Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Friday Nov 10

Holy Moly you ladies were chatty yesterday!!!!!

Thanks for all the info the day before on P90X. I'm gonna put it all in one document and print it for future reference.

This morning I did LIC plus the bonus cardio minus the abs (I ran out of time and will do them later).

Lora & Meg - Good for both of you to keep working out even though you have a lot of pain. Most people wouldn't. You are both strong.

Char - I'm sorry Aunt Flo brought you a migraine. She brought me one last week. Payback for her someday is gonna be a you-know-what! I've got 5 pounds you can have. It's just probably not as lean as you'd like! :p

Anne - I can't believe you didn't have DOMS from B&G. I sure did - in my butt!!!

Diane Sue - that sounds like fun with your grandson. :)

Debbie - good for you on the running. I'm not a very graceful runner either.

Dallys - mountain biking is HARD WORK! Considering I do so much road cycling I would have thought it should have been easier for me Ha! And you're not sore from B&G either? I wasn't as sore as I thought I'd be, but I was DEFINITELY sore.

I only have to work half day today. Will be happy when personnel issue goes away. And it will. Yay!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Good afternoon,
My grandson just left. I have to leave in a few minutes to pick up the other grandchildren and wanted to stop at Beauty Brands on the way for so body cream first. Today I started with Power Strike #1. I wore my gloves through half of it and took them off becasue the fast punches were making my wrist hurt. Odd since I wear these on the TJ's and Cathe's. I then did the first two Drills and lower segments of Drill Max, Butts and Guts Standing lower body work, Tracey Staehles Core Conditioning with some added resistance here and there. This one makes my abs burn so sometimes I have to put down the dumbbell for part of the reps.
On Drill Max I used 12# dumbbells on those baby hops
On Butts and Guts
Walking lunges/plie baby hops 10# dumbbells (I should use 12#)
Dead lifts 55# both sets
1 leg squat 20# dumbbell both sets
Barbell squats 55# both sets
fire walkers heavier band (purple)
lunge squat combos I added a 10# dumbbell. I think I will add more
Low Pulse lunges 12#

Got to run:)

Charlotte - great going with Coremax 1. Need to get those out again. I don't know why I don't do those more often? Your lunch sounded really good! Hope you enjoyed it! :)

Suz - great workout! LIC is the only one I've done (the cardio premix) and I really liked it.
Hi Maniacs! Lunch time for me. Soy sausage, apple, almonds and carrots.:)

I'm still not feeling ANY soreness from Gutts and Butts, not even a twinge.;( What's up with that? I am still a little sore my back. I think it was the supermans, but I'm not sure.

Looks like alot of Catheites are interested in P90X. You should have fun starting when you do. Yea, Mt. Bikeing is harder than it looks. But, road biking isn't easy either. My DH goes so fast on the road, that I wear out really fast trying to keep up.

Bionic Toast-
It sounds like you really are putting on the muscle. It's nice to have those body fat testers to check your progress. What kind do you have? I have the Omron Body Fat analyzer. Your lunch sounds good. Do you make your own turkey burger?

You add the plyos and let me know how the leg matrix works ya.LOL! Actually 2 of the exercises are plyos. The lunge jumps and the jump squats. I'm not sure if I'll get the new TJ yet. Not sure if I need another ball. But, I love the workouts, so I'll probably get them.

So happy it's Friday!!!:)

Diane Sue - I always feel so accomplished until I read how much you heavied up! Darn it! :p A good goal for me. I could probably heavy up some but I'm kinda lazy in the mornings. Hehehe.

Charlotte - do you just have a plain turkey burger? I put ground turkey in spaghetti sauce last night and although DH will eat it b/c that's the only way I'll eat it now (no more red meat, as you know) he says he can really taste the diff. Which you can, but I figure oh well. And I'm kinda getting used to it. I've been using it in chili for forever.

