Help - No Weight Loss


Has anyone else had this experience or offer any suggestions? I've been exercising religiously for 7 mos. without any wt. loss OR change in clothes size. The only difference I can tell is that my legs are more muscular - YEAH! I bought a bodyfat scale, and I've lost maybe 1% since I got it in Nov.

I workout 5-6 days/wk about an hour per day (more or less depending on how I feel). I do cardio, weights and yoga. I mix them up. I do light and heavy rotations. However, on light rotations, I lose any muscle tone I had (esp. in my arms), so I don't do these often or for very long. I do easy and hard workouts. I do Cathe weights and usually Christi or Kari cardio. (I can't take alot of impact.)

I have always eaten fairly healthy, and I'm trying to clean up my diet more. I do have a sweet tooth (not real bad) that I'm trying to control. My calories are about 1600-1800. I eat more if I've worked really hard and need it, but probably not more than 2000.

I'm up two sizes in 2 yrs and 15-20 lbs (7 of those from last yr). Previously, I've always been on the thin side and had trouble gaining weight until I started lifting wts. (years ago). I've always worked out, but sporadically. I quit the last time for about 8-9 mos. due to constant allergies/colds (and other excuses). I'm 35, 5'4", size 10 - not huge, but I'd love to at least be able to get back into my 8s from last year again.

My dr. did the bare minimum for bloodwork, but he did check my thyroid. It came back ok.

Thanks for any suggestions!! I've been lurking on this website for several years now. And I just purchased Slow & Heavy hoping to get more arm development and maybe help me break this plateau.

Thanks again,
Hi. I was in the same boat. What I did was to start keeping a food journal. It really makes you accountable for what you eat. I thought I was doing pretty good, but keeping the journal really opened my eyes. I've lost about 7 lbs since the first of the year just with diet changes alone. I havent altered my workouts at all. The book Thin for Life has a great companion food journal that also has a space to record your daily workout accomplishments. My two cents.

:) Stacy
RE:food journal

I agree with Stacy! I started keeping a food journal, too, and I have lost about 10 lbs since December. I knew I was eating large portion sizes before, but seeing it written down has really helped me control it. I haven't changed anything about my workouts, and working out never helped me lose weight--just helped me maintain it. Now I am losing weight (I'm 30, 5'4", and have gone from 134 to 125), and in a way that I will absolutely be able to continue. I'm just eating like a regular person!!
Try the food journal--it may surprise you!
RE:food journal can be helpful in filling out a food journal, as it has calories and nutrients for just about everything imaginable
RE:food journal

Thanks for the suggestion. I have a program on my Palm that lets me track everything. I've been using that. I have increased my fiber (30g or more - thanks to this forum) and struggle to get my protein up everyday (to 15-20%). It's getting easier. I can't eat alot of dairy, and I tried protein shakes for a while with OJ. That was too much sugar, and I would get headaches sometimes. My fat intake is always good. I've also been taking vitamins. Maybe I'll go back and review my entries again.

I have always been the kind of person who could eat anything and not gain weight. So, this is all new to me. Although, as I said before, I generally have eaten healthy.

RE:food journal


What was your calorie intake? Can you give me some example days of your meals? If you already did this for another thread, just point me in the direction. (I'm at 138.)

I'm also wondering how much age and hormones might have to do with this.

RE:food journal

Hi! :)
I don't keep track of my calories, fat, protein, carbs, etc. I'm following weight watchers, which uses a points system. This is hard to do unless you have the points finder, which my mom had an extra one of, and she gave it to me. I use it to figure out how many points are in the foods I eat, and I have to stay within 18-23 points per day. I posted over in the clean eating check-in, and gave some examples of what I might eat in a typical day. It varies from day to day, depending on my workouts and how hungry they make me, but my breakfast, snacks and lunches are usually the same as what I posted. Go over and have a look, and ask more questions if you want.
I also want to mention that I used to eat a TON of food, and working out helped me to maintain my weight. In other words, I think I may have a pretty high metabolism, because even eating like I did, I still didn't really gain much weight--maybe 5-10 pounds over 5-10 years. So, when I stopped eating such large quantities, it was pretty easy for me to drop those few pounds. Wendy
Palm program

I use RMRDiet program. I found it through , but had to order it from the RMR software site. It's $15. They have a trial version that I tried out first. It tracks your food intake and percentage, your weight and measurements, and exercise (and calories burned). It's pretty quick and not as sluggish as some programs I tried. This has been the best program I have found so far. This was the only one I was willing to spend money on. There are a few glitches in the weight and body measurement tracking, but I don't use that part of it much and emailed the co. about them. Check the foods. They don't have the sodium value listed and one other value I can't remember. If it's a food I use often, I go in and change the values as needed. You can add and delete foods, too. There are a few other things I'd like it to do, but overall it's great.


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