Hardcore Fitness Maniacs check-in for April 2018

Today I signed up for Cathe Live and I am glad I did! I did one of my favorite workouts, Strong Upper Body with Core, and damn it was hard!!! I forgot how fast these workouts go and how many sets and reps there are in each workout. This workout was a Super Set for each body part, 12 reps per set, 3 rounds of the Super Set. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 408 calories. I used only DB's. My average heart rate was 112 and max was 157.

Back- ( 3 rounds )
1 Arm Rows- 25# x 12
DB pullovers- 25# x 12

Shoulders- ( 3 rounds )
Seated Overhead Press- 15# x 12
Rear Flies- 10# x 12
Incline Front Raise- 8# x 12
Lateral Raise- 8# x 12 ( I thought I would die!)

Chest- ( 3 rounds )
Chest Flies- 15# x 12
Close Grip Chest Press- 15# x 12
Chest Press- 20# x 12 ( was supposed to do pushups but those hurt my shoulder )

Triceps- ( 3 rounds )
Lying Triceps ext.- 12# x 12
Cross Body Ext.- 10# x 12
2 Arm Kickbacks- 8# x 12

Biceps- ( 3 rounds )
Traditional Curls- 15# x 12
W Curls- 12# x 12
Crazy 8's- 10# x 24 ( this was killer, what a pump in the muscle )


My muscles are so pumped right now, I am sure I will be super sore tomorrow! That was a lot of reps for each body part.

nice workout today! I like doing the rep out sets, they really burn the muscle! My son is a little better today. I got the 5- HTP like you suggested and gave it to him yesterday along with some hemp oil under the tongue and it really helped him. Thanks for letting me know about this product. I could not take the Kava Kava, it gave me such an extreme headache and upset stomach, there is no way I could take that daily. Did you only take the 5-HTP when you were feeling stressed, or on daily basis?

Diane Sue, Nice job getting in 15,000 steps yesterday!! That is my average if I don't do my long walks, otherwise it gets to about 21,000. I like the workout you did today, great calorie burn. I was tired today so my workout was tough to get through, I bet I will be really sore tomorrow. I told my son not to worry about college, just worry about getting through each day and passing every test that comes his way. He is so stressed, it would be a really bummer for him to leave the school and all of his friends. He does have the confidence that he will pass! His tutor said he was ready for his Geometry test today, we shall see!

that was a kick butt workout you did today! Do you track your calorie burn? We all have been using Fitbits, it is amazing how off my calorie burns were until I actually track it. In the end, it is all how you look, right! I just want to look good and feel good.

Roselyn, nice job on the workout yesterday. I started Cathe Live again, I needed a change.

Have a wonderful day.
Jolie, nice work on the live workout. You must be on your feet a lot if you get 15,000 steps average a day. Mine was 15.831 when I went to bed last night. That is with very little break other than about an hour of computer and reading time last night. Yard work, walking the store, and house work the rest of the time. Oh, and my workout :D My average is around 8,000 according to Fit Bit. 5-HTP is a bi product of tryptophan.
You wouldn't want to take it with any other anxiety type of medications. Maybe Google to see if it is okay long term. I was reading about this and Ahswaghanda and anxiety and adhd along with narcolepsy. Apparently this can help and avoid the typical drugs.
Diane Sue - where do you get all this energy from? gee! You are awesome lady.

Debbie - Nice workout impressive stats, nice job. PP I feel the same, I have to psych myself up for the workout.

Jolie - workout awesome nice job

Rose - hope you are having a wonderful day, weather here sucks argh.......
Today I did Cardio Coach 4 again and I am loving that workout. I had such a dread factor to it until now. Fun workout and I did well with it. This one has a lot of hill climbs, but the more I'm learning about running, the more I see professional runners train on hills. The sprint up hills, they jog up hills, so that is what I have been doing. It's tough, but then I find when I do a jog or sprint on a flat setting, it is easy. Love it!!

Workout was 45 minutes, ran 3.41 miles (weird but my TM showed 3.14 - same stats as the last time I did this only the FB showed 3.33 miles), burned 346 calories (TM showed 462) and went 6663 steps. Avg. HR was 129 and Max was 199.

I then did the ab work from Xtrain, I did Core #1. That is a great ab workout. Had to stop when she got to the plank work but still had a great ab workout. Anyone know if there is a Core #2 on this series? I'll have to check through the other DVD's to see.

Jolie - I thought you joined Cathe live before? Great workout, are you done doing the total body for now? I'm thinking of doing something else next week, probably Xtrain. I should check out Cathe Live but not sure I want to pay the monthly fee.

