Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Nov 4, 2009 Wednesday


I didn't sleep well. Woke with a massive migraine. DH got up at 3 am and I finally got up and took some Excedrin. I am planning on doing STS plyo legs meso 3 week 2 in a bit.
Morning Maniacs -

I'm working the early shift this AM. Not used to getting up at 4:30 am....so I didn't have that great of a workout. Hopefully, I'll get used to getting up earlier a couple of times a week, as my new manager has finally scheduled me for some day shifts here and there! Now, I just need to adjust.

I was pretty sore from my AHB Burn workout the other day (which surprised me). It seems like these are creeping up on me. The leg work the other day was all unweighted and my hammy's, abs, back and shoulders have been screaming at me from that workout or a combo of the last couple. Action Hero's must have super strong cores :).

I ended up doing Sculpt 1. I only used slightly heavier weights than Val today and did not kickbox. Workout was 60" and I burned 412 calories. Max HR was only 126. I think I'll like this workout better once they send the corrected DVD, as this one is defective and you have to skip back to repeat the circuits. My new one should be here soon.

Have great workouts everyone.

So - when does everyone here start their X-mas shopping? We've been so dead at work lately and I'm just trying to get a feel for when peeps will start shopping so I can expect some business.

Diane Sue - sorry about your migraine. I've also had one for the past 3 days. I hate them.
gm ladies-
yesterday was workout from attack the fat
4 supersets
lunge/one arm row 3x15
one leg squat(pistols-these are hard)/rotation press 3 x 10
stability ball leg curls/ alternating chest press on ball 3x15
one leg deadlift/ball roll outs 3x12/3x15

Then a brisk 15 min walk with my dog.

diane sue-sorry to hear about the headache. Not a good way to start the morning.

Lora-I try to do all christmas shopping online if at all possible. I cannot stand crowds or people getting in my way. Probably not much help.

Oleysa told me to stay under 3 g of carbs per serving. She gave me some names but they are a bit expensive (I'm used to BSN and it's 15.00 for a container).
The other one I used (prior to the MM kick) was Dymatize Elite Whey Protein (used to get it at GNC). I just had a look at the container and it only has 2.5 grams of carb. I will probably start alternating this back in now. It's pretty good but not as tasty as MM.
Today was Meso 3, Week 3, Disc 33, Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps. Last heavy workout. I think next week we go back to the weights we did in week 2 which is weird. But whatever. I had an excellent workout and exceeded on most weights that I thought I would end up doing with this series.

Standing Barbell Front Press - 35#/15 reps
Standing Barbell Front Press - 40#/12 reps

Standing Barbell Front Press - 55#/6 reps
Barbell Curl - 60#/6 reps
Flat Bench Dumbbell Tricep Extensions - 25's/6 reps
***About 60 second rest between each exercise and sets. Did 4 sets. With sets 2, 3 and 4 I increased my weight for the Front Press to 60# and the Bicep Curls to 62#. I should have tried 65#, I think I could have done it.

Seated Lateral Raise - 15's/6 reps
Incline Curls on Stablity Ball - 25's/6 reps
Seated Overhead Extensions One Arm - 20#/6 reps
***30 second rest between each exercise, 60 second rest between each set. Did 4 sets. With sets 2, 3 and 4 I increased my weights for the Overhead Extensions to 21#.

Seated Rear Delts - 25's/6 reps
Seated Concentration Curls - 30#/6 reps
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extension - 40#/6 reps
***30 second rest between each exercise, 60 second rest between each set. Did 4 sets. Was excited to have done the concentration curls with 30# dumbbells. My wrists usually can't take that much weight. Did well. 3rd exercise was suppose to be Cross Body Extensions but my right shoulder does not like that exercise. I subbed with Seated Overhead DB Extensions.

Diane Sue - Sorry to hear about the migraine. I hope it eases up for you before you workout. I'll try the stretch from Rumble one of these days when I get time. 14 minutes for a stretch is way too long for me right after a workout, I just don't have time for that.

Suz - LMAO on the cookie dough. Too funny, girl, but hey, we all need comfort food once in a while! And what better time then a huge snow storm?

