'Fitness' waters......


I was wondering if anybody knew what the deal is with these fitness waters on the market. I love the Propel berry flavored. Is it better to drink one of these vitamin enriched waters instead of just regular water after an intense workout. I run a few times a week (I use cathe to cross train) and I'm not sure if these waters are the way to go. I'm not a real fan of gatorade.....maybe if I water it down some. I'm running a 15k in July and I will need to drink something as I am running (running longer than 60 minutes requires you to drink every 10 minutes or so) and was considering the propel water. Any comments or thoughts would be welcome. Thanks...

Hi Kim, I do know that as far as sports drinks like Gatorade goes, that really only applies if you're doing intense training like an athlete would. Remember, they invented Gatorade because football players got fatigued in the second half of the game. So if you're exercising that long, a sports drink like that might help.

Otherwise, it's always been my understanding that regular water is best because there's nothing to get in the way of your body absorbing the water, which you really need while working out. :) Don't know for sure though, it probably doesn't hurt anything.
I just saw someone talking about these. The so-called fitness waters are loaded with sugar. If you are trying to watch your sugar intake, you will definitely want to steer clear.

Most fitness experts will tell you that those other drinks (Gatorade & Propel) are all hype. They are full of sodium & sugar. If you want to quench your body, water & watered down oj are the best things you can do for yourself. IMHO

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