Today was cardio I did Interval Burn and Jillian Michaels 6 weeks to a six pack which is abs and some cardio bursts, it got a bunch of great reviews on Collage Video so I decided to try it, I did like it.
Morning :D

Guess what? My boss called and said NO work today YAY!!!! I was going to call any ways and say I be in but taking my good ole time:eek:

Disc - 21 Back & Biceps

Warm up
Lat pull downs w/band
T-pull w/band
Y’s w/band
Pull ups overhand
Chin-ups medium grip

Barbell rows 40/12 45/10 50/8

DB One arm row 15/12 20/10 25/8 20/12 20/10 25/8

BB deadlifts 60/12 60//10 60 /8

Barbell curl 35/12 35/10 40/8 35/12 40/10 35/8

DB incline curls both arms rotate at top 10/12 15/10 20/7

DB reverse curls 10/12 15/10 15/8

Roselyn - Nice ;)
Today was yoga and I chose Karen Voight's Yoga Strength from her Yoga Focus DVD. I really wanted to do the yoga from P90X but the dvd wouldn't play in my dvd player. Not sure why, it's always worked before. Oh well. This one was only 30 minutes and honeslty, I'm not sure I could have done an hour anyways. My muscles are still so tight. I had a hard time holding alot of the poses and my balance was way off. I need to just keep at this.

Wow, we are in the middle of a horrid snow storm and I have to go into work today. I'm so pissed that my stupid boss wants me to get invoicing done today instead of Monday. What the hell is one day going to do? If I would have worked on Monday I would call him right now and tell him I'm not coming in. But I already lost that day and can't lose another. Sometimes I just don't get him.
Roselyn-I am glad you like Jillian, I have tried but her voice gets on my nerves :(

Teddy-YAY for no work :D Good workout!

Debbie-BOO for work, that does not sound very smart of your boss. And yes, keep at the stretching, you will continue to improve w/ patience.

Yesterday I did PLB-pyramid up premix and yoga tune up for shoulders. I matched Cathe in weight for legs :eek: That NEVER happens. I have barre on the schedule for today. TTYL
My workout started with Shock Cardio Circuit Blast 44 mi 316 cal. then I did Jari's Extremely Ripped Bootcamp Weights only and abs only followed by the stretch 50 min 305 cal. Total time 94 min calories 621.

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