Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for April 2021

Belinda, I had a feeling that Suzanne was having some problems or something. It did not seem right that she would keep her streaming going without adding and ignoring her users. I do not think that I would get the Covid vaccine because I heard that it can actually cause problems for those with auto immune conditions. I have heard so much about methotrexate. I bet they have to test you often for side effects and liver or kidneys. They do me every 6 months anyway and I am not using that. I understand you using all of the masks. Maybe someday they will get rid of this crazy virus.
Diane - I will sent you a pm. That is why I am not taking the vaccine. Too many unknown.What's been known the vaccine wouldn't work/protect me as it would someone else. Who knows what the vaccine will trigger once I take it? I already have very bad medicine side effects. My body is attacking my now body.I would have to stop taking meds a week before taking the vaccine and a week after. I already have a compromised immune system, I don't need to worsen it more. You still get covid even if you fully vaccinated. The vaccine have never been tested on relapsing polychondritis since RP is so rare. They know very little about RP. I didn't liking meds, nothing else brought the inflammation in my ear down. I am in remission that is what my rheumatologist is calling it. I am getting closely monitored on the medication. My liver was very elevated a few weeks ago, my doc has me take half the meds in the morning and half at night. I have to take medication for RP for the rest of my life. I will talk to my rheumatologist when I can switch to something less aggressive. If I remember correctly he wants me on the medication for a year. I just read the other day, a very healthy young woman had organ failure after getting the second vaccine. Very sad when you hear things like that. What do you think of the vaccination passport that everyone wants to push?
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Happy Easter,

Diane- there is a really pretty five pan pallet from Elf cosmetics for 3.00 or you might be able to find it at Walmart Target or CVS
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No workout today. Some of the family came by and we have just been working on getting things put up and hung a few pictures. We have curtains coming for some windows. Still clearing the garage. My husband is trying to get it to where we can put my car in. I am parking in the part of the garage where the tornado shelter is. Right now it is outside due to stuff.

Belinda, I fully understand where you are at with RP. It is sad to see young people or perfectly healthy people have reactions like that girl. I do not think that it is right to demand we get vaccination passports. It is just another step toward taking away our freedoms and I am still not trusting the vaccine. They need a lot more years of study and people taking it before they know who can and cannot have the vaccine. I was a little surprised that one of the elderly ladies in my game day group was given the vaccine. I guess she is okay. She came to church today for the first time since the pandemic started. She has ITP and her platelets are monitored and she has to go in for infusions. I would have worried about that. I heard they were talking about a covid booster with future flu shots combined. It was just from someone else though so I am not sure if that is true or not. I also think that it is wrong to push the covid vaccine on children. At the start there was reason that they thought they should not give them to children.

Roxie, thanks. I have seen some of the Elf cosmetics at Walmart. I have not been to a Target in years.
Diane - there are side serious effects involved for some people if they take the covid vaccine/or any vaccines. I agree, they need a lot more years of study on the vaccine. You take the vaccine at your own risk. I read you can't even sue if anything happens if you get the vaccine. The drug makers behind COVID-19 vaccines have been given an exemption for any legal responsibility if there are serious side effects to their shots. They are pushing the vaccine on people.
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Carolyn posted day one of EPIC FIRE this morning. I gather these are going to all be 30 minute workouts. This was Legs - lots of legs. 3 minutes of 3 different exercises each done 10 reps and you just keep repeating until the 3 minutes is up. Then a break and a new group of 3 exercises for 3 minutes. I think I will have DOMS tomorrow even though I had to take a break part way through to take the puppy outside.

Then I did about 10 minutes on the spin bike.

