Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sunday Jan 14


Today is my rest day. And I've rested! I just made chicken noodle soup from Eating for Life cookbook. Yummy! We watched a couple of movies - one foreign one w/subtitles that was actually good and then World Trade Center. DH is watching football now. I need to color my hair.

Is it just me or are there a lot of negative threads on OD lately? I don't understand starting a negative thread.

Lora - I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I wonder if it's stress from your job? Great workout though.

Randi - I tried to answer your "Pit Bull" question yesterday. Not sure if you saw it. :) Sounds like B&G is working!

Storm - Eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, how about soup too while you're trying to eat well on your recovery. Just watch the sodium.

Meg - I'm with you on the ketchup. Yummy!!! Too bad it has so much sugar.

Amber - What's the Magic Bullet???

Diane Sue - The dogs are so cute when they slip and slide, but I know what you mean about worry about their hips. Ah, yoga on a rest day, I can now see where that sounds tempting. :)

Debbie - Wimped out? Doesn't look like it to me! Great workout!

Char - Hope you're eating lots of fish today!

On this working out all day thing - how many times have people said to you all that it's not good to work out too much or too much working out is not good for you or whatever? People are always telling me that.

Dallys - That's funny you ditch your DH after you get out of the hot tub too! Poor guys. They're tough though, right? Yesterday DH asked me if I wanted to get in and I said "tomorrow". Today he asked me and I said "tomorrow, it's supposed to be warmer". Really, it is. Supposed to be 10-15. It's about 1 here also. You are more brave than I am!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

If I disappear it is because our power keeps going in and out. Not good. I think I forgot to mention that I did Yoga Shatki Basic Flow and added in the shoulder openers along with the Amy practice.

Lora, I saw the information on the forums. I think it was under ask Tracey. She said they will be starting the presale on Jan. 21st. Presale prices will be 15.99 for all and free shipping for current customers. Regular price will be 19.99.

Dallys, I have no want for getting in the hot tub in this weather. I had to shake ice pellets off of my head earlier when I went with the dogs. They did no want to go out to badly either. I enjoy Drill Max. My granddaughter said I looked funny hopping across the room:7

Hi Suz yes I saw that, thanks I had know idea that was the name of a pit bull.
I think I'm going to bed early again I woke up to early this morning.

Meg that's funny you love ketchup my brother is the same way he puts it on everything. YOu should definatly do one of Debbies Rotations they are awesome I've done all of them except her newest one.

Dallys it's definatly something about the fizz in diet coke and all my energy drinks that I crave I'm glad you do to:)

Thanks everyone for being so sweet and caring you guys are so awesome I wish we all lived closer.

I know you guys have said be patient about finding a guy, but it's hard because all of my friends are married and have boyfriends or engaged! I'm lonely:(
I have a picture of my ex boyfried do you guys want to see him? He is a bodybuilder/stripper I miss him sometimes
Oh good. I'm glad you deleted it. Onward and upward! :) Just don't settle for anyoldbody because you're lonely. You're too special for that. You deserve somebody really special. I'm sorry you're lonely though. :( I bet Bailey's happy you're not always out though. ;)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I did a WO!! I did CC6 again, and then I worked my abs for about 20 min. My neck is still hurting, has been all day, so I just took something for it.
I think I am going to try Deb's generic endurance rotation. Seems like a goody.

Randi- glad you got rid of that pic. THat guy will come along when you least expect it! Ketchup ROCKS!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
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