I am back!


Hi Ladies,

I had my second child on 8/22/07. She was late. I was more than ready.
Taylor is doing wonderfully. Big sister seems to love her baby.
I was able to exercise up until the day my water broke which I am
grateful. I started back 1 week postpartum slowly and now at 9 weeks
back to my normal rountine. I went back to work when Taylor was 5 weeks old which in all honesty was too soon. I had a hard time
figuiring out a rountine and just getting myself out the door too.
Taylor is still up every few hours at night. Luckily my husband is
able to get up with her due to being a fireman and not working too
often. I also experienced post partum this time too but feel so
much better. I hope all the New Mom's are doing well.


Jennifer Claire 12/24/2005
Taylor Elizabeth 8/22/2007
congrats to you! wow you're back to normal routine at 9 wks, that is awesome! i am due in 4 wks so it's great to read your post.

how was the birth if you don't mind me asking?
Welcome back and Congrats on little Taylor's birth. You're a trooper to have started back at work so early, it must have been tough! Your hubby sounds supportive, so that's a plus.

And you're feeling better now too, did you have the blues or post-partum depression? If so, glad you were able to overcome it--it's so hard to muddle your way through it let alone be attentive to a new baby and another child. When you start to feel better after ppd it's truly like the sun shining after so many days of rain. Beautiful Relief! :)

What kind of workouts are you doing these days? I'm due in a week and trying to gauge the best way to ease back into my workouts post-partum. I plan on doing lots of walking and stretching at first...along with some light weights. Seems realistic but we'll see.

>What kind of workouts are you doing these days? I'm due in a
>week and trying to gauge the best way to ease back into my
>workouts post-partum. I plan on doing lots of walking and
>stretching at first...along with some light weights. Seems
>realistic but we'll see.

hey there cyclinggirl, congrats to you! i'm due in 2 1/2 wks and already thinking about post-partum workouts :) i'm a trail runner and weightlifter and looks like i'll be needing a c-section (breech baby) and i'm trying to figure out how long recovery will be before i can get back into tough workouts.. let me know how you do.. hope you have an easy birth!
Hi Marnie and Cycling Girl,
First off, I don't mind at all telling you about my birth experience
this time which was similiar in someways to the first. I went with the epidural. Unfortunately and thanfully uncommon numbed my
right side which was no fun. I spoke up knowing I wasn't quite numb.
My fear was the needle which is more in my head. The labor was 1/2 the time as my first. I pushed for 45 minutes unlike the 90 mins. with
Jennifer. I was so relieved. Taylor weighed 7lbs. 12oz. Jennifer was
smaller , 6lbs. 8oz. Funny I put on the same amount (25lbs.) with
both although I ate much more the first time around.
I did have post partum. Terrible feeling and it hit around 2 weeks.
I was completely overwhelmed!!! I didn't have it w/the first but then
again I didn't have another child to worry about. It does go away
or it did for me when I started back to work. Personally being home
all day is not the best for me. I know your both still pregnant.
I know you may be real axxious but try to enjoy the final weeks.
I know its easier said than done!!! I did alot of Leisa Hart's
Fit Mama. I swear it kept my legs toned both times. I also bought
early on " The Perfect Pregnancy Workout." I did that one three times
a week up until I had Taylor. Now I am back to Cathe Kick Max,
Gym Style Series and when I want some fun Yoga Booty Ballet.
Please keep posted. I wish you wonderful birth experiences
and most importantly healthy babies!!!!!!

Suzanne :)
Hi Marnie and Suzanne,

Thanks for the well wishes and post-partum advice. Suzanne, being isolated at home alone has been a big concern for me all along -- I totally agree that it can be challenging, and depressing. I have a friend who works from home who has already agreed to come over and keep us company a few times a week -- I have wireless! She's my babies Godmother. :) Plus, I plan to go out for walks around town and join some infant groups and classes so I don't go nuts.

Marnie, I hope things go well for you. A friend just told me about another breech resulting in a c-section, they gave birth 2 days ago. But they gave her the C-section a bit early...so in that sense at least you have more time to recover and you're 2 weeks or so smaller. That's my silver lining perspective. :)

My girl is in a good position but sunny side up at the moment...that's how I was born so who knows, she may or may not turn. The midwives say they see them turn a lot towards the end of labor. Hope so.

I'm officially due tomorrow but feeling like the middle of next week is more likely. I'll keep you posted.

Best of luck!


How exiciting! You seem to know when you will go. Do you know the

Please take your friend up on her offer to come over and visit.
It sounds like you will but sometimes things change once you have the
baby and your tired. I do think it would have been helpful after
my first too.

I look forward to your news and Marnie's too. The last few weeks/days
seem like an eternity especially when you're first child.

You will be so happy!!

Take Care,


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