I need help choosing the right DVD's!!!


Hi all! Hoping you can help me. I want to add several of Cathe's DVD's to my X-mas list but can't figure out which ones might be the most appropriate for me. I have never taken a step class, though I am very coordinated and exercise on a regular basis (weights and cardio). I prefer not to mix my weights and cardio into one workout, if at all possible.

Based on this, what DVD's would you recommend? Also, I would need to purchase a step. Which one should I purchase and where?

I look forward to your response, especially since X-mas is right around the corner! :)

Hi Cass! I started off with the CrossTrain Express series & moved up to the Intensity series. You really can't go wrong with any of them. I have purchased a few other instructor tapes that were geared toward the advanced-choreography user & never even liked them half as much as Cathe. They were too complicated.

You also say you don't want to mix cardio & weights but I would highly encourage you to give it a chance (if feasible.) It is good for you. I used to be very strict about my wt work & then my hour of running on the treadmill, for many years. According to my heart rate monitor, these are some of my highest calorie burning workouts.
You haven't tried circuit training until you've tried Cathe.

Also, if you are going to invest in Cathe workouts & a step, while any step is usable, I would highly recommend the Original Health Club Step. I used to have a Reebok step that (the short one) & I ended up buying the larger Step. I just felt safer with the extra length.

Happy shopping!:)


Thanks so much for the reply! I was origianlly thnking about the Basic Step and Body Fusion (since I am new to step), but do you think this is too basic for me? Can you be specific about what DVD's from the Cross Train Express series you think might be good for a newbie to step?

Also, is the step you are suggesting I buy the one they feature on the site? I just want to make this easy for my husband when he makes these purchases for me this week for x-mas.

thanks again for your help :)


Ignore my previous question, as I see the series is all on one DVD. But, I did want to ask you about the Body Blast Series which also looks great and was going to be my 2nd choice after the Basic Step & Body Fusion.

I have tried to contact the company directly to ask these questions but have not received a response (which makes me think their customer service is not very good:( )

any way, let me know your thoughts on those DVD's?
I have all of Cathe's workouts except the Basic Step/Body Fusion which I didnt purchase b/c I thought they would be too basic so I cant comment on them. I'd definitely purchase a full length club step as has been previously mentioned. Also I wanted to add not let a particular cardio/weights combo workout detour you b/c most of Cathe's dvds have premixes on them so you can just do the cardio or just do the weights. That said, here's what I consider to be a good starter list considering the workouts as is ie. no premix....

1. Kick Punch & Crunch/Legs & Glutes dvd---great nonstep workout plus a great leg workout, the abs on KPC are great too! KPC is a great cardio workout to do while trying to learn step.

2. Pyramid Upper and Lower Body dvd---a must have strength workout

3. IMax2/Cardio & Weights dvd---IMAX2 isnt too tough to learn, and it's alot of fun, C&W is another easier to pick up step routine (it has a cardio only premix)

4. The Pure Strength series dvd is another no-nonsense strength training workout that gives you the opportunity for a split routine instead of a total body workout

5. As far as other basic step workouts, Cathe has a ton as you've noticed. Her older ones are a little easier to learn, but the dated workout-wear bothers some people. Her older ones that arent too tough to learn include, Mega Step Blast, Step Heat, Step Max, Power Max. Her new Step Blast/Step Jump & Pump dvd is THE most fun and has the best music of any step workout I've ever done, and it's not too tough to learn once you have some basic moves down. Again, this one has tons of cardio only premixes that incorporate both step routines.

6. I wanted to add that Push Pull/Supersets is another great investment. The workouts as is are some of Cathe's easiest weight routines, but the variety of premixes toughen them up! However, this dvd was great for me recently b/c I'm getting over an illness and needed something on the lighter side to get me back into the groove and this dvd fit the bill.

Merry Christmas!
Thanks for that info! Now I just need to go back to the site and see if I can narrow it down to a few.

Do either of you guys have the "high step"? Just curious. Obviously, I will start of with the basic one first.

How do Cathe's videos compare to others you have seen out there?


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