Lora - I'm glad you are getting some day shift hours. That is good! I start xmas shopping around Thanksgiving. Hoping to have it all done by xmas eve! :eek:

Theresa - I use BSN Lean Desert and ON whey natural. Are you aloud to say what Oleysa recommended? I'd be interested in some lower carb protein powders.

Where is Linda? Hope she's ok!
Debbie-I don't think it's a problem to name a few....these are all available from allstarhealth.com (that is who sponsers them and they do have pretty good prices on supplements)

allmax nutrtion
bioplex nutrition pure wpi
mrm metabolic whey

I just looked again and I thought it was expensive but most of them have 2 months worth of scoops. I am a real brainiac this morning ;)
Debbie-I don't think it's a problem to name a few....these are all available from allstarhealth.com (that is who sponsers them and they do have pretty good prices on supplements)

allmax nutrtion
bioplex nutrition pure wpi
mrm metabolic whey

I just looked again and I thought it was expensive but most of them have 2 months worth of scoops. I am a real brainiac this morning ;)

Thanks Theresa!
I got started a little late but got my workout in. I did STS Meso 3 week 2 plyo legs, doing a longer w/up 383 calories burned, then I did Kelly's Plyo Blast 37 minutes 336 calories, finishing with STS extended stretch and Tracey's Yoga solutions post kickbox premix.
Total calories burned today were 816.
I am still trying to deal with this headache. I have to go to pick up a prescription and run a couple of errands and sure don't feel like it.

Lora, glad you are getting some day shifts now. I have already purchased 1 present for Christmas but, I think most will be done in December.

Theresa, I have been using Dymatize Elite which has 2 carbs in the vanilla, and I Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard milk chocolate which has 4 carbs. I generally look for the least carbs and very low cholestral. I also look at the sodium because some have quite a bit. BioChem is one of my favorites. I will have to go look and see how many carbs it has. There is no cholestral in the one I usually buy.

Debbie, you are doing great with STS.
Diane Sue - I'm sorry about your migraine. I've been having a few too many lately and I'm pretty sure it's the extra caffeine I've been having. All of a sudden I think I need coffee to start my day. Where did THIS come from? And I know it's bad for cellulite so I better knock it off. Plus I think it's been making me more tired in the long run. I don't remember if you take Imitrex or not but sometimes the magic potion for me is Imitrex and Excedrin together. It will usually take it away about 90% for the day. It will come back the next day for a couple of days but it sure makes the day bearable!

Debbie - I know it. I still can't believe I did that!!! :eek:

Theresa - I also use Dymatize Elite.

Lora - I've heard from a lot of people that Muscle Milk has a lot of fat in it. When I'm trying to gain, everyone tells me to start using that but to be very careful with it. I hope your head feels better too.

I'm off to the college gym to work shoulders, back and abs. I'm sooo tired. I wish I had some coffee..... :p
Diane Sue - I'm sorry about your migraine. I've been having a few too many lately and I'm pretty sure it's the extra caffeine I've been having. All of a sudden I think I need coffee to start my day. Where did THIS come from? And I know it's bad for cellulite so I better knock it off. Plus I think it's been making me more tired in the long run. I don't remember if you take Imitrex or not but sometimes the magic potion for me is Imitrex and Excedrin together. It will usually take it away about 90% for the day. It will come back the next day for a couple of days but it sure makes the day bearable!

Suz, where did you hear that caffeine is bad for cellulite? That is not true at all. In fact, there are many products out there with caffeine in it to get rid of cellulite. There is no fat in coffee unless you put a ton of sugar and milk in it, so there is no way it can contribute to cellulite. Anyways, I love coffee too and it seems to make me tired as well. I heard that if you drink too much of it, it can have the opposite effect on you. Weird. But I don't care, I love it too much to give it up.
Hey, Everyone! I am here, finally! Everything is okay I just had some projects that absolutely had to get done, so I put my nose to the grind stone and basically haven't looked up until they were done! (Well, actually I have one more to finish.:confused:

I have not felt like working out at all this week. Don't know if it's the time change, needing a rest or what but I am dragging myself out of bed. So I have done the smart thing and lowered the weight that I have been using some, until I find my motivation again.:confused:

On a bright note on Saturday I did my first Turbo Jam, it was fun but would have been better if I could have turned up the volume (DH was sleeping).

