High Step


Hi all - just wondering what everyone's opinion is on the High Step workouts. I've got the 3 DVDs that came with my High Step and so far wasn't overly impressed with the first workout - the beginner one, I believe it is High Step Circuit... It was not quite a weight workout, not quite a cardio workout. Maybe I feel I didn't get a good workout cuz it was the beginner one. Will try HS Challenge and HS Circuit as well. Just curious about what others think of these workouts.


Hi Mary,

I love the High Step Workouts!! I have the HSTA and the HS Challenge and love both of them. I'm not a stepper so these take the place of step workouts. I find the HSTA (High Step Training Advanced) to be more intense than HS Challenge. They have lots of leg presses and if I remember correctly 2 minutes of cardio. I also have the beginner one but only used it once for the reason that you stated. I think you will like the others ones though. They are totally different than the beginner workout.
Hi Mary,
I to LOVE my high step training/advanced workouts!!! I have both the challenge and advanced and I really think there good workouts.
So the HS workouts aren't predominantly supposed to be "cardio" then? Or are Challenge and Training Advanced more likely to elevate my heart rate?
Both Challenge and Training Advanced are circuit workouts. You do both cardio and weight work but you move rather quickly so your heart rate does get elevated. In Training Advanced you start off with a 2 minute cardio session, do a set of leg presses and then do some upper body work. I can remember how many of these circuits you go through but it does get your heart rate up. Challenge is the same way, except the cardio is about 1 minute. You can always make it more difficult my adding jumps to some of the moves or using heavy weights during the weight sections.
I think of Training and Challenge as endurance workouts. I'm moving fast through the circuits and breathing heavy. I do like the mini-cardio routines on the high step, too.

These high step workouts are something a little different from regular step workouts. I like to mix em up, and the beginner/intermediate one--High Step Circuit--is used on days when I need something a little bit light. High Step Training and Challenge, to me, are definitely advanced workouts. After High Step Training, I always feel great and accomplished.

Have a great day!
Thanks Ladies. Look forward to trying the Challenge and Training DVDs. Right now I'm SO sore from my first try at MM on Sunday - but can't wait to do it again on Wednesday.
I really want to like these workouts. I think that the endurance is good for me. But I HATE leg presses!
So you guys think HSTA is harder then HSC? I don't know why but I think HSC is harder. Is it heavier weights maybe? hmm...
HSTA is definitely tougher than HSCh - the cardio is tougher (and longer), and the weight segements are more challenging. HSCh is fun, don't get me wrong, but HSTA seems more advanced. HSTA has some interesting moves like one-armed tricep dips, push-ups traveling over the high step, and one-armed lat raises while resting on the high step. HSTA is more of a straighforward circuit workout: cardio/legs/tris-cardio/legs/shoulders, etc.; whereas HSCh is almost like a bootcamp workout in that you do a move for about a minute and the tricep work, for instance, isn't grouped together. I hope that made sense.

By the way - I do High Step Circuit on a 8" step during the cardio segments (as soon as the cardio segments are over I hit the 'back' button on my DVD so that I do each cardio section twice). During the lower body moves, I typically set the high step at 14" and I hold a dumbbell or Body Bar during all of the lower body moves. I use heavier weights for upper body and high-tension tubing. Also, I do most of the ab work on the floor as opposed to on the high step. I feel like I get a great little workout in under an hour.
HSC and HSTA are both really good w/o's, but imo HSTA is harder. I really like the premixes on HSTA- especially the cardio only premix and cardio + lower body premix. :)
Okay, now I'm confused. I have High STep Training, which says it is an "Advanced" workout. Is there another DVD called "High Step Training Advanced"? Or am I just being stupid? I can't find it on the DVD list on website.


There are three (that I know of) by Cathe:

High Step Circuit (intermediate)
High Step Training (HST or HSTA) (advanced)
High Step Challenge (HSC)(advanced)

Have a great day!
>I must be SICK. I actually love the leg presses!!

I love leg presses, but HSTA is kind of overkill. I usually vary the type I do, so the muscles (and joints) are worked in different ways. One set I do lower with heavier weight, another set higher with less weight, another set with a step off to the side instead of straight back (to work inner thigh), etc.
>Okay, now I'm confused. I have High STep Training, which
>says it is an "Advanced" workout. Is there another DVD called
>"High Step Training Advanced"? Or am I just being stupid?

That is "High Step Training: Advanced" (HSTA).
This morning I made my own circuit workout using HSTA. I don't typically do Cathe's workouts as is. Right now I am still seeing what my hip can do in terms of jumping since I recently found out I have arthritis on the right side. I would have to say that I had fun and enjoyed the workout, but for me it was more of an intermediate workout. I do like the cardio segments and I do like some of the unique exericses (one arm tricep dips. I have made a few modifications, so I will try it out again on Friday (my schedule). I think, though, next time I will go heavier with the weights!

Fun, Fun...:(

OH!! Silly me! NOW I know why I thought HSCh was harder then HSTA. I only have High Step Training (it says its an advanced workout). The title isn't High Step Training: Advanced. I read a few messages back and figured out they are two different workouts, correct?

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