Happy Halloween! What's your workout today?

I don't officially start my new workout program until tomorrow (conveniently when my new dvd's are to arrive...wasn't planned that way, I promise) so I'm going to do my all time favorite Cathe workout...Rhythmic Step! I can't wait :D.
"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one's watching.."
I was going to try to scare some weight off my abs, but I looked in the mirror and my abs scared me instead, so I decided I'd just sneak up on my legs. :+ I did CTX Power Circuits followed by Legs and Glutes. They're scared all right - I can feel them shaking!
I'm thinking GS Legs after doing the first three or four intervals of Lowmax. We'll see how I feel after my haircut.
Hi Leslie!

I just got my new Cathe DVDs and I am leaning towards Low Impact Circuit or Butts and Guts.

Although we have few children come to our house, my husband always goes nuts buying candy.

Happy Halloween!

It's a rest day in my current rotation, so either a little yoga or save it all for tomorrow (YES THEY SHOULD ARRIVE!!!). I'm suppose to do 60 min of cardio tomorrow..sure I'll find somethin' good!

Christine...your post made me LOL!! I feel like that a lot!

Look at candy pumpkin.
Pick up candy pumpkin.
Pop said pumpkin in mouth.
Repeat with opposite hand.


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres

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