I need advice or encouragement or something. . .


susan p

Hi everybody, can you help me please? I am getting a little discouraged and I think maybe you guys can see what I'm doing wrong that I can't see myself. I started doing regular strength training April 1 with MIS. I had done minor toning before but no serious strength work. I started off with what I affectionately called my "weenie weights" and eventually saw quite a bit of progress. I did MIS one day a week and Tough tape one day a week. At the beginning of August, I switched to the PS series. I have been doing these for 4 weeks now and I am still SO sore after doing these tapes! I use weights that would probably seem weenie to most of you (for example, 8 lb dumbbells, a 20 lb barbell for biceps, 20 or 30 for lower body, etc), but I am all in when I'm done. I am successfully working most muscle groups to failure (except back). I haven't been able to increase my weights in 4 weeks (but since that's only 4 times through each tape, that's OK isn't it??), but I'm still sore as can be with my original weights. Particularly after SLA. As a matter of fact, SLA kind of sabotages me because I am SO sore I can hardly work out again for a couple of days). And if I'm going to be that sore, I want my hamstrings and butt to be that sore, and its usually my quads instead (the back half is slightly sore but nothing like those burning quads!). I don't want to do low wt-high rep work because I am a skinny ectomorph who wants to add some muscular SHAPE and I'm not seeing much visible progress. Do I just need to accept that this is an ectomorph thing?

Am I trying to work too hard? I am getting discouraged. I have considered myself "in training" for the Cathe trip since May, and I have pushed myself really hard and have made progress with MIS and with cardio, but PS has me stumped (As does IMax!). I know there are many of you out there who have made it "over the hump" to advanced status, is this just part of the process? I feel like I'm stuck at Step Jam level and at "weenie-weights-with-MIS" level and I KNOW there are some of you out there doing PowerMax and StepWorks and IMax and PS! So how did you get where you are? -susan p (P.S. don't tell Cathe I posted this whiny missive!! grin).
PS Legs


I had a similar problem with PS Legs. When I started using the PS series, I was lifting fairly heavy weights at the gym and thought I wouldn't have too much trouble with PS. However, that was not the case. In the beginning, I was so sore, I couldn't workout (or hardly walk!) the day after I did PS Legs. My legs felt like jello! This went on for 3-4 weeks. I understand your frustration. Try and tell yourself that soreness means that you are making your muscles stronger. Each time muscles rebuild, they are harder to break down. Stick with it and know you are not the only one with that experience. You are doing great! Hard work pays off.
Keep at It Susan

Susan, I agree with Liz. Just keep at it. Four weeks is a relatively short time to see lots of progress after you've already been using weights. Keep in mind also, that MIS is an endurance workout. It's objective is to build endurance so you can work out longer. You'll also build some strength, but PS is strictly a strength workout - and, therefore, different from MIS. You really should ask Cathe about this. Some feel that the FIRM workouts are also more than building endurance that strength, although I know Tough Tape is really tough.

Just keep at it. You seem to be making progress. Don't expect too much too soon. I haven't changed weights in PS legs for a very long time.
Don't worry!


If you are still feeling sore after using what you call "weenie" weights you are still working your body hard. It will get easier with time. I switched leg workouts about 7 weeks ago and I still feel sore for 2 days afterwards. It might just take your body a little bit longer - like me - to get used to the workout. Be glad, you don't have to rotate workouts for a while because your body is still reaping great benefits from this routine. I always hate having to change when I am enjoying a workout so much.

You're doing great, Susan!

Just think about how much progress you've made in such a short time! I remember your posts from not very long ago (around January or so) when you were a rank beginner! What you have done so far is so admirable. And you are listening to your body and progressing at your own pace, which is great. I agree with everything that others have said here. It doesn't matter what weights you're using, just as long as you're seeing progress. The first few times I used the PS series, I was sore for days! I mean, with PS BBA my biceps were on FIRE for a whole two days and sore for 5! With PS SLA, I could barely walk. My quads burned and burned. I think it was at least two days before I could even do step. As your body adjusts to the workouts, you'll be less sore. But I think that when on a PS rotation, you're always sore SOMEWHERE! At least I am--LOL!!! Oh, and as far as increasing your weights--when you feel like the weight you're using isn't challenging you enough, then try to increase it (but I know you already knew that). Like Joni, it's been awhile since I've increased weights on PS. I think I may be at the point where I've just about maxed out on the weights that I can lift (and I'm not lifting weights nearly as heavy as some). I think some of it, at least, is genetic--oh, how I love that reason!
Sometimes what I'll do is increase the weight for the first set, and then go back to my original weight for the rest of the sets. Or, I'll increase the weight and not do as many reps, and soon I can actually finish the set. But it's not worth injury to increase the weights just to say that you've increased them. You're doing great!

thanks so much guys!

I appreciate your information and encouragement! Hey, if this is normal, that's cool. I was expected to be less and less sore each time I did the tapes and was beginning to wonder if I was pushing TOO hard! And honestly, I think I am just a bit. . . When I lose the joy in my workouts I know that SOMETHING is out of kilter, even if it's more in my head than in my body! And I think I was getting a little too goal-oriented. I might back off just slightly on my weight, at least for SLA, so that the post-workout soreness doesn't de-motivate me so much. This is not a RACE, after all. I'll get there. I really needed your posts, I feel a lot better (and Cathe's mention of a "millenium workout series" enthused me to no end as well!). HAPPY workouts to all, susan p

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