Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues Jan 9

Lora- here ya go. I missed today unfortunetly because I was caring for my niece. i think I missed Sam ripping Liz a new one!
Ric anticipates Sonny's downfall and plans on making Carly the star witness for the prosecution. Jason forces Carly to see that she might have caused more harm than good. Sonny and Jason realize what Carly will have to do in order to avoid testifying. ( I think she has to marry Sonny!) Skye races into the hospital and learns that Sonny shot Alcazar. Robin, Patrick and Noah inform Skye just how dire Alcazar's condition is. Sam prevents Ric from discovering Alexis' marijuana. Alexis stands up to Ric and warns him she will prevail at Molly's custody hearing. Sam and Alexis share a warm moment. Elizabeth is on the verge of telling Jason the truth about the baby but loses her nerve when Lucky unexpectedly arrives to question Jason. Elizabeth doesn't tell Jason what is really bothering her and accidentally leaves her scarf at the penthouse. Sam finds Elizabeth's scarf and realizes she was spending time with Jason again. Elizabeth is terrified when she encounters Father Ruiz and ends up taking her anger out on him for what Manny did to her and Lucky. Sam confronts Elizabeth at the hospital. Colleen stages a distraction in order to make her getaway with Spencer before Emily and Nikolas spot her. Nikolas and Emily convince Nancy to help them. Colleen is shocked by what she sees when she returns to her apartment to grab her and Spencer's things. Patrick tries to avoid Robin as he explains to Noah about her sudden surge of domesticity.

Char- sounds like a good lunch. Good luck with your WO. I emailed you again.

No wo for me yet. I hope I have the energy later. I feel so bloated and gross from Pizza Hut last night. WIll I ever learn? LOL

Anne- any more word on the dd? Glad she is on the mend. Must be hard for your DS.

Been snowing here today. Not really an inch I don't think.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Charlotte - Did you ever get your package from BPAL that you thought was lost? Did it just take long to get to you? My package that I got the C&S for on Thursday evening for still has not arrived. I'm thinking the PO is slow or the Lab didn't send it out when they said they did???

Meg - Thanks for the detailed review.......that was a mouthful.

Diane Sue - Please give me your addy. I will send you Gliding Pro - Hi/Lo Strength and Intervals with Marcos Prolo and the Step Glidiing one with Rob Glick. My initial DVDs came with the cases cracked and instead of Bruce Mylrea just sending me replacement cases, he sent me the DVDs again. Also, what's a good Cathe total body strength workout that's 60 minutes and has a main focus on the upper...but hits lower also??

Well, so much for me trying to do a functional fitness/yoga/cardio week. I think I'm going to go another 4 months (meant to say 4 weeks....but now that I read that job stuff I just typed...maybe it will be 4 montns) before I do that. Can't bring myself to do that this week with the job stress I'm undergoing. I need to keep working out hard for a while to get this frustration out.

Work was a total freakin' joke today. I wasted more time with other Assistants trying to show me how to do something and they kept screwing up and couldn't figure it out themselves ....so so much for learning. My notes are a joke. Then they ALL have the nerve to ask me where I worked before (since I don't know how to do the thing they're trying to teach me) and when I said "hospital" to one of them, she said "that's interesting". WTF is that supposed to mean? That I'm a dumb as#???? I hope what I explained makes sense, as it would take way too long to explain it all and spell it out. I think I'm too consciencious and care too much about doing a good job or something cuz everyone else seems to be doing a bang up job at their's!!! I'm not exagerating either. Even the Clerk who tried to show me how to scan a document and make it a PDF file kept screwing up and I didn't get the directions written down right. Between that and doing double work all day cuz I keep pulling up the wrong version of a document or something stupid, I'm ready to have a nervous break down.

No one probably around to listen to my griping any way! I just ate way too much for dinner too. I've been so hungry and so thirsty the last few days.
Hey everyone!

I did a nice, long post yesterday with personals and everything. Posted from work and you know how that goes. It didn't post and I didn't save it. Have I not learned a thing? I've been swamped and haven't had a chance to get on here. I'm still at work - trying to leave. Haven't been sleeping well so getting up just in time to work out and no time to post. Did half of plyo this morning and have to do the other half tonight (how dumb is that? I didn't want to have to do the whole thing tonight b/c I knew I'd be tired). Gonna try to be in bed by 9.

Big announcement was this - my boss was a dean, was promoted to VP. A number of areas in our division are being moved out (not mine). Lots of areas around campus being shifted around. We got a new president 6 months ago and he's making big changes. Good ones I think. Anyway, my big work "issue" this past month was getting rid of my assistant and it's been a long road, very stressful. I was waiting for this big news yesterday to overshadow my little news. Some people hate me but oh well. I'm not in high school trying to win a popularity contest. Those who need to understand do.

Missy - I'll have to go look at OD and see Lori's baby. I think the reason our check-in died is b/c Lori got pregnant and quit working out! :)

Debbie - I bet you thought I ran off with your yoga pants. :p My new ones still haven't arrived. Boo hoo.

Amber - My glutes were so sore yesterday still that doing Ab Ripper X last night hurt to sit on the floor!

Lora - You're not stupid. Hang in there. It WILL get better!!!

Diane Sue - Glad your puppy is okay.

