Has anyone tried noni juice ?

Hello Reba. My dad suffers from osteoarthritis and bought it because someone told him it would help him with his condition. Needless to say that was last year and he had the juice only once. The jar is still sitting in their fridge somewhere and he told me if I wanted it once (because he knows I'm a health nut) so I told him I would taste it first and yuck!!!! I didn't like the taste. LOL! Anyway the jar is still sitting in their fridge haha }>
My girlfriends been using noni juice for about a year now and she loves it. She was on depression medication which she has gone off of since using the noni. She swears by it and i have heard a lot of good things about it. I say go ahead and try it, it certainly won't hurt to try. Hope it helps.
I tasted Noni juice while on the island of Raitea in the south pacific-one of the places where it's made. it tastes a bit like fermented aloe vera..kinda nasty!! they (the Tahitians) claim it helps everything from high cholesterol, to high blood pressure, to arthritis to well, every single ailment you can imagine. I was almost giggling to myself while reading this poster they had with all the ailments it cures, outside the noni juice stand.

the tahitians swear by the stuff...but really i don't know of any scientific evidence that supports noni juice as a beneficial health product.

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