Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

Hello. :)

Here is yesterday's CrossFit workout:

Warm-Up: 15 jump tucks; 15 front leg swings; 15 side leg swings; 15 strippers; 15 pass throughs; and 15 wall slides.

Skill: 7x1 Snatch (35#)

WOD: 10 Rounds for Time of - 5 chest to bars; 10 hand-release pushups; and 15 jumping air squats.

Overall, I was pleased with the workout and pleased with my performance.

Wendy: Ohhhh! Well that makes complete sense. Duh. Sorry! Sometimes I am such a ditz. Thanks for the explanation. Excellent workouts yesterday and Sunday! Keep up the great work. What is BBL Bum Bum? I must admit I about spit coffee all over my desk when I read that workout title. It took me by surprise!! :)
Hello Ladies. :)

Today's work out was 15@15/30 of weight training exercises, 10@30/30 of squat thrusts (burpees sans push up and jump up) and TA Meta Hip 21-30.

Katie:: BBL is Brazilian Butt Lift and Bum Bum is a cardio work out in the set. It's made by Beach Body and I did a BBL rotation once and it worked! I slimmed out through my waist, hips and thighs and my booty got rounder! ;)
That being said, I figured using this set would be a great compliment to my TA work outs. :) Nice work out you posted! I hear you on the adoption process frustration! I can only imagine how hard it must be at time! And yes you are will all be worth it in the end!!:)
Hi gals!

Yesterday CrossFit torture consisted of: high knees, butt kicks, and stretching for the warm-up. Then, 1x20 back squat (90#), rest 2 minutes, max rep front squat at same weight. I only did 6 front squats because I knew I had to save my legs for the WOD. Speaking of the WOD, yowza!! It was titled "March Madness," which was an apt description - 40 over-the-bar burpees; 40 thrusters (35#); 30 OTB burpees; 30 thrusters (40#); 20 OTB burpees; 20 thrusters (45#); and 10 OTB burpees and 10 thrusters (45#). For a thruster you hold the bar in a front squat position, squat (elbows touch knees) and as you stand up push the bar overhead for a shoulder press. It is an excellent compound exercise!

This morning I ran 2 miles in just under 22 minutes. I did not push my pace because I want to save my strength for Saturday. I followed up my run with 10 minutes of ab work and 10 minutes of stretching/foam rolling.

Wendy: So that's what BBL Bum Bum stands for! I had other possible ideas in my head..I wasn't even close. My favorite possible description was a workout that consisted of Jamaican type dancing to the "bum bum" song. :rolleyes:;):p I may need to check out BBL. I can use some help in the hip and thigh area. My booty is plenty round. Too round actually. As in you can't miss it. I'd like for it to go away a bit. :)
Hello Ladies.

Katie, Great CF work out and run! LOL on your idea of what BBL Bum Bum was. I will tell you that there IS lots of booty shakin' n squeezin' in these work outs! ;)

So today's work out was TA Meta Hip 21-30 and 10@30/30 of One Arm Shoulder Press Speed Squats.

Hi Girls.

I had a terrible day at work yesterday (office job)! That place is super stressful lately and y'day was extra awful! UGH! I can't win! I always end up on the losing end of a sh*t load of work that needs to be done and I just can't keep up! I have yet to catch up from the day they hired someone to do the other job! Always something getting in the way and they damn well don't pay me enough to bust my ass TRYING to keep up either!!!! My fire is fueled even more to go job hunting now! I WANT OUT OF THERE! UGH!!!!!! I was in tears again y'day for the 2nd time in 2 months! NOT GOOD! :(

Going to try and burn off some frustration this morning with a new work out that is similar to what TA does but it looks even MORE intense! *GULP*

Hello Ladies,

I have bad news, DH died Tuesday at around 4:45pm. He was diagnosed with esophageal cancer last April. It might take a while but I'll be back. Please pray for me & my family. I really love you guys for all the support you've given me.
Hello Ladies,

I have bad news, DH died Tuesday at around 4:45pm. He was diagnosed with esophageal cancer last April. It might take a while but I'll be back. Please pray for me & my family. I really love you guys for all the support you've given me.

OMG Wiggie!!! I am sooooo very sorry to hear this!!!! Please reach out to us if you need anything at all and I am sending my prayers and condolences to you and your family!!!!:(:(:(:(
Wiggie: I am so very sorry for your loss. I can not imagine what you are going through right now. Yes, please reach out to us if there is anything at all we can do!!! We are always here for you. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. (((((HUGHS)))))
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Wendy: Aww, girl, i'm sorry you had such a bad day at work. Have you learned yet that attorneys are ass holes? ;) Working in a law office is hard. High stress, not enough pay, attorneys walking around with chips on their shoulders, egos out the roof, last minute on everything, deadlines always changing, demanding clients, etc. Is it possible for you to make personal training a full time gig? ((HUGS))

Yesterday's CrossFit workout was a little on the easier side, which was perfectly fine with me. The meat of the workout consisted of: 1,000 meter row; 20 bench presses (65#); 20 box jumps; 40 sit-ups; 20 box jumps; 20 bench presses (65#); and 1,000 meter row. It took me about 20 minutes to finish the workout.

