

Hi girls! I have been lurking around for awhile and finally decided to post. I am only about 6 weeks along but I love reading all of your posts - you are all so motivating! This is my second pregnancy (my son just turned 2 in July) and we are so excited! Luckily I haven't had any morning sickness, but my energy levels are a little low. I work out everyday, but have been making some modifications because I am afraid that if I jump around too much, the baby won't "stick." Anyone else ever have that concern when they were newly pregnant? I am anxious to get to know all of you girls better and read your updates! Keep up the great work girls!
HI Sarah,
Congrats!!I had the same concern as you did-i didnt want to do anything that could shake it up too much at first.We had been trying to get preg. for over a year so i didnt want to do anything too hard.After the first trimester I had alot more energy and I have been kicking up my workouts a notch.Do you want a boy or a girl?This is our first so we really dont care what it is.;-)
Hi Smiley2! Yeah - my energy levels have been kind-of low but they picked up in the second trimester last time I was pregnant like your's did. I really don't care if we have a boy or a girl - I think another boy would be fun for Zack (my 2 yr. old), but he keeps asking for a baby girl!! :) Do you know what you are having? You are going to have so much fun no matter what you have!! They truly are a blessing! I never laughed as much as I do now!!!!
HI Sarah-I can hardly wait...it will definitely be a big change for us..but it will be fun!!;-) I dont know what we are having-we are going to have it be a surprise!:D
Hi Sara,
Glad that you have joined us. You couldn't find a nicer group of ladies on line. I have lurked on a lot of boards and this is the first one I joined because everyone is just so nice and supportive here. Not all are like that.

Congratulations on your baby coming. When will you be due? My "pregnant" brain won't do math right now.

I was always anxious about "cooking" the baby during exercise if my body heat got too high. What I have heard is that it is generally perfectly safe to continue exercising at whatever level of exercise you were accustomed to doing before you got pregnant.

Take care
Welcome Sara! It's so nice to have women in their 1st trimester join in on the forum. I agree with Maggie, there are so many supporitive wonderful women here on this forum.

I didn't worry about the baby 'cooking' or becoming 'unattatched' during exercise during the 1st trimester. Maybe if I would have thought about it I would have worried. ;)

I tried (and continue to try) to keep my workouts as close to my pre-pregnancy regmen as possible. Eveyone is different & modifies in there own way.

Congrats Sara & I look forward to hearing from you again. :)

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Thanks guys for your welcome notes!! I am not due until May 3rd so I have a ways to go! I look forward to joining you in this forum - it is nice to have to have a place to go where people have similar interests! Everyone thought that I was nuts for working out everyday with my first, but it made labor and delivery a piece of cake!! It also really helped after Zack was born! Thanks again girls!!

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