Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for 5/29


Morning! DH and I were supposed to get up and do STS Disc 15, back and biceps. But he wanted to sleep in- no worries, I can do the workout later while the kids nap. I find that if I get to eat before lifting I have more energy anyway, so it will be a good workout. I would eat in the morning but I'm already up at 5, can't see getting up earlier just to eat.

I've been feeling mushy and fat the past few days. I know my eating was off over the weekend but man am I paying the price! Phooey! I'm hoping I will look more like myself next week. Also, this meso 2 is kicking my butt! I'm starving and exhausted- hoping I will feel a little better in a week or so.

I made this last night and it was really good! I mean, better than I even expected. DH and I slurped it up. I got the original recipe from this recipe board actually, but I added a few things so here is how I did it.

Creamy chicken tomato soup

1 cup of plain, nonfat greek yogurt
1 can tomato sauce
1 cup uncooked quinoa
1 carton of chicken broth
1 yellow squash, shredded
Chicken breast
Juice from fresh lemon
Couple of glugs of soy sauce

Prepare quinoa according to package directions. Put the chicken in the pan and season with plenty of salt and pepper. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until done. Cut up chicken and add to quinoa when it is done. Add yogurt, yellow squash, lemon juice, soy sauce, broth, some garlic and tomato sauce. Simmer and serve.

Had 12.5 ounces of chicken, plus a little less than a cup of yogurt.

Whole recipe:
1631 cal / 166 carbs / 29 fat / 161 protein / 21 fiber

If serving four:
408 calories / 42 carbs / 7 fat / 40 protein / 5 fiber
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I got in my ride. Sprinkled some, but went with it anyways. The little sprinkles were refreshing. Enjoyed riding down the nice country roads and waving my hand thru the tall grass on the side of the road. I just love the beauty of it all.

Today I will work legs/abs and mow the grass.


As hard as you workout and as dedicated as you are, I would not fret.


Does your husband love to watch the news too?

Have a great day everyone!
Charlotte: Love that mental picture of you skimming the grass with your hand. Nice. :) Glad you're enjoying the rides and enjoy Mow Max. What are you doing for legs?
Today was cardio. I actually felt like doing cardio today, too. So that was good. I had a really good workout and feel good today. The sun is FINALLY shining. Geez, we've had rain since Monday night.

I chose another one of my Cardio Coach mixes. It had 4 challenges on it.

63 minutes total
5 min. below zone
29 minutes in zone
30 minutes above zone
518 calories burned
4 miles travelled

Travelled a total of 8 miles this week. :hyper:

Hope you all have a great Friday!

Char - Your bike round sounds so serine! I bet you just love those!

Patti - Like Char said, with the workouts you do, don't worry about it. But I can sure relate. I ate so bad last weekend and I'm still paying for it!!
Thanks. I plan to (post my workouts) as soon as I've recovered. I'm benched for now, thanks to a Lupus and MS flare-up/relapse. I did an intense STS leg workout (last one in Meso 2) last Friday. I could feel something was amiss while doing the workout, but kept the intensity up as high as possible. Saturday, I hit the wall. I spent the entire weekend in bed. My legs wouldn't work, the pain in joints and muscles was incredible. Lungs on fire.

Better now, but limping. I'm seeing my Rheumie early tomorrow morning. I'll let you know what he says and what he makes me take. :D

Wow, I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Please join in here whenever you can. :)
Hey guys,

Quick check in, I’m trying to get out of here by 12:30 today :D I will talk to you guys on Monday. BTW, starting STS Sunday.


35:00 minutes
2:48 miles traveled
293 cals burned

And I did Muscle Max upper body premix.

Have a great weekend:rolleyes:
Morning! DH and I were supposed to get up and do STS Disc 15, back and biceps. But he wanted to sleep in- no worries, I can do the workout later while the kids nap. I find that if I get to eat before lifting I have more energy anyway, so it will be a good workout. I would eat in the morning but I'm already up at 5, can't see getting up earlier just to eat.
I've been feeling mushy and fat the past few days. I know my eating was off over the weekend but man am I paying the price! Phooey! I'm hoping I will look more like myself next week. Also, this meso 2 is kicking my butt! I'm starving and exhausted- hoping I will feel a little better in a week or so.
I made this last night and it was really good! I mean, better than I even expected. DH and I slurped it up. I got the original recipe from this recipe board actually, but I added a few things so here is how I did it.
Patti, Thank you for the recipe, I'll try it out very soon. Sounds so yummy.
Sound advice to do workout when it's convenient for you. Eating the way I did during the holiday, made me feel mushy too. Don't worry though, just get right back in as you plan and you'll feel better in no time. Seriously.:)
Also, working differently will make your body confused. Perhaps that's why your body is feeling hungry, or it could be that you need to eat more protein.

