For Annette ( Aqua-Jock).

I didn't get threatening but mockery couched in humor as it so often is and I have to concede that that was in the quoted portion of her post and I do think it was there but may not have been on the second go around. Point taken. I think it may have been borne of feeling "shriked to death" in the first place which I had to look up! :) That too is a defense of A-Jock though I know she doesn't need it. I think she's still a class act. I also think I may need to quit taking myself so seriously. You guys make sense and show a maturity I hope I don't lack! Very enlightening!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Yep, this is a pathetic excuse for a flame war. What cha got for us there, old timer?

I'm going to go flagellate myself for that. :)

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Bobbi - I'm thinkin', I'm thinkin'!

Hmmmmmmmmm . . .


Here's a good flame war starter:



A-jock-Just wanted to jump in here and ask how your foot is doing? Hope to attend your class again soon.

Sorry to go off the subjet.

Good grief. Annette's post was not cruel at all. It was certainly no more cruel than some of the posts here in this thread. This is quite ridiculous.
>I may be reading into it, but I think the original post was
>an attempt to get people to change, or to rally support for
>change, couched in the guise of an "existential" query.
>As for A-Jock's post that is the subject of this thread: I
>think Tytbody would have remained oblivious to any negative
>tone in it if she hadn't seen THIS thread.

As usual, I agree with you completely, Kathryn. :)
Hey, Jo-Jo - my foot is almost completely back to normal. Am gonna give it another few days before I launch back into Nosebleed Village. I must say I'm pretty much sick of aqua jogging, but it's a blessing to be good at that when the foot's on the fritz.

I went back & read it as well. I didn't think any of Annette's posts were cruel. I did, however, think they were damn funny. So either I'm really cruel also or my sense of humor is just as twisted as AJ's, although not nearly as well expressed. :)
Personally I think flame war posts should be accompanied by dramatic music.... then we can make it almost aerobic. The theme from Jaws is always good to get the heart rate going, yes?

Okay, I have never been a flame thrower, starter or whatever ( I giggling here..), and I never said A-jock was cruel. I do not think you are cruel Annette. I simply felt bad about the way you made fun of the posters grammar/spelling...that is all. Simple. Honestly, I had trouble even following her question and like someone else speculated here, wondered if she was someone who spoke english as a second language..that's beside the point. The point I made and I know Annette got was that her response made me sad. That's all. That's it.

Just as an aside: I personally find myself searching threads for A-jocks responses to things becuase she cracks me up and I learn so much from her. I think we all know how we feel about her.

Are we good now ladies? Good:) dmd
RE: Oh come on!

You are absolutely right when you said that the response was not meant for me. I never thought about it this way. Thanks for pointing this out. I certainly was not taking it personally, I simply wanted to let A-jock know how sad I felt. I do remember when we could defend people here and be heard and understood, even if we were not agreed with.

I too miss Honeybunch and Donna and Trevor. Those were the good ol days weren't they? I still feel that sense of Goodwill here. This is why I continue to come back. I rarely post. This is the first time I have ever started a thread that was less than inquisitive or fun loving. dmd
I said that it was cruel. Writing a post that makes direct fun at someone who has asked what they think is a valid question on an open board, then having the poster give a "what's up" to some of the responses and then having misspelling and/or grammatic errors made fun of and then "high fived" by others seems cruel to me.

Again, imagine being that poster and seeing that people are making direct fun of you - it seems very hurtful and not necessary. And the poster did question why it happened.

I don't think that this forum has ever been about hurting people on purpose.
Not to drag this thread anymore than it should but I didn't see this as a flame war, just an expressed opinion. So here it is again, an interpretation of a post being misunderstood or misrepresented. This appears to be happening a lot lately.

Your right it was a hurtful and unnecessary way to respond to someone, anyone who I felt wanted to start a "thoughtful" ( still couldn't figure out what she was trying to get at..) thread. I know that I have seen responses come and go from A-jock and was really surprised at the way she chose to respond to this one. Oh well, hey, I know I come off all sorts of ways to people. We are only human. We have feelings. Sometimes we like to share them. Thank you for your input. It was good not to feel alone in this one. dmd:)
Thank you Candi. Indeed. I think we all got it. I have never been a part of such a thread. They aren't fun...yikes! Wish I could find A-jock and give her a kiss on that bald head of hers:).
>Not to drag this thread anymore than it should but I didn't
>see this as a flame war, just an expressed opinion. So here
>it is again, an interpretation of a post being misunderstood
>or misrepresented. This appears to be happening a lot

because people don't just read the written word but interpret it to their own perception. Personally, I know that when I have PMS, I can read "into" a topic a whole lot more than was intended. I AM NOT ACCUSING ANYONE OF HAVING PMS. Just stating what tends to happen with me.
Your cracking me up over here. Actually, I am PMS'ing ( should I admit to this?!!!)lol. Oh boy. Like Oprah says," That's another show". dmd:D
Now, that's probably something we can all relate to on some level...PMS, LOL!

I'm more than willing to blame any negative behavior on hormones }( and feel reasonably assured another woman would understand :)

Disclaimer: I'm also not accusing anyone of having PMS...especially me }(
I have RAGING (and I don't use that term lightly) PMS right now. So just take anything I say with a shaker of salt. And if anyone else feels like being hormonally self-righteous or dramatic, please feel free to use my PMS as an excuse;-)

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