Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Fri Jan 19

Well it is late and no one will probably see this but I will go ahead and check in. We looked at houses last night and found one. I waited all day for the realtor to come so we could sign the papers with out offer on one we really liked. She was busy and didn't call to say she wouldn't make it till tomorrow. Sure hope we don't lose it. We lost one to someone else because she did this. School has been out all week so I have had grandchildren due to snow. I have been taking care of outdoor things before the snow hits this weekend. Anyway today I ran on the treadmill using my iFIT Rock cd which is 45 min. and goes up to 8mph and highest incline is 9. I just did it as is and added to run for 5 miles. I then did P90X Chest and Back and Amy Bento's str. #1.
standard push ups reps 30, 28
Pulldowns with Bowflex 160# 16 reps, 20
military push ups 24 reps, 25
Pull ups on vkr tower 12 reps, 15
wide fly push ups 25 reps, 26
Bowflex closed grip pulldowns 150# 16, 160# 18
Decline push ups 20, 24
heavy pants 25# dumbbells 16 reps,25# 12 reps
diamond pushups 25,25reps
lawnmowers 35# dumbbell 12 reps, 14 reps
divebomber push ups 18 reps, 20 reps
back flys 16 reps 15# dumbbells, 17 reps

Charlotte,there is no back fat on you. Don't injure yourself trying to get rid of something that isn't there silly. Sometimes people say things because they know how to push your buttons so to speak. I bet you get compliments all of the time about how awesome you look.

Lora, that workout you got off of video fitness looks more insane than what I would do.

Suz, I am glad you got hold of your Dad. I know I sometimes can't reach mine and find out he has had some surgury or been sick. I know they are adults and they find it hard not being totally self sufficient at times. I can understand them wanting to try though.
It is tough for us to watch.

Meahgan, you got a good workout in. You are doing great. WHat fun walking with your friend. It gives you a chance to get out with someone else and not spend all of your time alone with the children.
How are things going with the babysitting?

Dallys, find some fresh food yew. Old veggies does not sound good.

Anne, I hope you are doing well this evening?


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