Hardcore Series is my motivation!

I understand your frustration, but I do have to come to VF's defense. If it wasn't for everyone on that board raving about how great Cathe was/is, I wouldn't have found her 2 years ago. There's a lot of people over there who love Cathe as much as we do. In fact, she was rated the most popular instructor on VF this year.

Let's ignore this negativity and focus on getting in shape for Hardcore!!!!!!!

Leslie is right, many of the posters "over there" love Cathe too.

The "ladies" who are dissing Cathe should take the time to carefully read the descriptions of the workouts. There are a number of fresh ideas being implemented.

Which just proves the original point.
Cathe not doing anything new? Didn't I see deadrow lifts standing on dumbbells in one of the pictures from the Hardcore series? I've never seen that anywhere before. In the Body Blast series we actually did a shin exercise with the stability ball, I never did that anywhere else. I bought Cathes DVDs because they were different.

I saw this too. I am going to try it on my next lower body workout to see if there is a difference. I know the shin work was welcome. I remember going to a theme park in FL. and dh wondering why after all of the working out I did my shins were extremely sore. After that I worked on it and never had problems again, but felt it was a missed area.
Diane Sue

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