Diane Sue - Dang girl, nice workout yesterday. An hour and 45 minutes? I wish I had time to workout like that. The summer months I can since my work schedule changes a bit and I love it. It's nice to lift for longer than 30 minutes and then still get some running in. Nice job on those workouts!

DOZ - Great combo yesterday, that one looked fun!! I need to do some more kickboxing, but I'm having so much fun with running lately. Just makes me feel so good.

Roselyn - Hope you have a great workout! Still doing Beast!!! Nice job!
Today is my rest day. I am sore all over and loving it!

Debbie, I just go month to month with Cathe Live so I stopped it over 7 months ago and started back at it yesterday. You can choose from over 100 workouts for $10 a month. It costs more for one dvd that only has a couple of workouts so I believe you get a lot for your money. I think I am done with the total body workouts for this next month, I need something different to do and I want to do more kick boxing to loose some weight. I may make up my own weight workouts but Cathe Live has awesome boxing and kick boxing classes that burn a lot of calories. My feet are tired from so much walking and I am starting to get bored again with my workouts. I need some variety! Nice job on the running today! I am going to use my elliptical more this coming month as well.

Diane Sue, DOZ and Roselyn,
I hope you all have awesome workouts today! I will check back in later to see what you all did today.

Have a nice day!
This morning I did Kelly Coffey Amped Up Cardio both workouts, heart rate average 143, max 171, met 6.2, 290 calories, 5,023 steps. I then did Build and Burn Kettlebell Kickbox Fusion timesaver 120 minutes, heart rate averafgge, 136, max 170, 1,157 steps met 5.8. I finished off with Les Mills Flow, heart rate average 90, max 114, 46 calories, met 2, 73 steps. Total time was 98 minutes, calories burned 563, steps 6,252 from workout, total today so far 7,186.

Debbie, nice work on the Cardio coach and steps. That is odd that the miles were off. Maybe stride length or something. For some reason I think there is two core workouts on that series. Maybe check the workout manager. I am thinking of one with upper focus and another? I may be mixing up workouts.
Good Evening Everyone,

This morning I ended up doing a short workout, had so many errands and appointments. What a day just getting home; enjoying a cup of coffee, relaxing before my GK’s get here no breaks for me eek lol

Today’s workout, MIS Legs, chest, back, and abs.

Great workouts everyone, I’ll check back tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening.
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Doz, great job getting your workout in and errands. I have grandchildren coming for the weekend too.

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Today I did Cardio Coach 1, didn't have time for anything else since I had to get to work early today. Had a great, sweaty workout!

Workout was 36 minutes, burned 277 calories (TM said 349), went 2.59 miles and 5199 steps. Avg HR was 127 and Max was 201.

At work so no personals. Have great workouts and a great weekend!

Today’s workout, Cardio Coach #8 T: 60:00, D: 2:93, C: 354 this is one tough workout, but I brought it. Got a good night sleep; that always help and I did Les Mills Core Attack. My back is SO much stronger I’m able to keep up more, especially with them extensions legs out arms extended, altho I’m yet to master this ex with an 8/10 weigh, will happen. This workout so much more advance than the traditional ab workouts, really works the entire upper and lower. Looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. Guys, I can’t believe I’m on my last week of MESO 2 YAY.

Much to do today, cleaning, Walmart’s have a great day everyone, will check back.

