Great Legs!!


Active Member
A big, enormous thank you to you, Cathe! :)

I went swimming a few days ago with a group of girlfriends. They all got into the pool before me, so they had a great view of my lower body as I took off my cover-up and walked to the pool.

"We love your legs!" they exclaimed as I climbed in.

I'm a 34-year old mom of 3, and most of the girls in the group were recent college grads in their early 20s. Needless to say, they made my day with their comment.

(And now I've got one of them started on your workouts. ;-) )

I've been healthy and active all my life, Cathe, but you've taken my workouts to a new level since I started with you 6 years ago. Thanks so much!

Awsome laura,
It's great when we can get other people started on the road to fitness with Cathe!

If you don't mind me asking, rotations have you done?

Congratulations on your success!
This is awesome! I had the kind of the same thing in a workout class last week. A lady said "can I ask you a question" and I said sure. She said, are you a runner? I said no, she said do you bike, I said no, she said your legs are awesome!:7 I've NEVER had a compliment like this - she knew of the Cathe workouts but never done she does now. LOL}(

Congratulations on all your hard work!
Woo hoo Laura! Don't you just love getting compliments from the younger generation :7

Here's to your great legs....Keep up the awesome work!

So glad you are enjoying your workouts :7
Great compliment! Boy, I am jealous. I want to go swimming. This weekend it will be in the 30s here (YUCK). Have fun sweating your legs into shape tonight.
Hey, Melissa. Sorry to take long in answering. I had a few computer snags this last week.

I don't normally follow rotations that are posted here on the forums since I just don't have the time 6 days a week to put into it. Mostly I make up my own, trying to hit a good balance between strength training and aerobics, mixing up the cardio between steady state, interval, and circuit training.

The one actual rotation I did follow was Cathe's Butts and Guts. A year ago I kicked up the number of workouts I did per week because I was trying to lose 25 pounds after my last baby. I used that rotation to get me where I wanted to be and then I slowed down to maintenance level the last year. It's a great rotation. Since it hits that whole mid-section with its Butts and Guts emphasis, it was a great post-baby rotation. It really helped me redefine my legs after not being able to work out hard for a while.

For others who are more "experts" on the various rotations, why don't you check the rotation forum? They'll have more input than I do.

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