Today is my rest day as I prepare for tomorrow's race. Wish me luck! :)
Hello. :)

This morning's work out was kick-azz! I did Lauren Brook's KB Conditioning short work out minus the abs + TA Meta Hip 21-30 + 10@30/30 of plank to push up and ice skaters.

Work has calmed down and I have calmed down these past two days. Thank goodness!

Katie:: GOOD LUCK ON YOUR RACE! I KNOW YOU WILL DO GREAT!:D LOL re the explanation of attorneys. I don't actually work for one but yeah, that's basically what it's like around here. :rolleyes: The f/t position as a trainer is exactly what I want but it's not a position that I can just be hired into b/c you usually have to build your own client base in order to do it f/t. In gyms, you usually have to spend your own time (no pay) selling your training. I have no free time to do that and I can't quit a f/t job to do it either! In the studio I work for I don't have to sell which is great but he hasn't built up his business enough yet to afford me to leave the f/t position (yet). I can sign up to be a trainer in other peoples homes with a company I applied to but it's only part time work and nothing is guaranteed. I have no extra time in my schedule for it unless I quit the studio and I won't do that so I'm stuck. UGH! That's why I am considering looking for a part time office position (in other words - steady income source!) that allows me to have a guaranteed paycheck but also frees up some time to get a job at a gym and sell my training. It's a great idea in theory but making it happen is another story entirely! AAAAHHHH!:eek:
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Today's work out was another goodie!

12@15/40 of One arm db row r, squat with one arm shoulder press r, repeat on left BUT I did 10 reps of each exercise and finished out the 40 second interval with squat thrusts! I chased that with TA Meta Hip. Wanted to do a ten minute interval conditioning round but I was out of time by then....still a great work out!:D

Hello! :)

Yesterday's race was both good and bad. The good news, I finished!!!! :eek::eek::eek: My time was 1:13:05. I was slightly disappointed I didn't break 1:10, but that's okay. The bad news, the weather was horrible. It was cold and rained most of the race. Of course that pushed everything inside so it was crowded. We left rather quick after the race. I was freezing!! Overall I was pleased with my run. I felt great through most of the race and pushed at the end. I am so motivated now that I have decided to sign up for a half marathon. With the adoption in 2 months I'm going to wait to run the half until this fall. That will give me adequate time to train. I've got an 8K train run next Saturday and a 10K on May 3rd. Bring on the races!! :)

Wendy: Wow, what great workouts on Friday and Saturday. I don't think you needed the extra 10 minute interval conditioning round yesterday. You still did one heck of a workout. Great job!! I'm glad things have calmed down for you at work. Despite being an attorney I can't stand most people in the legal profession. Geez, that is a hard situation to navigate. Who knew becoming a full time personal trainer would be so difficult! I think you have an excellent game plan. Keep the faith, girlie! I am sure it will all work out.

Wiggie: Still thinking of you, dear!
Good morning!

Yesterday's workout was a little on the easier side. I started with Muscle Max: Push/Pull Upper Body premix (33 minutes) + abs (9 minutes) + 1/2 of stretch max 3 (9-10 minutes). My upper body was burning!!! :)

Today is CrossFit after work. I'll be back in the morning to report the workout. Hope you're having a great Monday morning. :eek:
Yesterday was:

6@15/50 of double arm tube row, double arm tube shoulder press - 10 reps of each exercise and finished out the 50 second interval with squat thrusts! I chased that with TA Meta Hip 21-30.

Today was:

12@15/55 of reverse slide lunge right, push ups, reverse slide lunge left, sb bridge with lateral roll - 10 reps of each exercise and finished out 55 second interval with squat thrusts again! I followed it up with a slightly modified TA Meta Hip 21-30 b/c the arthritis in my neck is bothering me today.

Katie:: Wow! Nice job on the race and congrats on the decision to sign up for an HM! That's a great distance!!!! :D Ugh, I opened my mouth too soon about work. :( It's all falling apart so I am taking it as a sign to get out and try to really get my training career off the ground! Job hunting has commenced in full force!!!!
Happy April Fools' Day! :)

This morning I ran 3 miles, and that ain't no joke. :p;) It was hard!! I think my body is still tired from Saturday's fun. I also spent a little time with my foam roller before work. My IT band has been super sore and I want to make sure i'm giving it adequate TLC.

