If one wanted to look like a fitness professional.....


would one have to eat exactly like they do? As in...eggs/oatmeal for every single breakfast, protein at every meal, 5-6 meals a day etc. Or could you accomplish the same by doing say, Weight Watchers? Its not so much the muscle growth I'm concerned with but the fat loss to see the muscles. I'm guessing if everyone single profile on such a person I've read (bodybuilders, fitness models etc) says virtually the same diet, then that must be the only way.
Yeah, I have noticed that to.They have their meal plan laid out there and when I read it I think, they don't eat this for EVERY meal do they? If I ate like that I would have to pick up 10 cartons of eggs when I go to the grocery store.:)
Im assuming it is not just the diet but it is the way they train as well. I think alot of them take supplements as well.The girls in cathes videos are better role models for me then some of the girls in the magazines.Some of them are to manly.:eek: I also think that working out in a gym as alot to do with it.I will probably never set foot in a gym b/c I don't like it.I would rather stay in the comfort of my laundry room.But reading some of these magazines does make me realize that gym equipment is alot better then dumbells.
I think those 3 reasons are probably the answers.(food,gym and supplements)
I have to disagree that this is the only way, because it's just not human.

Is this kind of eating normal or even pleasurable? Is it something you could keep up every single day?!?!?! I couldn't!

I read these magazines too and I admire these women for their grit and determination. They look fabulous, but I also know that that is their entire life. MOst of the rest of us have ambitions that are a little more wide-ranging and which challenge and stretch bits of us other than our pecs and hamstrings. Are we not more than the physical perfection that can be scuplted from our bodies?

To do such a thing is a 100% time commitment and requires a lot of sacrifice of pleasures I think. I know I could never do it. I really like cheese and crackers sometimes, I love chocolate nearly every day. There's nothing better than a soft boiled egg with all the yolk, which by the way, is where the vitamins are!!! I love real salad dressing, real bread with lots of different grains, and they can never eat any of these things!. For me life is about more than denying myself pleasurable foods because they will prevent me from sculpting the body fantastic. And nobody loves you for your sculpted physique, certainly not your children whose love is for the fabulousness of you as a person, not a body.

We have to remember that we are more than how we "look" aesthetically. And the body needs more than egg whites and oatmeal. If you have any other things going on in your life, like work, family, writing a doctoral dissertation, doing an MA or LAw degree, holding down 2 or more jobs, training for a marathon, learning sign language, whatever, then it becomes so frustrating to keep siphoning off a large chunk of your brain and attention and energies to keep thinking about how many more reps you have to do in the gym, how many boxes of eggs to buy so you can have 6 egg whites for breakfast, etc, etc. Let it go!!!!!!!

All you have to do is exercise a normal amount, feed your body a variety of good, nutritious food and it will pay you back by being energetic, disease-free, and it will let you do all the other things in your life that you want to do to a ripe old age. The way these fitness professionals eat is not healthy, in my opinion: if you scrutinize their daily food lists they OD on protein in a really non-pleasurable way, and there are usually only token fruits and vegetables in there. So yes, they may look fabulous now: but do they get eough fibre to protect against Colon cancer? Are there enough vitamins and minerals to prevent against cancer and other diseases later in life?

I am sorry, I absolutely do not mean to preach at all: I just get heart-felt exasperated with these magazines because they ony give one way/one possible lifestyle for being fit and in good shape, and to me, 99.9% of women with real lives, with real jobs, with real family commitments, with desires to expand themselves as human beings in all their faculties and possibilites of character, could never keep this up without going insane! At least, I know I never could.

Cardio and weight training and a healthy diet = fat loss.

As Honeybunch says, calories in....calories out.

Live your life, you don't have to lose your sanity worrying about counting egg whites!