Debbie - Nice work, I just love CC never get tired of them.
Today I started with X Train All Out Low Impact Hiit Timesaver floor only, 22 minutes, 146 calories, met 6, heart rate average 133, max 160, 1,621 steps. I then did Amy's Bento Ross Drop Set Strength Split 1 (I started with 3 and went backwards :) ) , 76 minutes(64 actual), legs, chest, back, core, met 4, 335 calories, heart rate average 100, max 139, 1,279 steps. Total time was 98 minutes, 481 calories, 2,900 steps.
I noticed that shoulders and back are only done once in these splits. I see why as they do shoulder work in legs as well. My neck and shoulders are so sore, I think I will be laying off of them next week.
sumo squat arm positions change each set (rack) 17.5#dbs, 8 reps, (arms up to goal post "rack"position) 12#dbs, 10 reps, (arms overhead) 10#dbs 12 reps all right then repeat second set all on the left side
Bulgarian lunge 17.5#dbs 8 reps , (arms rack) 15#dbs 10 reps, arms overhead 10#dbs 12 reps all done on the right then repeat on the left
Close stance squats 25#dbs 8 reps, 15#dbs 10 reps arms move forward and back, squat overhead press 10#dbs 12reps
single leg deadlift 17.5#dbs, 8 reps, w/ a row 15#dbs 10 reps, w/ lunge back push off 10#dbs 12 reps right then repeat all on the left
seated Arnold press 15#dbs 8 reps point in like pouring at the bottom, 12#dbs 10 reps, 10#dbs 12 reps
Double Vs forward and back 15#dbs 8 reps, 10#dbs 10 reps, 5#dbs 12 reps
Eagles seated (lateral raise) 10# dbs 8 reps, 8#dbs 10 reps, 5#dbs 12 reps
see saw press (alternating) 17.5#dbs 8 reps, 15#dbs 10 reps 10#dbs 12 reps
push ups 3 positions with arms extended out 8,1012 reps
flys 17.5#dbs 8 reps, 15#dbs, 10 reps, 10# dbs 12 reps
bent over rows 17.5#dbs squat position 8 reps, 15# dbs 10 reps wider hand position , balance 1 leg 6/6 reps 10#dbs 12 reps
deadlifts 17.5#dbs arms turn back and lift on rise up 8 reps, 10# dbs 10 reps arms lift out wider, 8#dbs arms lift to high rack 12 reps
hip lifts body weight 8,10,12 reps
standing figure 8 with halos 8#dbs 8 reps right and left repeat
tuck levitation 8 on step 8 on floor repeat
crunch lying on step with head elevated arms extended overhead 8 reps repeat
plank on step hop knees in right then left 8 reps repeat

Debbie, nice work on cardio coach #1 :)

Doz, way to go with STS meso #2. You are getting in some great workouts.
Today I did Cathe Live, Hardstrikes, minus the weight work in the last 10 minutes and half of Kick boxing and compound weights workout, minus the weight work. I have plans to lift tomorrow so I didn't want to do any weights today. I used my 1 pound weighted gloves today for each workout. If there was high intensity jumping I just did some sort of squat, my back cannot handle the jumping. Workout was 1 hour and 10 minutes and I burned 621 calories. My average heart rate was 126 and my max was 181. I think I like the PowerStrike workouts better because there is no impact and Illaria doesn't go as fast so you can really work on your form. I know Cathe really wants the get the calorie burn so she goes faster. Also, I like more kicking because it really works my lower abs and my legs and glutes. Variety is the spice of life right!

fantastic workout today. I hope you have a great weekend.

Diane Sue, That was another great workout today. I am going to do another Cathe Live workout tomorrow, upper body weights, not sure which one yet, I have to do some previews. Where do I find the workout cards with the exercises so I know what is coming in advance and I can set up for my workouts? Do you remember?

DOZ, you are doing some serious working out girl! Great job on getting through Meso 2!!! Have fun shopping.

My son and husband left for the University of Nevada today for his official football physical and the is watching the Spring Game tomorrow. All of the new players are getting introduced to the community during halftime so this is a big deal for him! I am so proud of him! I think back and I cannot ever remember him ever getting in trouble. I swear, not once did I have to ground him, not like my youngest son, always pushing it!

Have a nice day.
Jolie, here is a link to a list and some info on the live workouts that one of the ladies on another check in keeps updating. Last was February. https://cathe.com/forum/threads/updated-cathe-live-spreadsheet-thru-02-08-2018.309227/ I think to lazy for the gym keeps up with them, although she had blogged about having breast cancer, so I am not sure. There are no workout cards that I know of.
I had three children, and each one had different personalities and had to be handled accordingly. They just do not all fit in the same mold. You just have to love them and take them as they are. Chances are your younger son with your help will become a fine adult. I am not as pleased with the kickboxing workouts that are mostly boxing. I much prefer kicking and leg movements. I felt the Ice kickbox was way too much upper. I also feel that even those light weights used in a lot of workouts to help increase the intensity make the weight days less effective as the muscles are somewhat fatigued. I end up overtraining with all of those extra weights.
Today I did Cathe Live Strong Upper Body and Core. I did this workout on Wed. of this week and did the same weights. I love this workout, it moves quickly and works the muscles so good! Workout was 1 hour and 5 minutes, a little longer because I warmed up to STS Meso 2 to start to get the blood pumping. Average heart rate was 111 and max was 157, I burned 421 calories. I am tired today, my workout yesterday kicked my butt!!! Tomorrow will probably be a rest day.

Diane Sue,
thank you for the link to the Cathe Live workouts!

I hope you all have some nice workouts today.

Have a nice day.
Afternoon everyone,

Today was a much needed workout. All weekend I ate and I ate, pizza, chocolate graham crackers, my favorite, they were so good. It was truly one bad weekend. So decided to burn off some calories, and get back on track.