Wendy: Oh no!! Is your job literally giving you a pain in the neck? :confused:;) I'd see if you can get some workers' compensation benefits for that. :p In all seriousness I'm so sorry to hear things at work are not improving. A bad work atmosphere affects every part of our lives. I really hope you are able to get out of there soon. Despite all that drama you're doing a fantastic job getting in those kick butt workouts. Great job! :)

This morning's work out was TA Meta Hip 21-30, BBL High and Tight standing band work and 4@30r/60w of squat thrusts/spd squat with shoulder press right/spd squat with shoulder press left/squat thrusts (so 1 round of each).

Katie:: LOL I think you are right about the pain in my neck!:rolleyes: Oooh I remember the days of post race runs! Tough stuff! Good job gettin' it done girl! :)
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Hello! :)

I tried to check-in yesterday, but had trouble accessing the forums. Oh well! Everything seems to be working fine today. Anyway, yesterday's CrossFit workout started with 50 high knees, 50 butt kicks, and 50 mountain climbers. After that, we worked on our split jerk form and did 5x1 split jerks (75#). I've done split jerks several times, but did not realize until yesterday that I wasn't quite doing them right. I'm learning! Finally, instead of a typical WOD we did max reps of: chest-to-bar pullups (15 reps with a black band); rowing 2000 meters (9:51); power snatch (45#, 5 reps, awful form - couldn't seem to get it right yesterday); jump ropes (129 singles...could have gone longer but I tripped on my rope, dang :)).

Wendy: Any workout called "high and tight" makes me nervous!! :rolleyes: Great job! Between Meta and BBL you're going to have one fine booty! :p;) Any luck on the job search yet? I know it is still early. I've been looking around a bit myself but I can't really do anything until the adoption is finalized. Do you think it would be crazy for me to run a HM in 2 months? I mean, I've already been training (sorta). I was going to wait until this fall, but our expected adoption travel date got pushed back (again) so now i'm thinking about running one at the end of May. I'm hoping it will give me something to look forward to and take my mind off adoption nonsense.
Hi Katie!

Yay for jerking correctly! LOL What is a split jerk anyway?? Nice work out! 129 jumps in a row w/o tripping? That's impressive! I must practice! ;)

Yesterday I did TA Meta Hip 21-30 and 20 mins of BBL Cardio Axe. This morning was my "rest day" so I did the first 20 minutes of TA Post PG work out. It was a short warm up and then abs, abs, abs! :eek:

Somehow I mis-counted...I was supposed to have ten days of the current meta work out under my belt by the time I "rested" but after doing the "rest work out" I realized that I only had 9. Oh well. I'm moving on tmrw anyway coz that's how I roll! :p LOL

So I finally caved...I've been "stalking" all of the P90X3's for sale on Ebay for about a week now and finally caved on it this morning and made my purchase! :eek::D Soooo excited! I hear it's a good program to pair up with TA! ;)

So an HM in 2 months? What's the furthest you have run so far?

So what's this about a job search once the adoption is final? Give any further thought to a fitness certification? :) I haven't done much in that department the last few days but I haven't changed my mind or given up. I will continue to look!
This morning I did a 15 min amrap of single leg squat curl press right then left, alt ren row with p/u, side slide lunge right then left, and double arm db rows. 10 reps for each exercise and I was able to do the circuit 2x in the 15 mins. No rest. I chased that with TA Precision Toning for Legs (15 mins) . Great stuff! I am on a short hiatus from Meta until my X3 comes and I figure out my rotation. BBL!:cool:

I am resting today. And boy am I glad! My chest and abs are sore from yesterday's CrossFit workout. We started with the usual warm-up of cardio and stretching. Then we did 3x5 bench press. I think I did 75# and frankly I was struggling. I've been feeling a little weak all week. Anyway, after that we did a 5 minute AMRAP of: 5 toes-to-bar; 10 push-ups; and 15 sit-ups...rested 2 minutes...and then repeated the AMRAP for another 5 minutes. I did 8 total rounds.

I also joined the Spartan 30 day pushup challenge, but I am not sure how I am going to do pushups today, lol! :rolleyes:

Hello Ms. Wendy! :) A split jerk starts with the bar at chest level (like you're going to do an overhead press). Then you dip, drive the bar up and over your head, while at the same time splitting your legs (one goes forward, the other goes back). It's a fun exercise!

I LOLed at your missing meta workout. It happens! ;) I was wondering how long it was going to take you to buy P90x3!! You actually held out longer than I expected. :p;) Enjoy your short meta hiatus. :)

Yep, I am thinking of running the South Bend Indiana Half Marathon on May 31st. It's a 4-5 hour drive from my house to South Bend, but I've read great things about this particular race and it is relatively flat. Kentucky races have LOTS of hills (it's the "rolling bluegrass hills"..what can I say?). The farthest I have run is 7 miles, so I am over halfway there. I'm hoping 2 months will give me enough time to work up to 13 miles.

Wiggie: Just wanted you to know I am still thinking of and praying for you!!

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