Yesterday I got in my ride. Sprinkled some, but went with it anyways. The little sprinkles were refreshing. Enjoyed riding down the nice country roads and waving my hand thru the tall grass on the side of the road. I just love the beauty of it all.
Today I will work legs/abs and mow the grass.
Char, Sounds like you will have a great day and a great workout. Love it when moods are high.;)

Today was cardio. I actually felt like doing cardio today, too. So that was good. I had a really good workout and feel good today. The sun is FINALLY shining. Geez, we've had rain since Monday night.
Debbie, Sounds like your energy level is up there. Have a great day, you deserve it.

Quick check in, I’m trying to get out of here by 12:30 today :D I will talk to you guys on Monday. BTW, starting STS Sunday.
35:00 minutes
2:48 miles traveled
293 cals burned
And I did Muscle Max upper body premix.
Teddygirl, I know how it goes when you have a short amount of time. Will look forward to hearing from you on Monday. Your stats are great.

I did a bosu cardio workout today.
RPAGE, I love bosu workouts, especially with Cathe. Just yet another way to do cardio/exercises.

I'm doing cardio today, don't know which one, but will be doing a longer one today, 45-60 min. Talk again later.

I've been feeling mushy and fat the past few days. I know my eating was off over the weekend but man am I paying the price!

Patti - I can so relate! I saw myself in a dressing room mirror today!:eek::(:confused:


Does your husband love to watch the news too?

- I cracked up when I read this, because yes he does! And I tell you my DH is not spontaneous at all! He totaled his car in March and is just now finally purchasing one, because of being so crazed about making sure he choose the right one!:confused:

Today was legs. And when I first arrived in my workout room I planned on keeping all the weights the same, because I didn't feel like working out let alone pushing harder. But once I started setting up the competitor in me took over saying "you can do more." So I upped the weights a little

IMAX2 through first blast as body warmup.

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for every exercise.

Squats - 35#
Jump Squats - 8#
Sissy Squats - 8#
Romanian Deadlift - 35#
***upped weight 3# on the jump & sissy squat warm-up sets

1 Working Drop Set, Rep Pattern 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20.

Squats - 114,104,94,84,74,64 #
***Added 2# to all sets
Jump Squats - 31,26,21,16,13,11, #
***Added 1# to all sets, because DB were set up that way from yesterday!
Sissy Squats -31,26,21,16,13,11 #
***Same increase here as the jump squats
Romanian Deadlift - 124,114,104,94,84,74 #
***Added 2# to all the sets

Squats - 52#
*** Up 5# here.

Didn't feel like walking on the TM, so I did 1-3 of IMAX3. Workout was 1:03 and I burned 452 calories.
Linda: WTG on upping your weights! I had to lower my bicep weights from last week's workout with STS- same exact workout, too. Hmm, must be a sissy day for me and a strong one for you! :p

Teddy: Enjoy your date with STS. It's good stuff, although I am looking forward to my next rotation (whatever it might be).

Debbie: Great calorie burn! Anything over 500 calories is something to celebrate.

Thanks for the empathy on feeling mushy. I have been eating well this week and feel better than I did on Sunday, that's for sure. I am hoping by this time next week I feel like me. How come it takes so much longer to UNDO the damage?

Went with my mom and the kids to the outlet mall. I spent $$$ at Gap- I love their tank tops and their built in bra tops for my weight workouts. I love how I even buy workout clothes at the outlet mall! What can I say, I'm a maniac! :D
Wow, I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Please join in here whenever you can. :)

Thank you! :) Rheumie doesn't know what is causing my symptoms, but he ordered up a bunch of tests and cultures. He gave me some new anti-inflammatory that doesn't seem to be working very well (yet). We'll see. Normally, getting sidelined like this would drive me nuts. I'd be fixating on how it was stalling my progress. Not this time.

Hey, I think I'm finally growing up! LOL! I'll catch you on the upswing!


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