Clare :)
Clare, very well said. I have often thought that those women and men, while attractive and healthy looking, must focus all of their energy and time worrying about their diet and workouts. IMO, it would be very hard for them to also focus as much energy on their jobs, family, or other "normal" things. I know that some bodybuilders do have other interests outside of the gym and juggle family and work life, but I think that for a majority the gym is their life. One of the things that I really like about Cathe is her devotion to her family and fitness. I think she has the right combination without going to extremes.
Ok, I agree with you guys to a point but I don't think anyone would argue that Cathe has the type of body we are referring to and you just said that she isnt so obsessed with it that she doesnt have time for her family too. That is somewhat of a contradiction. I disagree that it takes up all your time. I don't think these people are working out quite as much as you think they are. Their workout schedules don't look much different from mine. Esp since they also aren't doing as much cardio as I am.
>I have to disagree that this is the only way, because it's
>just not human.
>Is this kind of eating normal or even pleasurable? Is it
>something you could keep up every single day?!?!?! I

I'm sure that this oft-published fitness diet is what they eat when in training and when getting ready for a photo shoot. The lifestyles of fitness competitors seems to be very restrictive at those times. If you notice their vital stats, they are often 5-10 pounds heavier in the 'off season."

On the other hand, I've heard that Karen Voight has selzter with a slice of lemon as a "treat"!
Clare - that was an eloquent post and very, very true. Their lifestyle is very focused around fitness to the exclusion of much else.

I often wonder how Cathe maintains her tiny physique and wish she would share more information on her diet with us. Her body has undergone some extensive transformations between her step videos and now. She looked great in Step Heat and just kept getting smaller from there. Even after two pregnancies she is tinier than ever. Her body type has always been one I could aspire to being built very similar in nature, but I can no longer look to her as a role model without some radical changes in my eating habits. And I have already cut back a lot in the past month (snacking, portion sizes)!

If anyone thinks I am Cathe-bashing, I am not, but I do now lump her into the fitness model category based on her physique and find it to be an unattainable goal without a lot of time and effort involved, as well as a strict attention to clean eating 99% of the time.

Cathe is blessed with good genes, but she also owns a fitness studio and when she's not making videos she's teaching classes and practicing new routines. If I worked out as much as she does I'd probably look like her too! (yeah, right!) Anyway, she's casually mentioned in the past that while she eats as cleanly as possible before and during the taping of her workouts, on her "off" times she pretty much eats anything she likes. I'm sure that the amount of calories she expends on any given day is probably equal to what most of us expend in a week! Of course, I'm exaggerating here, but I think you get the picture!
Have to butt in here...

I think looking 'that way' depends on a number of things. I will tell you this, however, I have met 3 people who could pass for fitness pros in my life.

One, is my cousin. She is a corporate recrouter for American Express and she is gorgeous. When we have family gatherings, she brings her own food. When she goes on vacation, she makes it a physical, movement based vacation: rock climbing, hiking, rafting, etc. She goes to bed no later than 9:00 p.m. and works out before work for 2 to 3 hours almost every day. There are days where she eats at McDonalds and there are days where she blows off a workout, but they are few and far between. She seems happy and she will probably out smart the diabetes and obesity that plagues our side of the family.

Two, is Annette (A-Jock) from these forums. I have had the fabulous pleasure of getting to know her (and my beloved Jo-Jo and Jules) this past year since we don't live too far apart. Annette has beautiful, sculpted arms, covetous veins, and a waist the size of my calf. She eats cheese quesadillas, Cheez-Its, and M&Ms. I am not sure her potions of these treats, but she seems to not sweat in the least about protein/carb ratios, fat grams, etc. She leads a very busy life with her super nice (and helpful) husband, two jobs, and Sunday meetings with Killer B's. She seems to have found a great balance between work and play. (Annette, I REALLY hope you don't mind me sharing this!)

Three, is me, about 4 years ago, before the anorexia took hold, and before the subsequent re-feeding and getting chubby process took place. In the beginning, I worked out hard 5 or 6x's a week and ate 'clean' (I hate that term by the way), but still made it to a pizza place every now and then. I would even walk to Dairy Queen, eat a Blizzard, and then walk back as a treat during the summer months. I would have people stop me on the street (well, sidewalk) and ask me what I did to look so lean. This isn't bragging, this is just to show that it is possible with hard work, dedication, and the allowance of treats. However, that life style soon morphed into obsessive behaviors such as bringing my own food every where, not taking rest days, and a caloric deficit that lead to hospitalization and starvation.

My point? I don't know. I guess it is finding what works for you, and working it. Cathe looks incredible to me. But don't you think that part of what makes her look so great is that she takes time to play too?
I work with a guy that was doing bodybuilding contests. That's totally thru that he was trying to struggle between family life (3 kids), a wife, 2 dogs, a full time career, and his training. Some night he could only get into the workout room at 1 a.m. and had to be at work by 8 a.m.

