Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check-in for Wed., Sept. 27

I'm getting pics in soon. My life is really going hard now. School and everything is hard on top of everything i do. Sorry I don't have all the time in the world to stay home, workout, take pics, and post like many of you do

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Hey Anne...you get what you pay for right??!! They'll be running to you fix the damage they got from that $9 cut.

I LOVE my treadmill....but if I didn't have a TV in my workout room then I'd probably hate it.

Toasty - Girl, you had an awesome workout...whenever you get through!!

Suz - You crackin me up about them HOT legs of yours...It seems like the squats go on forever on that workout....and again I say...OUCH!!

Well...I went for about a 4-mile run at lunch and then I did some chest work. Here's what I did:

Chest Press (smith machine) - Pyramind 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Incline Chest Press (smith machine) 3 sets of 8
Flyes - 3 sets of 8
Incline Flyes - 2 sets of 10 and 1 set of 8
Chest/fly combo - s sets of 8

Hey girls.Today I did yoga for 13 min abs from sjp and a 2 mile 20 min run.I wore my monitor for the run and stretch only I burned 250 cal.I was a bit suprised altho I was running over 80% of max hr the entire time.Everybody has been slammin those workouts today.
Can't wait for bigest loser tonite.
Yeah Marietta - that WHOLE workout goes on forever. :)

Hey Adri - I actually work full time so no staying home all day and taking pictures for me. I just thought you said you were posting them over the weekend. I'm impatient! :p


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


Your a clown!!! LOL! All of this is making me think I need to start taking more pictures??? LOL! I have so much time...he he.


Great workout as usual! Who do you like the best on The Biggest Loser?


Your making your workout a mystery? lol. What weights did you use? Just pickin'. You are a machine, girl! Let me know what batteries you use too. I need some of that energy.

Well I gotta go eat. Probably cold by now. lol

Hi again. LOL!

Marietta, I love my weighted gloves. Just 1lb. adds alot more intensity to a workout.

Toasty Bionic pull up girl, Wow! 7! That's great!

Anne, let's see a picture of the @$$ with everything sticking to it. LOL! By the way, I have super shitty baby fine hair too. Do you have a shop in your house? I would'nt waste time on a $9 hair cut either. We gots to get paid what we're worth.

Adri, ?

Sheila, good workout! I'll be watching Biggest loser also. :)

Added Pics for all the dog lovers here. :)

See I stay home all day and take pictures. I have so much time on my hands.

Dallys - those pictures are ADORABLE!!! Poor Dudley. :) What a cutie. They are all so cute and you do a wonderful job.

Charlotte - I know you didn't ask me, but I must say that I don't post what I lift b/c by the time I get to work I've totally forgotten! I can remember my highest weight but since I've been pyraminding more I'm a hopeless case. I need to work on that, especially if I do Debbie's rotation. But I'll tell ya right now I can't lift nearly as much as you do!!!!!!

Anne - I wouldn't even WANT to spend $9 on a haircut. That would scare me. Now if I had straight hair... :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


Well of course I am eating again. I am gonna have me some evil treats too when I go to Busch Gardens friday. Banana Split Chocolate Waffle cone with chocolate coated inside the cone and lots of hot fudge sauce! I have been so good and eating so plain. It is time for some fun! You should see my family around me when I eat it...like I have just had someone hand me a million dollars or something. So funny. I tell them to stop staring at me!
BTW, how come when I ask someone for a trim, I get a cut? I need a trim...been awhile. I use to pay $25 for a haircut. Now in Virginia, I pay $16. I have paid less before and came out almost looking like a man. It wasn't nice and the lady told me I had gray hair everywhere. She was about 10 years younger and I wanted to hurt her.


Stop forgetting. Write it down. We all want to know, but you got to keep track of your maniacallness too.
I JUST ATE CAKE!!!!!! Shame on me! We have a new residence hall on campus and they just had an open house and they had FOUR, count 'em FOUR cakes. Usually I don't eat that stuff at work, but...

Char - I actually do write it down but I forget to bring it with me to work. I will try to remember though. It's not that impressive.

And here's a question - why on earth can't I bench that much during a Cathe workout? I can bench much more when I'm lifting on my own. It must be the gazillion reps she makes us do! I mean, I'm a huge wimp.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Today I did get in Slow & Heavy Chest and Back, then Turbo Jam Punch Kick & Jam cardio and finished with a 2.25 treadmill run. I talked to our vet this morning and Jasmine was running a fever again. I needed the workout to try and focus on something else. After talking to our vet the last time dh and I went for a motorcycle ride. I felt so sad. He talked to our vet who informed us that somewhere in the next few months, a year at the most we would have to put Jasmine down. We could not stand watching her in that much pain. So we had her put down. She really did want to get up and play when we bought out things but would lay her head back down. She had to drag her back legs behind her to get a treat. This really breaks my heart. She would have been 6 mo. tomorrow. I just wish peple that breed dogs were responsible as this is genetic and we did let them know.
Today I did get in Slow & Heavy Chest and Back, then Turbo Jam Punch Kick & Jam cardio and finished with a 2.25 treadmill run. I talked to our vet this morning and Jasmine was running a fever again. I needed the workout to try and focus on something else. After talking to our vet the last time dh and I went for a motorcycle ride. I felt so sad. He talked to our vet who informed us that somewhere in the next few months, a year at the most we would have to put Jasmine down. We could not stand watching her in that much pain. So we had her put down. She really did want to get up and play when we bought out things but would lay her head back down. She had to drag her back legs behind her to get a treat. This really breaks my heart. She would have been 6 mo. tomorrow. I just wish peple that breed dogs were responsible as this is genetic and we did let them know.
Diane Sue, I'm so sorry! I know you guys loved Jasmine. I feel so bad. I had a customer go thru the same thing with her maltese recently, and it was just to painful for him to live with. The breeders really need to think before they breed. It's just not fair to the dogs. I hope the breeders of your dog will learn from this and not breed again. (((((Hugs!)))))

Thanks Dallys and Suz. We have not received a response from the breeder. I do hope they take this in and pay attention. It is not fair to the dog. We tried to do everything we could for her. I am so sad. I know eventually we will try to get another dog. I miss her so already. She was so easy to train and so loving.
DS- I am so sorry about your dog. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. I will be praying for you and your family. Sorry.

I did a 2.5 mile run on the TM. It was hard! I guess my legs were more tired from DOMS from L&G yesterday then I realized. LOL!!
I then did bicep work. I felt a little weak. I had to decrease the weights after teh first set! Dunno. I have tris tomorrow and that completes this rotation.

You guys all did great today. Have a good night.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in Sept 7, 2006 in boys sept album!!


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