Herbal cold medicines


Has anyone ever used herbal medications like Echenacia? I am going to go get some, I just have to get my strength and energy back I am having sharp pain in my lower back going down my legs, I can make the pain stop when I exercise but since I have this cold the pain is just terrible!! I am desperate. My hubby just bought me a barbell!! what a sweety and I get my new tape today!! can't wait to get started but need to get healthy.
I use Echinacea to help me fight off colds and I swear by it. If you already have a cold, it's still worth taking Echinacea because it will cut down the recovery time. I don't know if it helps towards other pains but it certainly does the job when it comes to colds.
Hope you feel better soon!
- Lisa :)
I am going to Kick some cold Butt!! and I decided I am going to fight this disease and darn if I am going to let it win and control my body any more!!! I want to feel good and healthy again and to do things with my kids again will be a great reward for all my hard work!! thank you for the help with the echinacia!! I am going to get some and take it, I am already taking a multi vitamin along with extra b-12 and now some Ginsing and now I will add the echinacea.
I use Echinacea, and an herbal cold drop that includes both echinacea and zinc. It does seem to shorten the duration of a cold, especially if you take it right when you get first symptoms (the zinc acts to keep the cold virus from reproducing). Don't use these for a long period of time, though. It's also good to take astragalus (in a tea, for example) throughout the cold season, as it bumps up the immune system, and can be used longterm, according to Andrew Weil.
Hi Leslie! I don't really get into herbal remedies but I remember before the filming of the Intensity Series I felt a cold coming on and really didn't want to risk getting sick before we filmed. Echinacea was highly recommended to me by a friend and I tried it. I have no idea if it truly was the Echinacea that kept me from getting a cold, but all I can say is that I did not get sick, and I was happy.
I am a physician trained in traditional medicine with no training at all in alternative medicine, although I do read alot about it. In my own experience though with the herbals, I am convinced that zinc and echinacea are beneficial in fighting colds. I am a pediatrician and I work in a pediatric emergency department so you can imagine how much I am exposed to!! If I feel a cold coming on, I use zinc lozenges for 3 or 4 days. Also I take echinacea during this time. During peak season for colds I just take echinacea for 2 to 3 week cycles. Also, if I am planning to fly on an airplane, I take vitamin C and echinacea for about 2 weeks before the flight as I believe this boost in immunity helps me avoid getting sick. Airplanes are the worst because you are breathing recycled air and you are being exposed to people from everywhere who have things you have not been exposed to. I am a believer in these things as I have done this for years and I don't get sick as often and when I get a cold it is not as severe as it used to be. Just my 2 cents worth!!
A lot of people, including me, also use ginger capsules and ginger tea to soothe the beginnings of a viral infection. It is anti-inflammatory. I also use Sambucol (elderberry extract). If I take it at the first sign it really helps me more than Echinacea. I also like a product called Kan Jang, but nothing works every time.
This is all great advice!! thank you, I am feeling better it is the mornings that kill me and I think that is due to the fibromyalgia and I just have to fight that with cathe's tapes. but I have not sneezed for a DAY!!

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