Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Saturday April 26


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did some easy recovery cardio. Couldn't take a total rest day, as I was a bad girl at work yesterday and ate a brownie after lunch. I couldn't help it....darned PMS. Speaking of work....I did get caught with my green nailpolish. The boss mentioned it. She called me naughty! I don't care cuz I was mad at her any way for her stupid ways!

I did Leslie's 3 Mile Walk Your Waistline Away Walk. This one wasn't very intense. I made it a bit harder by doing parts of it on the Rebounder, but I kept my HR relatively low 68-75% of max.

I also did Yoga Core Cross Train with Rodney Yee 30" and Ravi & Ana's Fat Free Yoga - Warm Up & Open Up Segment 25".

Doing my normal Saturday routine today. Going to Mom's to make up BPAL sample packs and then to the movies later. First, I have to soak my weary muscles in the tub. I ended up getting pretty sore from either that Kettlebell workout yesterday or that Tae Bo with hand weights. All of this Tae Bo talk makes me want to break out my older Tae Bo Lives. I'm curious to see how hard they would be for me today since I'm so much more fit that I was back then.

Ally - Will you be trying Action Hero soon? I'm checking out her other Blog circuit - Six by Six. It doesn't look like it's as "different" as the Action Hero one...but it looks okay.

Speaking of Kettlebells.....who needs room for storage?? Mine are lined up right next to my stereo in the Living Room/Dining Room area where I work out. Actually, the entire corner of the dining room is full of workout crap! I don't care who sees it!! It's my house!!

Have great workouts or rest days everyone.
Well, my neck is much better today. I was even actually able to sleep. Today it just feels like DOMS, not pain like it did yesterday. I decided to take today off to let it heal. I'll do legs tomorrow instead. I'm glad it isn't any worse.

Today is mine and dh's 12 year anniversary. We are going to dinner and movie. We are going to go see "Prom Night". Lora, have you seen that one yet?

Hope you all have a great day!
Linda - I'm sorry your husband told you you look too muscular. Mine hasn't told me that yet but I think he's use to the way I look. I've always been quite athletic looking. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think I look too muscular but I love that look so it doesn't bother me. I hope he's ok with it, I think muscular women look hawt!!! :)

Diane sue - I use a tennis ball on the area. That helps a lot. I iced it quite a bit yesterday and that helped as well. I do need to get one of those foam rollers though. Thanks!
Good morning
Today I'm doing GS shoulders and back and CM abs. Suppose to do that yesterday but I was exhausted. Went out the night b/4 till 3am and had to work 10-7 yesterday. I got my new bathing suit and cover up from VS and it is so cute:)
Lora Great workout with your Kettlebell take it easy and your muscles deserve a good soak in the tub:)
Does anyone know what a good phone company to go with? i've been with sprint for 7 years I dont know why I haven't changed!
Have a great day
Good Morning, I finished my workout and am getting ready to go for a motorcycle ride with dh and friends and a garden show. I did Amy Bento's Hi/Lo Knockout repeating the 3&4 combo stopped at the stretch and did Slo Mo Core and went back and did H/L KO core and stretch, then I did Stott Pilates foam roller challenge and Keli Roberts Flexibility foam roller workout. I felt I needed all of the foam roller stuff because I think some of the standing work from H/L KO made me have spasms in my low back again:( Much better now though.

Debbie, a tennis ball would help. Get a foam roller I am sure you will not be sorry. I stand on mine when drying my hair etc to work out my feat. LOL

Randi - I've had TMobile. I like them but I don't get "rollover" minutes like some companies.

I'm so mad.......just read part of my Oxygen magazine and on one page, it says that lower intensity cardio is best for fat burning and two pages later, in another article, says there is not such thing as the "fat burning zone for cardio" and high intensity is better! What the heck!! How are we supposed to know what's best? Although, I suppose you do have to change it up to keep your body guessing.

Deb - Have not seen Prom Night yet. We're going to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall today. I hope it's funny. I could use a good laugh. Supposedly, there is a full-frontal male nude scene in the movie! Your additional Avon money got mailed the other day.

I just got my 2 new Tracey's......Circuit Zone and Core Blast. I might have to change my weight training day this week and do Circuit Zone tomorrow. Not sure if I can do that though.
Afternoon Maniacs,

Taking it easy today because of the knee. Hope it does better soon.

Debbie - That's good to hear about your shoulder. nothing worse than an injury that puts you out of commission. DH and I celebrate 12 year on May 18th. Happy Anniversary! Dh has never said anything about me being too muscular before, but I do know he does not like the way ladies look in Oxygen, namely the competition photos. But I am currently around 15% body fat so I think everything has a soft look. Sometimes I think to soft. I like the muscle myself. It could have been that I was in a tank top and had just come from the gym where I had been playing with my sister. Maybe I was pumped up.

We were out all day on the motorcycle and friends house., Stopped to eat and I had a salad.

Debbie, I feel bad in my hurry to check in I forgot to wish you a happy anniversary.

Linda, my dh does not like the bigger women in the magazines either. He has never said anything about me though. I do like to see something for all of the effort that I put in.

Lora, I find most magazines give you conflicting messages. I also think we look at what seems to work and go with that. That is why it is good to stick with one thing for awhile and keep logs. Then you know what will get you toward your goals. I do get bored with the same thing for to long and that is why I am doing it a little differently this time but keeping it up for 9 weeks. Wish my Tracey's came but I gather she was shipping in alphabetical order so that would leave me on the bottom of the list.


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