I have a physician friend that thinks the long-term effects of the viruses our bodies pick up is more risky than the shot. She's a big proponent. Her thinking is that these people now with the memory and muscle illnesses (Alzheimers, Parkensins etc) are caused by viruses earlier in people's lives. She got the shot as soon as she could! My mother though (in her late 70s) really had a tough time with the 2nd shot though my dad was just fine after both.
I couldn't find this thread again on the forum. I have to search my name and then it will take me to it. Where is it under Check ins??? Anyway, I am starting to feel better but I am NOT working out again because I have not eaten a lot the last few days and I feel too weak to lift weights today. I cant walk because I am pretty sure I fractured my big toe and it hurts too bad to walk right now. I plan to fuel myself all day today and hopefully have enough energy tomorrow to workout. I slept 12 hours last night and I am still tired! It turned out to be a long day yesterday visiting my parents, we spent 7.5 hours in the car for a 2 hour lunch!!! No more traveling on holidays, we can either celebrate the weekend before the holiday or after. It is not fair to the people that have to drive to the occasion.

Diane Sue, how do you like your new house so far? It seems that you are unpacking very fast so I am sure you feel at home already. I am not getting the vaccine, are you getting it, I know you had the virus so I dont think you need to get it right?

Doreen, Nice leg workout today!!! I wouldn't be able to walk the next day if I did that workout :)

BBL to read your posts for the day.
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Today I did RAW Hi Low: Step and had a great workout. I love this workout, it is so fun. The only thing that could make it more fun is if she did the entire three combos all together at the end. Now that would fun.

Workout was 39 minutes, burned 257 calories, did 3876 steps and HR was 123/160.

Had a good Easter but ate way too much. My body did not like that and this morning after the step workout I tried to do RAW Stretch but my stomach kept cramping up. I did about half of it and then felt like I was going to puke so I stopped. I feel better now but boy that was bad.

To any of you who love makeup like I do, I just purchased two eyeshadow pallets from Sigma that I've heard a lot about. One is Hazy and the other is Ivy. You can check Hazy out HERE and Ivy HERE - I hope they are as pretty as they look online. I hear they blend like a dream. I was also very alergic to any type of purple eyeshadow back in the day but anymore I seem to be able to wear them. Maybe they took out the ingredient that irritated people's eyelids because I knew a lot of people who couldn't wear purples. Mine was so bad my eyelid swelled my eye shut for several days. I went to a dermatologist and they gave me cream medicine. It was awful. That was years ago, when I was in my 20's and I seem to be ok with the color now.

Jolie - I wonder why you can't find this thread? That is really weird. I'm sorry you have been under the weather, hope you are better now. Ouch on that toe, that is incredibly painful when you do that. I've done it before although I don't think I've ever broken my toe.

Roxie - I have that Elf pallet, I like it ok, but the colors are a bit too shimmery for me. I like that matte mauve that is in that pallet, though, it is a good crease color.

Diane - Glad you are getting everything unboxed and set up, I know that is a job. We accumulate so much crap, it is unreal. I was just at my mom's and her basement is full of boxes of JUNK. I keep asking her why she doesn't just throw the stuff away. I think I might start getting some out of there and just putting it to the curb. Ridiculous to keep all that stuff.

Belinda - Great workout this morning!! Nicely done.

Doreen - That sounds like a good workout, I'm sure you will be sore.

Have a great afternoon!!
I am starting to feel a little bit better this evening so I am excited to start feeling better. I tried my elliptical for a few minutes today and it does NOT hurt my toe, so I can do that instead of walking until it heals. It took me 13 minutes to find this thread by clicking on your names on other threads and found a way to get here. I put our name of our thread in the search and it says there is no such conversation. This is very frustrating. I might have to talk to customer service tomorrow to see what it up.

Debbie, nice workout. I barely ate anything yesterday, I wasnt feeling well and I was so tired.

Roselyn, nice job on the leg workout today.

Talk to you all tomorrow.
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Good Evening,

I did KCM ’s new lower body limitations it was a good workout. I had an X-ray done on my right pinkie today to see if it was broke. I fell at work on Friday and did something to it, they also did an EKG to determine if I was having an issue with my heart or just panic anxiety attacks. I just got the new Samantha March release from Ora cosmetics it’s all purples with a blush highlighter and bronzer.

Debbie-I like Milani to. That’s what Nars did to my eyes. I also forgot I ordered the Hazy pallet along with the new brush set.