DianeSue - Sorry about your headache, hope you find some relief soon. BTW, I am the same way with CoolWhip, if I start I can't stop. Haven't tried it w/ cereal though.

- I usually start my shopping somewhere around mid December. Every year I say I am going to start earlier but I never do!

- The two protein powders I currently have, have 4 and 5 carbs. The 4 carb one is made by IronTek and I love it! VEry exciting that you are working with Oleysa not. And thanks for the link to the coffee cake recipe.

Debbie - 62# on Curls and felt like you could do 65#!:eek: You will always be my hero! I thought dropping the weights the last week of STS was weird, so on the last workout I said the heck with it and gave it all I could!

Suz - While I am impressed that you can eat so cleanly all the time, I am with DianeSue on the CoolWhip thing!

Now here are this week's workouts:

Superset 1
1 Legged Squat
8/8/8 - 5's
Bench Press
6/6/6 - 105#

Superset 2
Romanian Dead Lift
8 - 125#
8/8 - 115#
Spiderman Pushups
10/10/10 - BW

Superset 3
DB Step Ups
10/10/10 25's
DB Rear Delt Raise

12/12/12 - 15's (the only place I went up)

Then I did 20 minutes of HIIT using Disc 26 Plyo Legs, using 8 rounds of the plyo exercises only with a minute rest. Workout was 58 minutes and I burned 432 calories.


I did Tonya Larsen's Step Surge Step Only Premix.I think it was about 42 minutes.

Superset 1
8/8/8 - 40#
DB Floor Press
8/8/8 - 35's

Superset 2
Chin Ups
5, 5, 4 (Didn't do any assisted to today, I got what I got)
DB Incline Press
8/8/8 - 30's

Superset 3
Inverted Rows
14/12/12 - BW
Decline Pushups

12/12/12 - BW

Then I did 20 minutes of HIIT using Disc 29 Plyo Legs, using 8 rounds of the plyo exercises only with a minute rest. Workout was 52 minutes and I burned 422 calories.
Linda - Good to see you! Nice workouts and it doesn't seem like you dropped too much. I will do STS as Cathe has it. I hope I don't get aggrevated and want to do heavier weights. LOL! I pm'd you.
Debbie - He, got your pm and as soon as I get a chance I will check into it and get back to you. The first workout of Meso 3 Chest & Biceps I did as Cathe said and I did not feel like I had worked that hard at all, plyo legs well that's it's own creature, so for the last one I went all out because I did not want a repeat of C & B.
I guess I just sort of dropped out today:eek: Had such a bad headache. I went out and ran the errands. Forgot two(one being gas) So now I have to deal with that first thing tomorrow. I came home and tried Advil and took a short nap. Really needed to get some work done since we have friends coming that we are going to dinner with tomorrow and I have to pick up my grandchildren from school.

Linda, I have not been in much of a mood for working out either. I think if it was't for the STS rotation (although I am really dragging through Meso 3) I would probably be looking for something easy. As it is I spend way to much time trying to figure out what I feel like doing for cardio. I change my mind after I start and put something else in. I love Cool Whip (or whipped cream) with fruit, cereal, nuts, by itself. In coffee. I accidentally put it on my cereal once instead of my cappucino and it became a favorite. Not that you really needed to know that:p Good to have you check in:D

Suz, I do take Imitrex. I avoid it as much as I can though because it really makes me sleepy. Wipes me out. If I would have drug myself out of bed earlier I would have taken some. I want my coffee asap in the mornings. My dog won't come out of her crate till she sees me get the first couple of sips of my coffee. Have a timer on my coffee maker. Really I cannot imagine that it would make cellulite worse. It is diuretic which usually seems to make things look better. Would love to hear the other side of that. Maybe I am going to have to torture myself and get rid of coffee. I have limited myself to 1-2 mugs in the mornings and none later unless I know I have to stay up late.

Suz/Lora, I have used Muscle Milk too. It is great as far as taste. Funny that the light is just smaller servings though. I went into General Nutrition Center once and there were two Bocybuilder guys discussing what was wrong with Muscle Milk. I gather it does have good fat though. If I use it a lot I gain weight and feel it is not good weight. Maybe it is because I like it too much. Would not be good to make the Peanut butter muscle Bombs from muscle chow out of:eek::eek:

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