
Hi Everyone,

Hope all is well with everyone,My question is this lately it seems I only have time for weight training and my cardio is lacking a bit.
I want to lose 45 pounds and I know cardio is essential for the loss however I have 3 children the youngest being 3 months old and she really does not nap long enough for a workout.
I have been working with the ps series and I do back then tend to her about 20 min.later I will finish with bi's and so on and so on so you see I have to split my weight traing but I can't do that with the cardio BECAUSE FOR ME IT SEEMS CRAZY TO GET WARMED UP then stop then do 10 min. then stop so what kind of results should I expect from this I do get in about 2-3 days of cardio on a good week.
Hi there! I have read a lot of articles and studies about how several short bouts of aerobic exercise during the day is very beneficial in losing weight and helping with aerobic capicity. They say that 3 ten minute bouts are equal to doing 30 minutes at once. Maybe you could try that on the days that you cannot do your full cardiac workouts. Good luck! I sure remember the days when it was hard to fit in workouts because of babies and children! Mine are grown now, but.....before long I will have a new grandaughter!

I remember reading about 10 minute workouts being good also. How about a jump rope? That would be major cardio in a short time?

When my daughter was very small (a few months)I used to run up and down the stairs until I was tired several times a day, I used to take her in a backpack on hikes in the mountains (Tahoe)and walk as fast as possible. I used to go running and biking when her Dad was home.
I have recently been where you are now - I have a 1 yr. old and a 2 yr. old! When they're at that non-napping stage it is almost impossible to work out! I give you a lot of credit for even trying! Anyway, I found that interval training worked wonders. I have a treadmill so I am lucky but you could do your own step/cardio workouts in this format too. Do a 5-min. warmup and then work as all-out hard as you can for 1-2 min., then recover at a low range, then go hard again, etc. and repeat these cycles. Even if you only do 20 min. it is a great workout. The jumprope can come in handy here! Cathe has an interval workout called Interval Max. There are 10 really really tough intervals.You could do as many intervals as you could until you had to go to the baby, and then come back at another time and pick up there.

Also you could do circuits. By this I mean do a weight exercise, like 15 lunges on each leg, then jump rope for 1 min., then do 15 squats, then jump rope, then do shoulders 15 reps, jump, etc. etc. etc. This way you can do weights + cardio. Do lower body one day then upper the next. Or, do lower, then tend to baby, then come back and do upper! Besides jumping rope you could do plyometrics - jumping with arms up in air, jumping jacks, high-jogging. Maybe 1 day a week get your dh to babysit so you can go walking/running for 30 min. Also, with weights, I didn't do each and every muscle. I figured a set of lunges worked my lower body. Then shoulders, maybe biceps triceps and who cared about my chest at that point! And I did get into shape that way too.

Just be really flexible with being able to stop and start your workouts. I know, when baby cries in the middle of your workout it is frustrating! I had to run up 2 flights of stairs (from basement to 2nd floor) when she cried - so I would consider it part of my workout! Sometimes if she woke up and wanted me, I'd sprint up the stairs and go to her, and make her happy and then drop and do pushups or situps right next to her crib! Be creative, and good luck! Once the baby will nap you will have a more decent workout schedule!


I feel for you. It must be very hard to do what you are doing. I don't have three kids I only have one so I cannot really relate. But after I had my daughter two years ago I had some weight to lose and I needed to get back in shape. So what I decided to do is always take time to workout when my husband is around. Even if the house dosen't get cleaned or I don't have time to cook an elaborate meal I always make time to workout. I just feel that it is really important for me to do this. I'm never tired and rarely ever grumpy because I'm back in shape and I feel great. At one point I tried to workout during naps etc. but I just found it way too difficult and my workouts always got cut short etc. So I always just use any extra time I have to workout period!

Good Luck to you!
I have 4 kids and I remember those times well. It is a really struggle to try and keep a schedule. I always tried to work out before they got up, but when I couldn't seem to squeeze in a workout I would make sure I got a good hard stroller walk in with lots of hills. The kids loved it and I felt as if I had done something, even if it wasn't what I preferred. I also bought a Stairmaster when my first one was 4 months old. I would put the baby in the front pack, or back pack and get some time in that way. That could easily be done on a treadmill too. That Stairmaster is 12 years old now, and it was worth every penny even though I hardly use it anymore. My husband still uses it thank goodness! It also helps to plan in some time for a longer workout on the weekend when you know you have help. That way if you only get short workouts during the week, you have something to look forward to on the weekends. Just my 2cents. Have a great day. Janet
I amy be WAY out of touch, but doesn't anyone use playpens anymore?

I second the suggestions about running up and down steps, or do jumping jacks in front of the TV. There's also walking or running with a stroller.

Where there is a will there's a way.
If it is feasible for you, you could join a gym that has a reputable day care/nursery to take care of the baby (usually for a small fee) while you work out. I was lucky enough to have this option, and after experiencing what you described, it was heaven not to have to listen for the baby, which made me feel very anxious--the opposite of what exercise is supposed to do! Plus, you get to talk to real, live grown-ups! haha I met lots of other new mothers and it was a great experience. Another plus for me was it got me out of the house; I had a mild postpartum depression and the combination of getting out, having a little break from the baby, and the exercise was great.
Good luck!
Hi all!

I hear you honeybunch! :) But as I was reading the first few responses I thought what about a baby swing!! My kids loved the swing! My youngest daughter, who's 16 now, hated being taken out of the swing at times. I think she still likes the rocking motion because she has owned a rocking chair ever since she was 3 years old. Even now, and I mean right now, she should be walking through, tossing her jacket on the loveseat, backpack on the floor, and she's reaching for a CD to pop in her CD player which is permanently fixed next to her Glider. Some days when I get home from work I have to tell to just get out of the chair and go outside for a while!!

But really, consider the swing! You can workout with the baby in the room and talk with her at the same time. It worked for me/us! Good luck!


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