My mom's husband's dad is bringing the turkey for Thanksgiving and he's bringing an organic one! I'm so excited! My mom always cooks the turkey and brings it over. This year he's buying it and she's cooking it. Nice!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I did some work in the barn this morning, and housework, then I just finished WO.
HSTA cardio and UB premix
IMAX 3 step portion premix
AbRx (which felt very intense this time)
10 min yoga premix

Char- way to go! Awesome results!

Suz- that's great about the turkey. I can't wait for Thanksgiving dinner! Yum! Well, really, the pie.

DS- have fun with your grandchildren. It sounds like you had a nice night last night. Great WO!

Dallys- I actually hate Vodka LOL! So is soy sausage really good? How do you eat it, plain, sandwich? Just wondering. Isn't a bummer when there are no DOMS?

Hello to everyone else! I gotta wake mr. sleepyhead up or he will never go to sleep tonight!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Where did you get the 15% off coupon for the BB workouts? I haven't gotten an email, but saw that it's 2 payments of 19.95 + shipping on Carls blog. It says the ball is free with the workouts, so I'm in.:)

Diane Sue-
Next time I do Butts and Gutts, I'm going to heavy up like you have done.

I've already got my turkey for thankgiving. It's a big turkey breast and DH will be cooking it.:)

Good workout! I buy the Morning Star Vegie Sausage patties. They are pretty tasty. I just throw a couple on the George Foreman Grill and eat them plain. I have made a sausage and egg (Mc)muffin with them before and that's good too. Forgot to add that I don't like vodka either. I just can't drink much anymore. I get a hangover really easy. There was a day I could hold my own with the best of em.

Dallys - they emailed it to me. Email me at home and give me your email addy. If I get to the computer before it automatically deletes, I can forward it to you. I always get them cuz I'm such a good customer!

I hate Thanksgiving - can't even stand the smell of Turkey....but this year's a Buckcherry Thanksgiving cuz I'm going to the concert the night before and the Monday after.....so this one will be better for me. :7
Hey Girls!

Just got back from bike ride. Went 12 miles. Had to do it. Miss the endorphine rush. 80 degrees today with lots of sun..how long is that gone last...not much longer. Don't think I will lose much muscle for just today. I hope not. Before I got started I did my chest work.

3 sets 6/4/4 reps /60 sec rest

30 db's for bench (flat, incline, decline) went down some..Aunt Flo.
35 dbs for flyes, but went down to 30's for the incline

P.S> The turkey burgers are fresh. I buy a 1 pound package and I will make a burger for dd's work before she leaves. Make one for myself for the lunch and then the next day, etc. All the meat I use is from the bird or the cow..nothing else. I just throw on piles of lettuce and eat...no bun.

Gonna do back tomorrow.

Catch you ladies later! BTW, thanks for all the encouragement!

Hi maniacs!
I did TJ Cardio Party #3 and did some back work. Arms are real shaky as I type. Rested about 1 min. inbetween.

Wide grip Pull-ups-2
Close grip Pull-ups-6
Switch grip pull-ups band assisted-8
reverse grip pull-downs 100lbs.-10
wide grip pull-downs 100lbs.-4
close grip Pull-downs 100lbs.-8
switch grip Pull-downs 100lbs.-8

Well, feel like crap , Aunt Flo .
Tired and achey and exhausted (need a pill for this).
I am taking a rest day.
Oh, god were we buisy at work today...A good thing...
Found a nice building to buy, but bad location , so gonna keep looking.
Awesome w/o's ladies.
Makes me feel guilty, but i have no strength.
Makin me a turk burger Char. I buy packs and sandwich bag them and freeze thm in a big zippie. I eat them all the time. I hate the premade ones...

Gonna do gs chest and tri tomorrow/ 30 min cardio and some kind of abs. I gotta get the strength built up in upper body.Slacking lately with this stupid elbow.
I am going to hit 60 toe push ups straight by x-mas.

Arm is feeling good this week. Maybe i can make it hurt again.

Aka( Storm)


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