Hi to everyone else. I better go or I'll be here all night. Gotta finsih the rest of Plyo X. I left off right at those tuck jumps. Not smart. I'll have to warm up first.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I did do the plyo's today later then usual. Son has been on computer since he got home from school...I am now just getting on again. x(
So I did the plyo's today without taking as many breaks! YEAH! Last week had to deal with Auntie Flo so I think she slowed me down some.
My neck is getting better. Keep on putting the icy hot on it. Been so busy haven't been able to converse with everyone here...sorry. I am trying to help FIL find a home too which throws a rod in my day, but it is all good so I grit my teeth and move on.

So I love doing the tuck jumps when you go fast. So much fun. I feel like I am having a tantrum fit! Maybe that is why I am so good at them cuz if I don't get my way..watch out! I love the low frog moves too and can jump back far. Try to make sure I squat low for all the low squat moves so it works the glutes better.

Well I am tired and will hopefully get to talk to everyone more tomorrow. Later girls.

Well, I can't believe I am saying this, but no WO for me today. I just feel plain exhausted. I sat in front of all my DVDs for 15 min and NOTHING looked good. Guess that is a sign. My hands have been hurting all day and I have had cramps!?! Feeling really drained. Better listen to my body.

Char- glad you are feeling better. HOpe you sleep better tonight. Sounds like a fun WO.

Suz- good for you for having such an adult attitude! Many people don't. Glad your job is safe too. Hope you sleep well too.

Well, I hear the tea kettle and couch calling.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Suz - sounds like you've had a few exciting days at work. Glad things are going ok on your end. I FOUND MY YOGA PANTS!!! My step son had them!!!???? I was swearing up a storm about not knowing where they were and he says, "I got them, you put them in my laundry basket when you did laundry." Ummm, huh? Then why didn't you give them back to me???? LMAO!! So my dh and I were dising him about wearing them while we weren't watching. Oy!

Char - glad you got your workout in and that you neck is getting better. Mine is getting worse. I'm going to put one of those icy/hot patches on it tonight before bed.

We sound like little old ladies now. WTH??? The icy hot does help though.


I just emailed you back. It is long. Sorry.

Good Evening Maniacs! Been getting in late workouts this week. I just finished up Body Max 2 "Double upperbody". That is a great workout! Really felt good about that one. Followed Cathe on all the weights, but had to lower the second time on Shoulders and Biceps. This premix also has double Abs, I only did the abs as is. I was wornout.

Char- Glad your neck is feeling better. You sound busy with FIL. I like the tuck jumps too, although I suck at them. LOL!

Meg- Good job listening to the ole bod. You've been working hard, you needed a rest.

Debbie- You have a sore neck too? What's up with that?

Suz- You sound waaay busy too! Glad you got your way at work with the assistant gone.

Well, Hi to everyone else...Gotta go get some protein.

Meg - Thanks for calling me "adult". I like it. :p

Debbie - That's too funny about your stepson and the yoga pants. Very interesting that he didn't give them back. Hmmm... I'm glad you found them though. That's frustrating. That's a bummer about your neck. What's up with all the neck issues around here?

Char - I'm glad your neck is feeling better. I better get some Icy Hot just in case! :) I'm glad I read your post about the tuck jumps before I go do them. It will help me do better. I will throw a tantrum!

Dallys - I did it backwards tonight. I came home, ate dinner, was then too full to finish Plyo (can you say barfy barfy), was cold, so got in the hot tub with DH, am still too full, so will do Plyo in a bit and then hit the hay by 9pm and NO LATER!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Dallys - Nope, I'm sitting here on my arse. :) I need to hurry up though if I want to be in bed by 9. I think I'm going now. I have about 30 minutes of the workout left and it's 7:55. I guess I better hurry!!! So how did you know I'd still be here? You know me too well!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

P. S. You should use the snipe program my DH uses so you don't have to sit there in front of your computer. You put in the price you're willing to pay and then you're finished with it. It snipes it for you in the last seconds.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I need that snipes program cuz some $*#@*& just bid on my shorts! I'm hoping they are sleepers and not a hot item. I'm also hoping I don't get a bunch of crazy bidders making the price go way up to ridiculous! 2hrs. 28 min. to go. up to 13 bucks.

I'm losing my mind...I'm watching that New York show (you know the flava flav girl). I've completely gone off the deep end.

We just got home. Our son in law invited the family all over for dinner so we could have another get together before he goes back to Afganistan Saturday. I didn't eat well. Dinner was spaghetti, garlic bread and salad. We had a nice time.

Lora, the two total body workouts that come to mind are Pyramid Total body premix 53 min. or Muscle Max Timesaver which is 58min. i think you could also do Push Pull upper 2 sets for 47 min and go to SS lower blast and do the lower body once instead of 3 times. That would be so great to get those gliding workouts. It would be fun to try some others:) I will send you my address when I am done here. You are being to hard on yourself. It takes all of us some time to learn how everything works in a new situation. You just started the job. Don't let things someone said in the past bring you down. You obviously did fine at the hospital.

Suz, it sounds like you have had some stress at work. Glad to hear things are looking better. Sometimes we just have to split up those workouts. Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight.

Dallys, I like the Body Max2 Upper twice premix. How does it feel doing something other than the p90x rotation? It felt odd to me after that long. It was funny having so many choices again:) It took awhile to do a rotation again.


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