a move where you start out in a straight-armed plank position on the ball and bring it in with your feet, keeping your legs straight. There are no traditional crunches. This video flys by so quickly that you almost feel like you cheated and didn't get a full workout in, but your shaking arms know better.

Hi everyone; don't feel bad - I pre-ordered on september 18!!!!! I was the one who posted last week that SNM never even cashed my check, so i had to re-order and am probably put at the bottom of the stack!!! Boo HOO!!! and i was SURE to preorder the first day I could!!! :-( I'm never gonna make it waiting!!
I just did Cardio & Weights

Cathe has another winner with this workout. The routines are fun & the music is good. I was able to follow w/out rewinding. The last cycle has a step-move from Rythmic Step and I kept wanting to do the R-step move vs. the new one. Cathe added some new moves that guarentee a smile. The weight work is challenging. The ab work is different from the traditional crunches. I think this is the routine that got her tummy flat again. The ending had me rolling a bit. I wasn't able to keep my balance lifing opposite leg and arms in a bend over position. I'm was sooo excited when I got home and saw 'the box.'.. I changed my clothes and popped in the tape. Now... I want to try another one but don't know if I have the energy...
Get OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man!!!! I gotta wait until Jan. 3rd!!! How will I?????

I'm very happy for you, though!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

Thanks for letting us know Sonja!!! Much appreciated by those of us who are still waiting....and will be for some time....
Guess I better go out and buy that stability ball soon
-Nancy - a DVDer
RE: Get OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man oh man why is the UPS man playing with my emotions!? :(

I'm probably the LAST delivery on his route today or something! Every time I hear a truck go by my heart races and I run to the window! It's 3:30pm~where is he for craps sake!?

Still waiting, this is JUST like it was in school waiting for my report card! I was ALWAYS at the bottom of the stack, and my last name was Clark for goodness sake! Just the roll of the die I guess!
Still waiting, thank goodness there is no chocolate in the house, the anxiety would have driven me over the edge and right into it!


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race! guys are killing me.:) I have to keep reminding myself that the premixed combos and the dvds are worth the wait.:)

Same here DeeDee. My DH got me ALL the new DVD's for Christmas. I love that man!. However my sister wanted the new vhs for her Christmas present from me. Now what to do! I will receive the vhs Christmas present to her first. I wonder if she will mind? You think?

Just kidding. I proberly won't open hers.

>Same here DeeDee. My DH
>got me ALL the new
>DVD's for Christmas. I
>love that man!. However
>my sister wanted the new
>vhs for her Christmas present
>from me. Now what
>to do! I will
>receive the vhs Christmas present
>to her first. I
>wonder if she will mind?
> You think?
>Just kidding. I proberly won't
>open hers.

Hi Kim,

Hey you might be in luck. Maybe your sister will let you use sister sure would.:) Does she live close enough to you for video sharing? I hope so.:)

Okay you guys, I've been patiently awaiting to. I figure I'll get mines before next week ends, I'm so excited, cant hardly wait. Yay for Cathe, she's awesome.

Tell us about the music!!!!! (please :))
I wanna know, music is SUCH a motivator for me, I can't understand how some people do not use music as a tool for motivation!!
cathe always picks great music, I am waiting to see the types of songs this time around!!!
I just watched Bootcamp and it looks really tough. It's kind of like a mix of IMAX, weight work and lots of tough core work. Without having seen all of the others, it looks like it may be Cathe's hardest workout yet. The first interval ends with 12 airborne jacks followed by sqats with low-ends. There's also an interval of terminator thrusts that looks pretty brutal. Don't try this one without watching it first!!
this is torture

I ordered the DVDs so this waiting is killing me. :D:D
Keep the reviews coming. I got Boot Camp and the Imax DVD and it sounds like I should be a little afraid. :) I can't wait. AAGGGGHHHH.


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