Today’s workout I did Cardio Coach ‘press play D, 2.75, C: 332, T. 60:00 and LesMill’s Core Attack.

I made a pot of spaghetti garlic bread for my family. I dare not eat any of it. Later after everything one head back home Columbus going to clean a bit and relax. Have a great day guys and enjoy your rest day.
Jolie, I am glad you are enjoying Cathe live. Nice work yesterday

Roselyn, good work on Bulk Chest and some tabata too.

Doz, it is hard to stay good with the eating when you shop for family and grandchildren and have all of those snacks and meals you really shouldn't eat in the house. I made spaghetti for my grandchildren yesterday with garlic bread. I saved some ground beef and made myself a hamburger pattie and a kale salad ;) The last two family dinners that I made for Wednesday's I made a paleo dish and cooked up a pot of rice for those that really wanted those grain carbs to put it on. I have been really trying to stay on track. I would probably not resist the pizza :) Usually I have my husband get me a salad when he orders pizza, but then I have to have at least one slice. Nice work on the cardio and core work.
Hello everyone, my name is Debbie and I am a foodaholic...

OMG, weekends are killing me. I have to seriously start eating better on the weekend. I feel all bloated today and crappy. No more. I usually let Saturday's be my free day and somehow it turned into Saturday and Sunday. It's gotta stop.

I am going to do three days of cardio and 2 days of total body this week and probably for the next few weeks. I'm not sure why, but I'd rather run than lift these days. So that's what I'm going to do.

Today I did Cardio Coach 3 and had a great workout. Love this one. I feel a bit better after doing it, but really need to hydrate today and get back on track, which I will.

Workout was 40 minutes, ran 2.88 miles, burned 311 calories and went 5764 steps. Avg HR was 133 and Max was 204 but that wasn't right. At the time my FB showed 204 I wasn't even breathing hard. I moved the watch up a little and it immediately dropped to 157, which is probably what I was really at.

I will try and get back for personals, I need to get to work! Have great workouts everyone!
Today I did X Train Cardio Leg Blast with Core 2, 69 minutes, 396 calories, heart rate average 116, max 153, 3,607 steps. I used Cathe's weights or around 5# higher. No workout cards for this one. I then attempted to do Tracey Long Core Movements bottoms up just core. I got through 5 minutes and 32 calories watching her, but it seemed what she was saying had nothing to do with the workout. It sounded like it would be the hips and bottom moves she was talking about. I am going back and preview the disc. It was given to me so I won't be returning it or anything. Total time was 74 minutes, 428 calories. April sure did fly by. May is a month full of extra activity for me.

Debbie, maybe the change with the cardio and strength will be just what you need. Nice work this morning.
Today I did PowerStrike 5 with 2 pound gloves and it was a very hard workout adding an extra pound to my hands. Then I did 1/2 of Les Mills Extreme Cardio Fighter using 1 pound gloves. Workout was 1 hour and 25 minutes and I burn 801 calories and my after burn was an additional 200 calories, I kept my Fitbit on and running while cleaning up the kitchen. My average heart rate was 124 and my max was 169. I need to kick up my cardio, I want to fit in a beautiful winter white dress I have for my sons graduation in a month! I will do it too!!!

So, the football player that Jack will be replacing at the University of Nevada went #33 in the NFL draft to the Cleveland Browns. That is probably 4 to 6 million dollars for 4 years! He hung out with Jack this weekend at the Spring Game and gave him a lot of tips and told him he has the talent to do the same thing he has done! Another player who went to our high school went to the San Francisco 49ers! The coaches and NFL players told Jack he has the perfect stature and physique for the NFL so that made him very excited to get to school and to start training. I am so happy his dream is coming true.

I know what you mean about being a foodaholic!!! Saying it out loud is the first step to getting the problem under control, Me too lately. I am going to do more cardio myself and do some upper body workouts from Cathe Live a couple days a week. The kick boxing works the legs really well so I am not going to worry too much about leg workouts. In my kick boxing workouts there are so many kicks and squats I thing I will just do some leg extensions and some leg curls each week. Good job on the cardio workout today!

Diane Sue, that was a great workout you did today. I have so much junk in the house having two teenager boys who workout out hard and can afford to eat it. It is really hard not to nibble on it........... That's my biggest problem.

DOZ, I will check back in and see what you did for your workout. I eat the wrong thing all the time, so I have to workout harder.

Roselyn, I hope you have a great workout today.

Have a nice day.

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