I think Vitalert made me more hungry!!


Oh no! i tried the vitalert this morning. took it as recommended, and for lunch i totally carbo-loaded (fish, macaroni and cheese and a roll). believe it or not, i felt really really hungry about 2 hours after stuffing all those carbs into my system!!! usually that kind of lunch would have me full until late evening! help! the only thing i can figure i did differently is the vitalert.
did this happen to anyone else?
I haven't tried Vitalert, but I know I have a similar reaction to caffeine. For most people it's apparently an appetite suppressant, but it makes me really hungry and shaky. So I would suppose the same thing could happen with Vitalert if there is something in it that acts like caffeine.
I did not get good results either. I got shaky and didn't feel myself all day. Very Strange but I do not do well on herbs At ALL!

Years ago someone gave me Herbal Life to try, the feeling to me is similar(bad reaction)!

Now, my DH took it and he didn't feel like I did.

Every one is different.

Maria :)
Count me on the list for those who can't take this. After reading what everyone had said about it, I bought some at Wal-Mart Friday evening and started taking it Saturday morning. I was effected very strangely. First, it also made me hungry. And I'm not talking about just craving something, I was actually hungry. My stomach was growling big time. Second, I actually felt the opposite of what I was supposed to feel. Instead of being alert, it actually had more of a calming effect on me to the point I felt kind of depressed. By the third day, yesterday, I felt terrible and wanted to cry about everything. (I did check the calender and it is not PMS time.) Today I did not take it and I feel great. Weird, huh.

I also want to add some medications have just the opposite effect on me than they are supposed to. For example, sometimes medications that are supposed to make you sleepy will keep me up all night. I guess I'm just weird. :)

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