HiiTs and more HiiTs


Please, please, please!! It's obviously the new science and we have everything you've already made that incorporate this. Now we're jonesin' for more, so please consider making some new ones. The results my GF and I are getting are phenomenal!!!
do you stick strictly to the 30m. or do you add on? i have been adding my own Hiit to several w/outs a week. the firm has their new express Hiit too, but didn't order them, just have been using the method myself.
I can only manage to get through one 30 minute HiiT, or I swear, I'd have an asthma attack and die ;-) So I do Pyramid. My GF is made of much tougher stuff than me, so adds on 40/20. I honestly don't know how she does it!! I do a Cathe Cardio (the one with the stability ball) for another 20 minutes and call it a day.

I agree, Pretty Please with sugar on top, keep the HIIT's coming! Love them - more variety the better!
I agree. I would like to have several more options for HIIT workouts.... I love them and have been really impressed at the gains I've made in my fitness levels.....things that I used to find exhausting are like a walk to my mailbox now....
re: hiit a la sts cardio

the hbiit series form the sts cardio are the best! i use them every week. would love to but moire!!:D
re: hiit a la sts cardio

the hbiit series form the sts cardio are the best! i use them every week. would love to buy more!!:D
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