Hardcore Fitness Maniac Machines 3/19/2007

I'm Up!!! LOL!

This morning I did Cardio Coach #6 with Candace. I love this workout, the last two challenges are grueling. After I did that I did the ab work from All Step. I need to get one more day of abs in with this rotation, it only calls for 2 and I need at least 3 if not 4. And I don't care what anyone says about spot training, as soon as I start doing Cathe's ab work my abs start getting really defined.

Workout was 1:08, was in my zone for 43 min. (???) and I burned 333 calories. Traveled 3.45 miles. I cannot wait to get my new HRM. Mine screwed up on me again this morning!

Hope you all have great workouts!
Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did the Full Speedbody Workout followed by the Blast Workout and Ab Segment.......total of 1 hour and 20 minutes and I burned 450 calories. I really concentrated on punching hard and on the recoil and I'm already feeling it in my lats!! I really liked this even more today. I upped the intensity a bit more today. The ab work was good for a 10 minute segment. Good variety in the entire workout. I also did Yoga Wisdom for Neck Pain & Tight Shoulders 50" (which hasn't clicked with me) and Yummy Yoga (somatic release) for upper body 20".

I called my old department at the hospital to find out who they hired for the job I was told I was getting (was told I was going to be hired for a positon after my interview at the beginning of February and then they hired someone else). My DH is mad because they had a Temp in the position and if they hired someone from the outside instead of a displaced employee, he says it's really wrong. Anyway, called and talked to Charles, my old supervisor, and he said my old boss was fired 2 weeks ago for an incident and was escorted out of the hospital by security. I know some here will say she deserved it but even though she was difficult, she was a good person in her heart and I feel really bad for her.

Have great workouts............I'll be around later.
Good Morning
I'm doing B&G Overall legs premix.
Char Lowmax extended version do you add leg sculpting to that?
Debbie great workout today cathe's ab workouts are kick a##!
Have a great day everyone
Yes, i got my Cardio coaches.
2-vol ones 2-3-4-5-and 2 6's. I am excited.I was going to do rhythmec step, but...don't know.

Dallys, i have you boxed up, gotta go to the post office. I was going to tear out the labels, but were ripping when i tried..

Gota a foil . Gotta go,
Happy Dance...
Morning Maniacs! Not sure what workout I'll do today. I have a long day of work and might go for a bike ride after, if not, it's a weight workout.

Anne- That's great! I don't need the labels. About the Mountain Lions. I'm sure we have them here, but I never hear about anyone seeing any (knock on wood). We have black bears too. That's why I like to take my dog with me.:) Not that she would protect me, but I just feel better with her with me. In all my years of riding horses and mules up in the deepest highest of mountains, I've seen Moose (they scare the bajebbies out of me!) and Elk and Deer and coyotes. Once on a bike ride in the low foothills, I saw a badger and he snarled at me as I rode past him. I see deer and squirrels and stuff like that. Sometimes I will see the occasional snake. But, on average, I don't see much wildlife.

Char-Enjoy lowmax extended. That's a fun one!

Debbie- Good job with CC#6! Also, cool that Cathe is working your abs so well.

Randi- great workout!:)

Lora-Another great workout!:)

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Good afternoon, today has been sort of a chaotic day but I did get a workout in. I started with LIC cardio blast no str, then did the abs adding resistance, I followed with the M&F 12 week rotation phase 1 week 1. So I did 3 sets of reverse crunches 20 reps with 17#, then 3 sets of Bowflex crunches with 100# 20 reps,
chest; 3 sets barbell bench press 65# 10 reps
3 sets barbell incline press 65# 10 reps
decline barbell bench press 1 set 40# 10 reps
2 sets 50# 10 reps
Triceps;close grip barbell bench press 50# 10 reps 3 sets
triceps dips with 60# barbell in lap 10 reps 3 sets
I finished with Eoin Finn's PY4H Bliss

I have my grandchildren here this week and my grandson is spending the night. We made a craft project this afternoon. I actually took all 5 of them running errands and to the grocery store. They were pretty good and helped carry everything in:)

Everyone must be busy these days. This thread has been pretty slow. Everyone must be working out like maniacs!!!

Toasty - how's your packing coming along?

Deb & Meg - how are you liking GH these days? I think it's getting over the lull that just occurred after the explosion, etc.
Yes, I am working like a maniac. I didn't pack anymore today, Lora. I just relaxed in the morning, but later..this is what I did....

Low Max Extended Version, basically stuck with 80# BB

After first cycle...
BB Squats 20 reps with 80#
BB Plie Squats 20 reps with 80#

Second Cycle...
(same as above)

Third Cycle...
Leg Press 16 reps/each leg with 80# BB Deadlifts 20 reps with 80# BB
Did twice

Fourth Cycle...
100 walking lunges with 20# db's in sets of 50

Fifth Cycle....
The leg presses like above

Completed last cycle with another 100 walking lunges with 20# db's.

I am sore. Did Body Max 2 ab work.

Tomorrow is ride my bike and do PUB

Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't been around the past 2 days-I am extremely tired lately. Still getting my WOs in. Tonight's WO was Imax 2 for 20 minutes, Step Blast for 20 minutes and LowMax for 20 minutes. I ended with 10 min Quick Fix Abs. Not sure where the tiredness is coming from. I don't feel overtrained..my first symptom is usually eye twitching and it's not present right now. I am taking rest days when needed. Maybe it's still the time change thing or something.

Hope you have a great night! I will try to get more chatty soon! :)


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