He also said that he had to eat clean, and he was going thru a lot of dozen of eggs during the week.

He stoped doing bodybuilding contests, now do bodybuilding to stay fit and does not watch his diet like in the past. His body changed a lot. Even if he does bodybuilding 3-4 times a week, he looked better before.

My conclusion is that maybe it's better to do a little less and continuously, then to train like these girls and guys and the day they give up the diet or exercise they will see a significant change in their body.

I think that it takes tremendous efforts to look like the girls in Oxygen or other mags. This is their life and I am not going to do it.

I don't look at Cathe and think I will be like her some days. I just love to workout with her, because I like her style, and all I want is to get into the habit of exercising, eating better and enjoying life!
RE: Have to butt in here...

Welcome back Jillybean!!!! I haven't seen/heard a post from you for a while and it's GREAT to hear from you again. Your post was WONDERFUL and the things you shared were very inspirational and helpful with my own challenges. I sure hope to meet you myself (I'm a fellow Minnesotan) and the others if there ever was a way.

Hope to hear more from you soon! Marcia :)
Many of the male and female competitors admit how obsessive competing is, and has cost them marriages/ relationships--they've had to make the choice between putting their energy into their relationships or fitness competition.

Recently in Muscle and Fitness a late 20's-early 30's year old male bodybuilder used the word "insane" to describe the bodybuilding lifestyle (too food/workout obsessed), and that he couldn't keep it up past his early 30's cause he wants more out of life.

And Kim Chizevsky, a former bodybuilding champ (4 Ms.O's), said "A bodybuilding diet...might not be the healtiest way to eat. I hated having to choke down all that protein....Now I'm eating plenty of carbs with lots of variety, moderate protein, and low fat. I think I had the largest craving for sweets when I was bodybuilding since so many months of the year I'd neglect (carbs)...it has been forever since I've had a piece of chocolate cake....Now I crave vegetables and fruit...I'm healthier because I get more out of many foods." (M&F May 2001). Kim was massive as a bodybuilder, and has significantly leaned down, and competes in fitness or physique contests now.
All these replies have been so interesting to read! You all have tons of information! Keep the replies coming!
I agree that these posts are extremely interesting. In one of the fitness magazines a question was asked of the woman something like, "How do you handle the pre-contest eating?" and most of their answers were: They were cranky, moody, tired all the time. They also went on to say that their husbands or loved ones would try to stay out of their way until the contest was over, that way they ate more food and felt better and were in better moods - geez, what a way to live x( .

I have to admit, when I look at fitness magazines, I look at these woman and think a lot of them look horrible. They are overly muscular and are manly looking. I believe there are extremes in everything and some of these women are taking fitness to extremes.

Remember this, a lot of these women rely on their bodies to win contests and endorsements (which gets them the brunt of their money). Most of their day is consumed with what are they going to eat, when are they going to exercise next, etc. Their meals are small and spread throughout the day and mainly all protein (God, those protein drinks make me gag). Personally, I don't know how a normal, working person could eat the meals they do and hold down a career, have a strong marriage or raise children. I guess that's why so many of these women have none of the above, or like someone else posted a high divorce rate. Give me real food and curves any day!

I have one more tidbit to add.I bought a muscle and fitness mag a little while ago and there was an article in there about husbands and wives.The wives being the well known weight lifters.All of the men said that they are very understanding when it comes to their wives training program.The women are very irriatable, b/c they are lacking carbs and cals.They are also very sleepy and need to have naps in the day.So, most of the men tip toe around their wives.
Nice marriage.
I don't think Cathe looks like the women that we are talking about.Aren't we talking about the women who look more like men? Cathe looks like a wonmen, shes not to muscular, shes just right!:)
My original question was referring to the Cathe-type body actually, but as topics tend to do its been deteriating a bit. That's ok though cuz its all interesting!
I really like how Cathe looks in the CTX series and in PH. Plus the intro where she has this tiny blue tee and she looks tiny!!!
I was trying to focus on weights all year then it hit me the other day that what I really found attractive wasn't what I was working for. So its running, yoga and PH/ME now and I'm kind of rocking to that!!!

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