I need advice! XP from BFL


My girlfriend and I meet at the gym at 5:15am, or 6:15am(depending if we do a class or just treadmill). I really like the accountability. If I don't show there, she'll literally kick my butt! It's much different then just telling you guys I didn't workout. Your words can't physically hurt me

Well, she bailed on me for sat. And has bailed on me for the next 2 saturdays. I really prefer cathe, but like this accountability. So, i'm thinking that to workout with her will cost me $375 in dues. If she bailes on me all the time, I'll be furious. Like I wasted my money. But, I know this could be a great thing with the accountability. I don't know what to do, and I have to decide quickly!

what do you think...Keep going and meeting her on a hope she continues, or do it at home and save myself the money and aggrivation??

Unless you are going to utilize the gym on your own, too, I wouldn't join it for a partner who has already had to cancel 3x at the get-go. On the other hand, if you meet nearly every day, and it's only a few Saturdays that she's had to cancel, then I wouldn't be fazed by that. But I think it's important to hold yourself accountable and not rely on someone else to give you a daily kick in the butt. What about doing your workouts mainly from home and meeting her once or twice a week for an outdoor run?

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face] http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/wavesmile.gif
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
cathy, thank you for responding.

I can't workout at home. Let me rephrase that. I make excuses to workout at home. I will tell myself...oh, i'll get it in later today. If I meet her at the gym at 5, I KNOW I have to go, or she'll kill me. But, I am hoping once I am back in to a routine, it will be easier.

I'm immature in my workouts and need that kick right now:(
Why don't you make other plans, like going for a jog outside? That way you don't have to pay the money. I wouldn't pay the money for the membership just for meeting with your friend, either. If you're meeting her at 5am, you can just as easily do your own workout at your home. It's hard at first, but you just have to make yourself do it until it becomes a habit. Like I said on the BFL thread (I think it was there), I think you should take that money and buy a used treadmill to use in your home. Just my opinion ;-) But if you need the kick of meeting her, do your couch potato to 5k outside with her. That way, if she bails, you haven't spent the money on the gym.
I have been going to the gym for two years with my mother in law and the accountability is amazing. I never thought we would go consistantly every week minimum twice a week. She hates working out and if I mention anything that I can't make it for whatever reason she won't go. If she cancels I will usually go and give her a hard time and she feels guilty.

On the other hand if it weren't for her I would probably work out with Cathe everday and probably see better results! I perfer her workouts because they push me to the limits of throwing up, that's when your burning fat right. ;)

You should just tell her how your feeling and buy some Cathe DVD's with the money.
> I think it's important
>to hold yourself accountable and not rely on someone else to
>give you a daily kick in the butt.

I agree.

If you've already paid the membership fee, and can't get a refund, then keep going to the gym yourself. Otherwise, you might consider cancelling (sometimes, you can sell memberships to other people) and working out at home. Or maybe you need a personal trainer (which, I'm sorry to say, would be an extra expense.)

Another way of having accountability is to join a check-in. Having to check in with other exercisers may give you the push you need to do your workouts.
thank you for all your advice.

I contacted a trainer today. If you followed my other post 'gym saga' then you know we are in negotiations of money!

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