Diane-it turns out those eyeshadows were more blue than purple.
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Today I did CDorner Latin Step for 35 minutes. I had to stop and help my grandson with his school work and it took too long. I just went ahead and stopped my watch. I liked it okay, but kept having to make stops and it is kind of dancey and doing the choreography was going well enough, but I need to adjust where my weights are stacked because I had to limit steps off the ends of the bench with the cha cha's and mambos and on and off the step. I should try the other room as I think I have more clearance. I have an all in one computer and a roku and tv in there. I want to get another fire tv. Latin Step was 35 minutes, 174 calories, heart rate 126/155. I then did CDorner Abs and Butt 32 minutes, 78 calories, heart rate 94/123. This one was all of the abs first with some using 10# dumbbells(I used 8's as she did not mention the weight till later), my neck and shoulder handled it alright. The butt work was mostly on the floor on the elbows all one side then stand and do deadlifts with leg crossed back then repeat all on the other side, 15's for the dead lift and 1 15# for the bridge work. The rest was body weight.
Total time was 67 minutes, calories 252, steps 3033. I had to restart my watch on the Abs and Butt because I pushed the buttons and was trying to stop start moves so it counted reps and accidentally stopped the watch and restarted. I kept forgetting to do the pause stop between exercises though. I think that is best for a workout that is sets and reps. I finally got the Wifi light switches set up. Took the Doorbell cam apart and scanned the QR and put it back together and found out that it wants me to take it back to default which requires me to take it back apart to use a reset button on the back. I had a hard to getting it off as I did not have the little key so used the one for my cell phone to open the little card tray. It was just hard to get it to pop off and keep it wired to scan. I will mess with it later. I had a grandchild and a dog trying to get out the door with me.

Doreen, my daughter is a dermatologist and her husband is police and they both got the covid vaccine. She isn't pushing it though. She always stands on the side of caution. I have read all kinds of things that they think may have precipitated those diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers. I think a lot has to do with genetics and also the individual's make up. I remember a relative that I met when I was 10 and visiting my grandparents that was all messed up because of a polio vaccine. Even if it is safe, I do not think it should be forced on people. The same is with flu shots. I get them, but I have friends that never get them. They think it messes with the immune system and the body fighting off those things on it's own and building up immunity.
That looks like an interesting format for the workout. Nice job and adding on some spin bike.

Jolie, why do you think you are so tired and not feeling well. When I had Covid I felt like I could do a bit of a workout, but did not for safety reasons, but I felt a little under the weather and slept and slept more. I was so tired. It took awhile to get past that. I did start to run a low fever though after a few days and that is when I thought I better get tested as I had been exposed to it. Just wondering. That is a long drive for just a couple of hours. That would have been like when we drove to my Dad's in Nebraska. We usually stayed a couple of days though. It was an 8 hr drive.
My daughter told me I did not need the vaccine when she asked my husband if he wanted one. She would have made sure he got it, but he says no. I didn't really want one anyway and they did have a doctor on Fox News talking about the dangers of people with auto immune diseases and it not being safe. I am liking our home more and more as things are getting put away and we are getting settled in. When big trash day comes there will be a coffee table and lots of stuff stacked on the curb. We are tossing garbage bags full of stuff. It will feel even more homey when we get our curtains we ordered and stuff. Got a new clock today that is large and fits over the pantry and matches perfectly. The living room, kitchen, and dining room are all open up and the kitchen island is large there. I sit there to watch television.

Belinda, nice work with PHA Supersets. I liked that one.

