Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Saturday Feb 24

Dang...how come everywhere I go I end up talking to myself? :) Oh Well! I did end up working out tonight. I did Yoga Booty Ballet-Basic workout (45 min). I rented this one from Netflix to try it out. I thought the WO was fun and a nice change of pace! My shoulder was bothering me tonight-I think it was from my Turbo Jam WO last night. :(

Sweet dreams! ;)

Hi Jen,

Sometimes I feel that way too. People just get busy. Thank you so much for your compliment. You wrote a lot of wonderful things to people. They're probably getting ready to turn in. I'm sure you'll hear from them.

You did a really good workout.

Have a restful night, and talk with you again, tomorrow.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

Well it is late and here I am checking in again:) This morning I did KickMax kicking and punching combos, then I put in Cardio X and started at the Kickboxing and finished, then I did hanging knee raises w/ 10# med ball 3 sets of 20 reps, Amy Bento APX core using 12# dumbbell and a barbell doing rollouts instead of the gliding discs, then I did Cardio X yoga w/up and Stretch X omitting the w/up and doing 35 minutes. I wanted to clean the office and do some work in there but was so fatigued I had to take a nap first. It really did help and I am not much of a nap person.

Jen, you are sweet. I do feel better this evening. Sorry you are checking in and everyone is gone. I hope dinner was good. I am glad you had time to do personals for all of us while it settled. So you are trying the Yoga Booty Ballet. I have the Caberet one. I like it. It is not intense but it is fun. I keep thinking maybe I will get some others. Just not sure which ones.

Suz, I bet getting out of the hot tub was much more interesting:7

Janie, what are you doing for yoga? I keep thinking I need to find a good one that is around 30 minutes. Any longer and I am watching the clock:)

Debbie, it is funny how much mess two people can make. Add a few more though and you know the difference. If we could all pick up after ourselves immediately things would be less of a job.


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