Debbie, I really do like that Kelly workout. Yes, it would be nice if she would have repeated all three times. I remember a mineral make up company that I used to follow online and purchase loads of stuff and some of the purples they said not to use on the lips. They would add it to lip colors and stuff to make different colors. Some of them contained ingredients that I guess was kind of toxic. Even a pale kind of pink with a bit of lavender in it made my eyelids turn red. I still have that happen with some products. That is why I ended up with 100% pure, but had to hunt for another foundation which led me to Tarte. I have the same problem with skin creams. I had certain products from 100% Pure that worked, but they kept making new products and getting rid of the others and I got tired of trying to find a replacement. I use Skinceuticals which my daughter gives me her discount from work for. She buys me the moisture cream for birthdays and mothers day etc.. I purchased the eye cream. Otherwise I use Cereve face cleanser and she gets me retin A. Those pallets look like nice colors. I have never heard of that brand. My grandmother had a building next to her house packed with old magazines from years and books, lots of junk. We have cleared out so much stuff. After seeing what our Dad's had left us to go through, we just look at stuff and know we are not using it and not one family member wants it so getting rid of it makes sense. What means some good memories to us, is not what anyone else would want. We threw away our old yearbooks.

Roxie, I will have to check out the new Kelly Coffey workout after I recover from today's butt workout. I think I may have purchased that Elf pallet. It had a matte in it I really liked and sort of liked the light sparkly color. It went in the trash with a huge plastic tote of eyeshadows I just do not seem to use. Not favorites.
I'm excited to say I did a short weight training workout and just did stuff on my own so I can control the exercises and moves and not hurt myself. My tricep is still hurting but not as much. I'm now starting to wonder if I need to start working it a bit more, so I tried this today and we'll see how it feels tonight. I stretched between each exercise and then iced it when I was done. This is what I did - I lifted ridiculously light but I still felt it pretty good:


Set #1
Chest Press: 8's
ss w/
Biceps Curls w/Twist: 8's
3 sets/12 reps

Set #2
Chest Flies: 8's
ss w/
Hammer Curls: 8's
3 sets/12 reps

Set #3
Back Flies: 8's
Lateral Raise: 5's
3 sets/10 reps

Set #4
Shoulder Press: 8's
ss w/
Kickbacks: 1# sand bags
3 sets/10 reps

Stretched w/roller

Workout was 32 minutes, burned 76 calories, HR was81/117.

Then I walked on my treadmill for 22 minutes, burned 124 calories, went 1.03 miles, did 2528 steps and HR was 107/137.

I feel good now, we'll see how it goes later.

Roxie - I ordered a brush set from BK Beauty, just the eye shadow brushes. I've heard amazing things about the brushes this small company makes. I also bought the eyeshadow pallet they just released and love it. Do you know anything about Wayne Goss? He's a makeup artist but what's his game? He seems manly enough with a goatee and all, but he wears makeup. Very nice looking man but wondering if he's gay or if he is just a makeup artist. I don't care either way, mind you, just curious. He has some great tips and tricks on his Youtube channel, I really like watching him. Great job with KCM yesterday!!

Jolie - Glad you are feeling better!! Hope you can workout today.

Diane - Luckily my facial skin is not sensitive, I can use just about anything on it. I have Curology for the Retin A and I hear a lot of people can't use Retin A because it's so harsh. I also use CeraVe and Olay along with a line named Timeless for my facial serums. Love them. My skin has transformed since this time last year. Will your grandkids go back to in-person school next year? I know most of our schools are back to in-person learning but still letting kids do online learning. However, next year that will all change and all kids will need to report back to in-person classes.

Roselyn - Great job with the leg workout yesterday!

Belinda & Doreen - Have great workouts today!!

See you all later!
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Hi everyone,

I went for a long walk and I also did SBF Lower Barre w/ball plus Booty Restet Target.

I will be back later.
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Debbie, my elbow has been hurting me along with my Triceps, and I figured out it was Tennis Elbow. Go on Youtube and do the exercises they suggest for it and see if after a couple of days it feels better. Mine does just after doing it for 3 days, and my wrist doesn't hurt anymore as well :)

Still could not find this thread, I had to go to the Bell Alert icon and see where Diane responded to my response yesterday. This then took me to our thread. I log out and back in again and it only shows a couple of threads of other people.

Today I feel so much better and did CL Vertical Loading 2 and had a great workout. I was a bit weak feeling since I have not eaten a whole lot in the past week and I am still Intermittent fasting 16 hours per day. They say it takes a few weeks to settle in and that is why my energy levels are down. I don't care one bit, I am starting to loose weight and I sleep so much better. It also is a natural way of balancing hormones which is helping eliminate my hot flashes. Todays workout was 1 hour and I burned 468 calories. Cathe uses a ball, I used my bench. My ball is a bit flat and I cannot find the pump. I did my stretching as well, this is really helping the hip pain I was having lately. It is my hip flexors and hamstrings pulling, and if I stretch I do not have the problem anymore.

Debbie, I am so happy that you lifted some weights today!!!! Try the stretches for your elbow and see if it improves your triceps issue. It is all related and sometimes you need to go elsewhere to find the answers. I want to get back to walking on my TM but my toe is very sore still. I need to rest it a bit and it will probably feel better in no time.

Diane Sue, That is really cool that you have all of that smart technology in your new house, if you can figure out how to use it :) I am a little behind the times with some of the stuff, the kids can figure out anything. Nice workout today, I bet the music was fun in that workout.

Belinda, Roselyn, Doreen and Roxie, I hope you have a great workout today. BBL to read your posts for the day if I can find the thread!!!!
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Good Evening, no workout today hubby and I went and picked up my wedding ring I had to have it cut off and resized.

Debbie-I have been wearing Loreal infallible but I noticed tonight my face was white and peeling around my mouth so I need to try something else
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Today I did CDorner Cardio Mash Up, 46 minutes, 287 calories, heart rate 148/182. I then did Cathe Perfect 30 Perfect Pump Upper body (skipped warm up, pullovers, shoulders, and triceps push ups) 15 minutes, 60 calories, heart rate 110/135. I finished off with Perfect 30 timesaver flow mobility stretch, 11 minutes, 29 calories, heart rate 92/108. Total time was 72 minutes, calories burned 376, Steps after workout and early morning activity was 5,710. I forgot to check before I started the workouts.
One arm row 25# ; 25#
bent over clutch row 20# dbs
posture pulls with band
rapid row toss 20# db
standing sweeper curl 2 reps 20's dropped to 15's
clutch curls 15# dbs
biceps curls 15# dbs; 12# dbs;10# dbs (dropsets)
overhead triceps extension 20# db
banded kickbacks
triceps dips with 12# db drop set on reps

Debbie, nice job on the weight training today. I am missing the weight training and I know the body needs strength to carry me around. It is just how to keep up the muscle and bone without pain. I tried heavier on the biceps, but second set at 20's and I could feel it in my neck and shoulders. I feel so much weaker than I used to be. Generally I would use 25 or 30 for an overhead triceps extension, but I thought I was pushing it getting the 20# overhead.
I am pretty certain the grandchildren will be back in school unless our leaders come up with some other excuse to lock down. They are registered for school. There was something about the elementary school that my grandson attends on the news and the education system checking them out as they are the only ones that have not went back into the classroom. Although honestly doing it the last semester would probably mean a lot of work catching up for some children and back tracking. There are kids that do not show up for the zoom classes and blow off the work because no guidance at home or with whoever they are with during the day. School is out late May.

Belinda, nice work getting in some barre work and a walk today. I hope that you were able to soak up some sunshine. It was warm here today in the 70's, but so windy.

Jolie, I am glad that you are feeling so much better. Nice work with Vertical Loading 2. I get frustrated trying to figure these things out. I need my granddaughter's husband who is IT to come over. He set up the electronics here when they helped unpack. I got him to figure out setting up my Withings Scale with wifi instead of just bluetooth when I was having problems figuring it out. Most instructions are very vague with no pictures. I had to work on it here with the new internet. Haven't got my Withing blood pressure monitor figured out to get the new wifi though. It should be sinking with my app where I can print it or forward it to my doctor if I need to.

Roselyn, nice work with back and biceps.

Roxie, nice that you got your wedding ring back. I had to have one cut off once, but it was because my finger got infected and swelled up. Now it rolls around my finger.

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